Posts by AndersK


    I work with Ableton and MIDI too and experienced that if I switch Rigs in Performance Mode the Kemper „freezes“ from time to time. The only solution is to pull the cable because even the Chicken Head Button is not working anymore.

    Have you ever experienced something like this?

    Do you have both a USB and a MIDI cable connected to the Kemper?

    I found that the Kemper doesn’t like that very much, which is kind of annoying since sometimes it’s nice to have Rig Manager open when doing automations.

    Hi everybody

    I'm thinking of adding a PoE to my setup. As of now, there is more space for it in my pedalboard, where I have the remote, an external tuner and an expression pedal.

    Does it matter where the PoE is? What's the best placement - closest to the rack or closest to the remote?



    Did anybody figure out how to access the performances above #26?

    Thanks for making and sharing this awesome patch Robrecht! This really makes the Kemper automations a lot easier!

    Would be sweet to be able to program the performances above #26 though.

    I've been using Ableton professionally for the last 12 years, but have absolutely no clue what I'm doing when it comes to M4L, otherwise I would do it myself. :D

    Does anybody know if it's possible to kill the delay and reverb tails with a switch or something like that?

    We have a few songs with breaks that have to be dead silent, and so far the only way I've been able to solve it, is by placing the volume pedal post fx, which will of course only work if that break is long enough for the delay feedback to die out.
    I'm on OS 3.3.
