Posts by malice95

    I'm a bit confused.. I would like to place the HX effects in front of the kemper and in the kempers effect loop in stereo.
    so right now I have

    Guitar -> HX effects input
    HX effects output -> Kemper input
    Kemper main left and right out -> my speakers
    That should handle putting in front of the amp.

    Now where I get confused is the effects loop. So currently I am going

    Kemper send -> HX effects return
    HX effects Left send -> Kemper Return
    HX effects Right send -> kemper Alternative input.

    Then setup the X effect to be a stereo loop and lock it,

    Is this right? Its confusing hooking something with a loop to something with a loop.

    It currently is not physically possible since there is no wireless connection built into the KPA. I suspect that even the Ethernet connection is only using UDP vs TCPIP, and lacks a websocket or any other standard web interface (meaning you can't interface with a browser).
    The easiest interface would be bluetooth .... but even that might be difficult or impossible without an add-on piece of hardware since it is possible that the USB chip is a client only (not a host) making it impossible to do a USB to Bluetooth adapter to get wireless.

    Actually in previous firmware version they exposed briefly a web based UI over the ethernet interface. which uses tcp/html.

    See: More hidden functionality behind the KPAs built-in webserver?

    You can always plug the KPA into a wifi router for wireless devices. I am not aware of any bluetooth chips in the unit.

    So yes.. the hardware can do it. They just need to build it.

    I looked into these so called power conditioners.. It seems that many of the cheaper (sub $500) ones
    are essentially just glorified power strips with a surge suppressor built in. I decided not to get one myself but
    went with a nice quality surge suppressor power strip ($25). I think a better choice would be a small UPS.
    Although they don't make cheap rack mount ones it seems.

    The tuner output of the wireless sends a separate signal chain to my Bigshot ABY box, which then splits the signal again, sending one line to the TC Helicon GTX vocal pedal, and the other to the talkbox. This way, my actual guitar signal isn’t affected at all by any of the extra cable length that is needed for long cable runs from my rack to my pedalboard when I have the rack in the back of the stage and the board up front (which is how I run almost all my gigs). The longest cord I have in my actual guitar signal chain is 1.5’. Since the TC Helicon GTX vocal pedal and the talkbox aren’t part of my main signal chain, the long cable length doesn’t affect my tone, and this gives me complete control over being able to use all 3 signal chains together or independently in any combination.

    How do you combine the 3 signal chains? or choose between them? They all go to a mixer somewhere? So you run a dry signal to the pedal board.. split or send to both talk box and vocal
    where does the output of the talkbox or vocal go?

    Just adding a +1 on adding in a looper volume control.. even if its just a software volume that automatically lowers the looped playback by X%
    That would be a big help. Having to roll the guitar volume back via a volume pedal is just one more thing to think about when using a looper.. especially live.

    You can set it up so either the looper is pre-everything (basically the DI gets recorded, which is what you experienced), or post-everything (a recording of the rig being active when you record the loop).

    Have not played with the looper much.. So this might be a basic question.

    So does that mean you can record something with the looper, switch RIGs and play something else over top while the looper plays using the original RIG you started with?

    It would be great if there was a way to automatically lower the volume of the looper playback a set percentage amount.

    You might try a network hub (not a switch) as that should replicate the data out to all ports. Could work. Might get a bit confused seeing messages come from 2 KPA's however.
    A pure Midi setup would be ideal here as previously noted.

    I have that Gator bag.. only issue for me is the only has rails on one side.
    the back doesn't have a way to mount anything. So I just mount the Kemper and a rack mount tuner for now.
    Power wise I jut keep a quality power strip in the bottom of the bag to protect against
    spikes and such.

    I could see getting bigger rack bag in the future if I need to get a wireless IEM and guitar setup.
    In that case I'd probably try to find a 6u unit. For now this bag works well though.

    Anyone have a decent technique to be able to MIC a FRFR PA speaker (2 way) ?

    I ask because if you read my personal shootout post with a bunch of different PA speakers a few weeks back
    I was missing a DXR something from the occasion. Well I got tired of waiting for a local store to get them in
    so I picked up a DXR12 from the internet.

    So I currently have Alto 212A's, Yamaha DS8's and now a lone DXR12. I'd like to figure out a way to record the difference
    I am hearing between the DXR12 and the Alto 212A so ya'll can make up your own minds. I know many of us don't have big
    guitar stores that have a dozen PA speaker choices so we have to go on the recommendation of others. Currently this forum
    really loves the DXR series. I'm not saying that is misplaced as much as this is all based on personal judgement.. Everyone hears
    things differently. Our brains seem to favor certain frequencies. Some like a deep bass response. Some like more mids, Others treble
    is their drug of choice. The combinations are endless.

    I've give you my personal opinion..
    I spent about a 1/2 hour tonight panning left and right between these two speakers. All sorts of different types of music.
    To me... The DXR sounded best when I pumped really bass focused music through it. Heavy rock, Metal, etc. The Alto sounds better
    with more midrange to upper range focused music, Both covered the spectrum well. Both could be tweaked with the EQ
    to sound the same. All my panning was done with everything flat however.

    When I asked my wife and kids which speaker they preferred as I panned back and forth it was an even split. 2 liked the Alto
    better, 2 liked the DXR12 better.

    For me the Alto has a stronger midrange response versus the DXR which has a stronger bass response.
    The Alto is quite a bit lighter. at 28 lbs vs 42 lbs, DXR has a built in fan. Alto does not. Both are built well and
    feel very sturdy Alto has an extra handle on it. Playing guitar through both of them sounded great to me. I couldn't
    tell any difference between them in that regard. Of course I couldn't play and pan back and forth at the same time.

    There is a big price difference. (2x)
    Alto 212a - $299
    Yamaha DXR12 - $599

    I don't hear enough of a difference to warrant paying double the price for the DXR. Its a great speaker.. don't get me wrong.
    but So is the Alto. with similar build quality and 14 lbs lighter I gotta say I made the right choice already for me.

    Anyone wanna buy a mint DXR12? $500 + shipping?

    I have the HS8s.. and the Alto 212a's.
    The HS8's are plenty for home/practice use. .

    The alto's are great also.. just at really low volumes they just dont sound as nice as the HS8's.
    They do have more bass response though.. but thats to be expected.. 12" speaker vs 8".

    Awesome story.. Well I don't quite have the history you do, but I picked up the Kemper last week.
    I've tried all sort of modelers in the past Pod's, HD500's, Bias FX.. All of them lacked realism.
    Hence I've always been a Tube amp kinda guy. I've owned several.. JCM800, EVH 5150 III,
    Soldano. I started hearing about big artists using Kemper, watched enough youtube vids,
    and read enough posts here and on other sites to know the Kemper was something different.

    Past couple days I've been just playing with the presets, but tonight I got rig manager
    hooked up, upgraded to 4.x and loaded up a bunch of commercial profiles I bought today.
    Holy crap I am impressed. Sure it requires a little bit more tweaking to get the tone right. Less then my JCM800 for instance, but once you hit that sweet spot.. dam it roars. I had my guitar instructor over
    tonight, and he was hella impressed. I play a lotta crunch type stuff.. punk, etc but he tends to play a
    lotta blues that requires a really clean sound. He loved how you could go from pristine clean to crunch
    just by manipulating the guitar volume knob, also the pick dynamics. I run my Kemper through a pair of Alto 212a's and some Yamaha HS8's.

    I've quite happy with the purchase.. and like the OP, but the time I sell my AMPs and most pedals I'll be
    net positive.

    As a new Kemper user.. I'm in that looking at my amps/pedals and deciding what I can sell stage.

    EVH 5150 III is gone.. love that profile on the Kemper.
    THX10 is gone.. Kemper is perfect for practicing.

    Waffling on my JCM800 4103.. I know I should sell it.
    There are tons of great JCM 800 profiles out there.
    But its a JCM800.. it just oozes rock.
    On the other hand.. its worth good coin.
    Sigh.. first world problems.

    You're going to take a multi thousand dollar kemper busking? No offensive but I don't predict this ends well.
    How are you going to power the PA?

    Why not pickup something like a Roland CUBE Street Ex? I don't think anyone is gonna care about precise tone
    when walking by your busking spot.

    Playing with my new Kemper rack + remote. Looks like I can sell pretty much all my pedals
    and use what is built in. So that'll free up some guitar cash:)

    What pedals can't you replace with the Kemper? There must be some high quality pedals
    you feel the Kemper versions just can't compare to?

    PIcked up a Kemper Rack unit.. so I'm shopping for FRFR speakers..
    Headed down to Guitar Center and Sam Ash today. I was kinda surprised by the results..

    I listed to

    • QSC10
    • Yamaha DXR15's (neither store had 10's or 12's in stock)
    • JBL Eon 610's and 612's
    • EV 10's and 12"s
    • Alto 212a's
    • Samson RSX110's and 12's

    Price wise they are all over the place.. from 799 down to 299.
    Listen to a bunch of cranked rock/metal/punk through each and often compared 3 or 4 within the same song.
    I made sure all the setting on the backs were as neutral as possible.

    I found..
    QSC 10's to be very high end focused. They definitely lacked punch on the low end.
    DXR15's were very midrange to low end focused. sounded kinda muddy
    JBL's seem to be very midrange focused without much high or low end.
    EV's just sound like crap to my ears.. they didn't last long.
    Alto 212a was surprisingly well balanced.Had decent bass response, wasn't lacking mid, clear highs
    Samson's same as the Alto's.. maybe a even a little better balanced.(heavy as hell through)

    I am really surprised how different they all sounded. I'd still like to hear the Yamaha DXR10's since ya'll rave about them so much
    but as of right now I'm looking at either Alto ($299) or Samson.($349)

    I guess in the end I am not recommending one PA over another.. What I am recommending is 2 things..

    1. Don't discount PA speakers like Samson and Alto just because they cost less (unless its harbringer cause they suck)
    2. Do you own shootout and see what sounds good to your ear. Because to my ear, evidently spending additional $$ doesn't = better sound.