Posts by collintowne

    I did try switching cables. I switched Left and Right, and the problem persisted regardless of cables.

    FYI, I wrote Kemper support and they said it requires repair. They responded very quickly and I have shipping label already and am shipping back to USA location today. So far, so good.

    Just wanted to share that my customer support experience has been excellent so far.

    And, I am blessed to be able to have 2 Kempers, so I can continue to play/practice while the other gets repaired!

    Hi guys,

    I'm using OS 5.0 and have noticed that when I have my 2 DXR-10s connect the Main Outputs L & R, that the right side is quieter than the left.

    I have two Kempers and my other one is running OS 3.3 and when I connect my DXRs to that one, the balance in volume is identical (as you would expect).

    Is there a balance adjustment for L & R ?

    It does not make a difference whether Main Outputs are set to Stereo or Mono. Same result.

    I've checked XLR cables as well. They are working fine. As mentioned, they work great on the Kemper running 3.3, but the issue appears in the one running 5.0

    Also works fine with headphones.

    And suggestions? Thank you!

    I connected my H9 to the back of the Kemper and set up an mono effects loop in the X slot and I'm getting a mid-range, nasally sound. Almost sounds like a fixed wah sound. I turn off the X slot, and it goes away, put it back on, and the coloration is back. I moved the effects loop from the X slot to the MOD slot, and it works perfectly. No coloration of tone.

    What's the deal? Thank you guys!

    Thank you all for your input. I really appreciate it.

    Would you say that the tone that you get playing through your DXR10s at home/studio is close to the tone you get when playing live going direct using Main Outputs?

    Thanks for this tip. I'm currently in the same boat as you were. Have great tone at home through my Senheisser HD600 headphones, but realizing this doesn't sound the same going direct to FOH mixer and PA.

    Would you say in your experience that getting this 12 inch monitor, you were able to achieve a tone you were pleased with, and then when playing live going direct, the tone was similar to what you set up with your monitor at home?

    Thank you

    Been hearing that the Yamaha DXR8, 10, and 12 powered monitors are pretty great to use with Kempers for home use and/or live. If cost difference was not a factor, would you say the 10s are the perfect balance between portability and tone? Or will the 8s work just as good?

    On monitor output 'Cab Off' needs to be checked.
    Global cab stays on for the main outs.
    It's in the manual as well. ;)

    Wondering, why does Cab Off need to be checked on your monitor output. If you are sending to FOH from the Main Outputs, why would you want Cab Off for monitor output? Would it apply if you are going from monitor out to an power amp on stage connected to a real cabinet? Is that why?

    Hi everyone,

    What kind of tips and tricks do you guys suggest for live use going from Main Outputs straight out to the FOH mixer. My headphones sound amazing from headphone output. Using Senheiser HD600 headphones. Live sound from Main Outputs to FOH sounded less lively, noticeable latency. Michael Britt seems to have great live sounds. Using vocal mics through the system shows no delay in sound getting transmitted to FOH main speakers, however, my kemper has a noticeable latency when playing guitar and sound going to FOH speakers. Not present with headphones.

    Thoughts? Thank you

    One of the main reasons I decided to go with a Kemper Profiler was to simplify my setup while not sacrificing tone. There is no product in existence that does this better! Unless...Kemper makes a pedalboard profiler all-in-one option. Keep the Power Head / non-powered head, and powered-rack / non-powered rack. Just add the pedalboard profiler to the mix for those of us that just want to walk into a gig carrying our guitar in one hand and the pedalboard profiler in the other hand. Ultimate simplicity in set up and world class tone!

    How can you get to use 2 delays at the same time? I was looking to do that but couldn't figure it out?

    Also, can't you set up an "semi" auto-swell using the Kemper Controller and assigning one of the buttons to momentary controlling the volume of the rig?

    Interesting discussion guys. Thanks for the input.

    I haven't heard the crystal delay before, but I do know a bit about Shimmer, specifically referring to the one the Edge introduced on Joshua tree. Obviously he likes delays and texture.

    I believe the Edge coined the term Shimmer (or he and Daniel Lanois together) as that was the label he had on his Bradshaw Midi Controller. There was no name for it at the time so they called it Shimmer. Now, other companies have used the term. Strymon has an excellent Shimmer effect on their Reverb pedals.

    The Edge achieved this texture with his AMS 15-80 pitch shifting delay in combination with some rack reverbs, etc. But the pitch shifting delay is what was the main ingredient in this sound. Each delay repeat would pitch shift an octave. With the right amount of softening of the attack/wet signal, the result was a very string like background sound that supplemented the primary guitar melody. Best example is With or Without You, about 1 minute into the song. He also used the infinite guitar for the first few minutes of this song (Ebow does the same thing).

    Anyways, sorry for the lengthy explanation, but basically it's a smooth sounding/wet signal/pitch shifting delay.

    Eventide has some harmonizer patches that have the name Crystal in them I think.

    Great to hear that Kemper is working on adding more texture sounds. Their reverbs are already very rich and huge sounding!!!