Posts by mat2806

    This would be new to me. Actually, some of us wanted something like that as a feature. But the output section is global and not connected to the rigs/ performances etc. Are you sure? Can you please explain again what you did and what happend? Is there something locked maybe?
    I do that all the time I unlink the volumes, dial in my output und monitor volumes like I want them to be and they stay like this no matter what.
    Which firmware version are you using?

    So as much as I set it up best I could in advance, I needed to boost the overall volume of the monitor so i could hear clearly, but then needed to tun it down slightly again. this is due to the band I am in which is an 8 piece with horns ect ect - as you can imagine the stage gets noisey when everyone is full felt. But in quieter moments or quiter songs the monitor was a bit loud.

    So basically the change in monitor volume did not seem to "stick" accross rigs or perfromances. Clearly in time I will set up performces seperately for specific songs / set sections but I am struggling with time to get it set up as my gigging scedule is quite busy!

    Not a massive problem, and just new user gremlins that need ironing out :)

    Im using the latest software version (not beta).

    Thanks :)

    I had this too at my first rehearsal with my Kemper-rack, BUT it turned out I was turning the amp-volume on the Kemper, not master-volume hahaha!

    This makes sense. I'm sure I wasnt but I will double check that !! =O

    If I remember correct there are certain settings (e.g. Clean Sens) which are not global, but can be dialed in for browse and performance mode independently. Could it be this is also true for the output section? Think of it like this: You're dialing in your monitor volume in browse mode (thinking it is global) and when switching to performance mode the setting is gone because it's not global. Don't know this for sure but maybe it's worth investigating.

    I was definately in performance mode last night.

    I will have a play around tonight to see if I can recreate it. It was a high pressure / minimum time rehearsal last night so didnt have the time to look into it.


    so took the kemper out for its first adventure last night and loved it.

    one small problem I wonder if anyone can help with? I have unlinked the main outs from the master volume. However, when I adjusted the volume to my monitor via the master volume it worked fine. As soon as I changed performances it seemed to reset back to where it was originally if that makes sense. Is this just the way it works or an I missing a setting or something somewhere?

    thanks in advance


    Im new to Kemper so I may be way off the mark here.

    But could it be the volume via pedal is acting like a volume pedal on a "traditional" amp rig.... i.e. first in the chain so it mimics your guitar volume pot. Therefore with volume off no signal is reaching the amps, rigs, effects, looper?

    The answer I assume would be to use your volume pot on your guitar to swell the volume in while the volume pedal is on full? Either that or perhaps a clever way to route the volume of the amp in question to another expression pedal?

    Buy a Yamaha DXR 10.
    Mounted on a pole it will make for an awesome backline in smaller venues and used as a wedge it will be your personal monitor everywhere else.
    You're welcome.

    This is exactly the route I have gone. Sounds great, simple to set up, less gear to lug around, sounds amazing, sounds great, amazing sounds.......

    Sold all my pedal boards, tube amps and cabs..... I'm a week in wondering why i didnt do this years ago!


    Almost a week in and loving it!!

    So I wonder if you guys could help with a couple of questions / clarifications?

    1) In the output section settings - if I "unlink" main out, does this mean the only outs; specifcally headphones and monitor out, would be controlled by the master volume dial on the front?
    2) Can you assign this master volume dial to an expression pedal?
    3) The mainout DB is -17db if memory serves. Do people find this sufficient signal for the FOH desk?
    4) Are the EQ settings for main out and monitor global?
    5) Does anyone know where I can get a Slash / AFD rig. I dont mind paying for it!

    Thanks in advance :)


    Hi Guys,

    My first post.... yay for me !!

    So for 22 years I have been a tube amp and large pedal board user...... and I have taken the leap..... and BIG leap!

    The main reason for the move? Scale down my gear (it was getting ridiculous) and adding the flexibility of sounds available that I need in 2 function bands!

    I have sold all my amps and pedals, and my Toaster, remote, expression pedal and Yamaha DXR10 all arrive tomorrow. I opted for the monitor to have next to me on stage as I don't think I can cope with nothing pushing a bit of air next to me (although ultimately plan to go in ears). I am as excited as I am scared ! LOL !

    I have watched more reviews than I think is possible, spoke to other users and had a play with a friends unit, and it has taken me 6 months of "thinking" to make the leap!

    I thought you may be interested in the story, so will post my journey from delivery, leading up to my rehearsals with my bands next week, full technical run through on the 15th, first gig on the 21st !

    I apologise in advance for the newbie questions that are sure to follow!!!

    Eeeeeek!! 8o