Posts by Metal Greg

    i have come across several affordable kempers lately, more than 3 of them were listed as having several knob lights not working.

    Is this a common problem? I know it doesn't affect sound but I still find it hard to pull the trigger even at 1400 to $1,500 on a unit with failing lights...

    thank you for all the replies, it seems that ever the room is more of a feeling than a sound.. I'm glad someone mentioned to the Head Rush 112 cuz I was thinking about purchasing one of them. And again the Kemper at the music store sounded absolutely amazing with the powered speakers they were running it through. Did the hair on my arms and neck stand up LOL

    okay I'm finally close to purchasing my Kemper.. one thing I keep reading about is that with the unit you will never be able to experience the amp in room sound that you will with an actual tube amp...

    My question is, could somebody please explain to me what exactly amp in a room sound means? I played on a camper with some powered FRFR speakers and it sounded like there was an amp in the room to me LOL..

    squarehead.. you mentioned that alot if newcomers realise that the powered kemper and solid state power amp dont behave the same as they are used to with their tube amps.. thats what im looking for.... but HOW do they not behave.. lol.. without hearing it. Pribably hard to describe... lol. Thats what i fear, not liking the solid state side of the amplification...

    cool.. I guess part of my dilemma is when I buy it the only way I will be able to use it is hooking it up to the power amp section of my Peavey head and running it through my Mesa cabinet.. until I get the money to buy a power amp and a cabinet that has full range speakers so with that said,, I'm trying to determine whether or not I'll be happy with that or if I want to send the thing back LOL I guess if I'm not happy with it I can just hang on until I get the opportunity to purchase tge other equipment... then i need tge 700 dolkar foit switch lol

    thank you Simon LOL I think I would enjoy that sound because I really want to hear the sound of a finished album every time I play my guitar even if it's just me in the bedroom that's how I want my guitar to sound I actually got to play on a kemper very briefly the guy had a Profile oven engl Savage or something like that and it was just being run through some small powered studio monitors and the sound made the hair on the back of my neck stand up it was so perfect

    the band I rehearse with does not have a PA and we play pretty extreme metal right now I use a hundred 20 watt tube head and I have plenty of volume and quality volume how many watts would I need for the solid-state setup using a camper to achieve the same thing?

    thank you John however I understand all of that already.. I understand the benefits, my original question is how does that sound different from an amp in a room which I kind of think I understand I guess I would need to hear both back to back.. I realize the Peavey Viper one in the camper are like comparing apples to oranges but even the VIP one is closer to actual FRFR then a guitar cabinet

    wow that is a lot of good information thank you.. I understand the reasoning behind using frfr... ut if I am on stage and I put a microphone in front of my Half Stack.... isnt that what tgw audience hears lol? Let me give a little background... I originally started off when I was a kid with solid state amps, but the bands i played with did not have PA systems, so we cranked our solid state amls to the loint of soundig like complete crap just to have volune to hear over the drums... down the road I had the same issue but we would also play shows where there was no p a system other than for the vocals so I want a Line 6 Spider valve tube amp Half Stack, and I liked it now I have the PV in the Mesa and I hated it I tried lots of different cabinets and they all sounded like poop until I bought an EQ pedal and put it in the loop.. still not a hundred percent happy but it's doable I got tired of lugging stuff back and forth to the rehearsal spot so I recently picked up a Peavey vypyr VIP 1 and it blew my mind how good it sounded especially on the 6505 Channel it sounded better to my ears then my actual 6505 Plus and this little amp has an 8
    " frfr speaker. All my life the tone I look for when I'm sitting at home playing or when I'm writing music the tone I want to hear out of my guitar is wiz the tone that I want on the album so I always had way too much bottom end in my tone and always came out mushy in the mix then I learned the guitars place in the mix so when we rehearse or play live I don't mind the somewhat sterile tone of my tube amp... but when I write I like to have that finished product sound.. so perhaps having the flat response full-range speakers is the way to go the only problem is I won't have the money to do that right off the bat.. I do also have a few questions about the kemper to help me make a decision can I ask them here I like you guys you seem to know what you're talking about or do I need to go to a different area of the Forum?