Posts by sogrocks

    Has anyone had any problems using a powered USB hub with Rig Manager? I have noticed when I use it and load up RM, load a Profile (preview mode), the character/feel of all profiles change. It's almost like they acquire the same tone of the previewed profile.
    If do a full reset of the Kemper (flash init), the character of the profiles return.
    Has anyone experienced this?

    Thanks for the tips guys. Unfortunately the Helix is not here anymore (friend was over with it), so I can't try the direct profile.
    I have tried a Colonial and JCM at the same gain, and they sound very close to me. Could just be me. :). I am using a pair of KRK 8's to monitor.
    I love the MBritt stuff...but just noticed this recently when a buddy was comparing the Helix. I tried with some TopJimi's of the same gain and it was the same result. Pretty darn close. oh well..either way....the Kemper rules. :)

    Ahh .ok. Makes sense.
    So how about this....if you have the MBritt profiles (I have several packs)....and sort them by gain. If you take 2 or 3 that are the same gain, do they sound very very similar? Mine do. But I guess it could just be the cab he uses? It just seems to me the different amps should have a noticeable difference, regardless of the cab used.
    Again..just curious. :) Love the Kemper...been using the DR Z official pack and liking them so far.

    Hi all,
    I just have a question about different amp tones. A friend was over with his Helix as he wanted to see how it and the Kemper compared. We took 2 crunch gain amps (69 Plexi from MBritt and a JCM 800 from MBritt). We chose 2 with the same gain level (5.2 on Kemper, dialing down the 800 to match). We then dialed in those amps on the Helix again with the same gain.
    We ran both through an impulse response on the Helix, using the insert to send the Kemper through (without cab).
    We immediately noticed the 2 Kemper amps sound exactly the same (very little difference between the amp tones) and the Helix had a drastic difference between amp tones.
    So I am just curious why that is. Any ideas? Don't get me wrong, love my Kemper. Just found it interesting and wondered why that was.

    Hi all,
    I have to use the Kemper mainly with headphones. I have a pair of Beyer Dynamic DT1990 Pro's - pretty good phones. All the mid/higher gain profiles have a top end fizz to them. As soon as I go into cab settings and drop the high shift to -.08 - the profile sounds amazing. Is there anyway to set this globally instead of on every profile? I've look around on the Kemper and the manual and couldn't find anything. Just thought I would ask.
    Thanks for any info.

    Hi All -
    Well, I solved it (and I feel dumb).
    Just to recap:
    - Kemper SPDIF into interface SPDIF IN.
    - Monitoring through headphone out or master outs.
    -When interface was off/unplugged - Kemper profiles all sounded the same and fizzy.

    What I forgot to mention was that from my interface outs, I have them going to the Kemper return/alt inputs for monitoring my DAW. I do this because I like to hear my guitar direct from Kemper. :). So in the mixer for the interface I would mute the SPDIF in to prevent returning the signal to the aux on the Kemper.

    So using my headphones, I unplugged the interface. So now I should have been hearing just the guitar through Kemper as normal, with nothing else connected (other than the SPDIF to a unplugged audio interface).
    Well - I realized that even though the interface was off - it still sends the SPDIF signal directly to the outputs of the interface (going to my aux on the Kemper). So I was getting an out of phase or double of the guitar. This did not happen when the interface was powered on because the SPDIF direct out was muted so this wouldn't happen. :)

    I'm quite sure this was the cause. Right now the interface is unplugged from the computer, SPDIF still plugged in, and Aux in on Kemper turned down to 0. If I turn it up - the doubling effect occurs.

    oh - and the re-init of the Kemper flash always fixed it because it would set the Aux in volume back to 0. :)

    I don't know why I didn't realize this. I guess I will just monitor through my interface from now on and forget the Aux in part. :)

    Hi all...
    Hoping you can help. I found a cool bass profile that sounds great for what I want to record. I am running my master output (set as stereo) to my L/R inputs on my interface. I usually record into the DAW one channel - left or right. When recording this bass profile, it didn't sound the same recording the left signal. There are no post stack effects. It sounds almost DI. However I have Master outputs set for master stereo. So then I recorded a track in stereo from the Master output and it sounds exactly like I heard through my monitors, which is what I want. But I don't want to record all of my guitars/bass in stereo. Am I doing something wrong? Should I be using Monitor Out with mono to record? Again, there are no stereo effects in use, so I figured running stereo into my DAW and choosing left or right for the record signal would be fine. Am I wrong?
    Thanks for any help!

    I just did it again (on purpose) and there is no doubt it changes something if I have SPDIF out connected to the in on my interface at 44.1K - and then unplug my interface or reset it. The interface defaults back to internal clock. At that point, playing the Kemper through the main out to monitors sounds fizzy and almost like it uses the same cab on all profiles. Even if I resync the interface clock to 44.1, it still has the issue. If I do a flash init - the Kemper returns to normal.
    Very strange. It could be my setup. I am using a Scarlett 6i6 second gen interface.
    No more SPDIF for me. :)

    Hi all,
    I hope I don't get beat up for this. :) It may have been discussed before, but I couldn't find anything.
    Every now and then it seems that all my profiles (mostly higher gain, but not extreme gain) start to sound very very similar and almost fuzzy on the top end - kind of one dimensional instead of the full sound I am used to with the Kemper. I realized today that, in my case anyway, this could be related to SPDIF.
    - I record with SPDIF, but monitor the Kemper directly through the main outputs or headphones.
    - If my audio interface that the spdif is connected to is shut down and restarted - I'm quite sure this somehow effects the output on the Kemper. Not monitoring through the audio interface, but the Kemper main outs.
    - I've tried it twice now, and each time it seemed like all of the distorted profiles sounded almost the same - and thin.
    - Both times I did a Flash init and the Kemper came back to life and normal again.
    Has anyone else experienced this? Is it even possible for the SPDIF disconnection to effect the internal processing in the Kemper?
    Just curious. :)