Posts by mat2806

    I really enjoyed it and took it for what it was. While a direct comparison like this will always throw up inconsistencies, I think the bottom line is that the Kemper not only did a good job, but made the point that this device is quite the epic piece of kit that can stand up against high end amplification, and this is without then taking into consideration the absolute convenience of the Kemper.

    Interestingly, if you have a look at this video from about 1 hour 5 mins, Guthrie starts talking about his gear, and mentions his view on Amp vs Kemper vs Modelling and I think makes some excellent points, and well balanced and arguable agreeable view.

    The Captain Meets - Guthrie Govan

    I love everything about my Kemper, but I have to be honest there is a small part of me that misses the amp air blasting past my knees!! I don't necessarily think a Kemper is "better" than any other solution or option, but it is better for "me" and my needs by way of ticking more boxes than my old trusty valve amp, and tap dancing invoking pedal board.

    KPA is clearly hear to stay.


    Perhaps try changing via the Kemper directly via the front panel. It that seems to change patches & rigs as expected it would perhaps lean towards a floorboard issue?

    Not hugely helpful I know!

    Failing that a back up and reset might be in order.

    Good luck!

    I play in 2 function bands, approximately 90 songs ranging from the 50's to today etc etc!!

    I have nailed it down to 4 performances:

    1) Regular - I use 80% of the time (clean / crunch / dirty / boost plus the usual effects
    2) Half a step down - Same as above just half a step down for guns and roses and the killers etc
    3) Acoustic - I still use my les paul but its EQ'd with certain pre amps, and an octave to go from acoustic "feel" to 12 string "feel" (Not accurate reproduction of a proper acoustic, but close enough to get the job done!!)
    4) Classic Rock - Using kemper built in presets to emulate the tone and feel of Sabbath / Queen / Led zepplin and ACDC

    Of course some chorus / phasers / rings sprinkled through them as required.

    Until about 3 months ago I achieved all of the above on the profiles that came with the kemper. I know use MBritt rig pack 1 for performance 1 & 2, regular kemper profiles for performace 3 & 4.

    I highly recomened the Mbritt profiles as they do sound excellent, but the in built do a fine job as well.

    Good luck :)

    I just use the remote along with 2 expression pedals.

    Moog EP3 - Used for wah, chose this as it was good value and I actually like the shorter travel for my wah-ing style.
    Yamaha FC-7 - Used to control my monitor volume on the fly. Has quite a big sweep so perfect for accurate volume tweaking

    I will be adding another moog for morphing soon

    I researched the alternatives to the remote for literally days and weeks when I was about to buy the toaster. I came to the conclusion that I wanted something that "just works". I wanted to plug in and go without having to spends hours or days figuring things out and programming, taking things apart ect ect. While I accept other products offer more programming flexibility and more buttons, the reality for me is that the remote ticks all the boxes, has more than enough options to cope with 90+ songs I play across my function bands, its built like a tank with a sensible foot print.

    In short I love it. I don't regret it and if it broke tomorrow I would immediately buy another one.

    ......kemper fan boy much ?!

    Sorry, I mis-read part of your post. I see no reason why you couldn't use 1 x DXR10 as your speaker. It should be loud enough on its own to project to the audience subject to the size of venue. This would work in the same way as your existing rig, or someone with an amp up on stage.

    By front of house I mean a PA system (mixing desk and a couple of large speakers that the vocals go through in its simplest form). The reason I (and I am sure many) also connect my KPA to the front of house is this way my guitar sound can be mixed in with the vocals and other instruments to give a better balance and mix for the audience, and I use my DXR10 so I can hear what I am playing and nothing more (i.e. the audience cant really hear it).

    The DXR10 is a popular choice for guitarist in particular, because as you alluded to, it delivers excellent performance and does not colour the sound coming out of the Kemper. Most guitarists want to hear the purest and best tone they can :). It is an FRFR speaker (Full Range, Flat Response), which is the reason it does not colour the sound. While people will shoot me down, "most" PA speakers do a similar type of job so you don't necessarily need 2 x DXR10's out front, there are many other manufacturers out there at different price points. Also PA speakers ideally need to be 12" but again this is subject to the type of music you play, the amount and type of things going through the PA, and of course the size of venue you are likely to be in.

    The next questions is why the DXR10 rather than a cheaper PA speaker or a budget FRFR speaker to use with the Kemper or front of house? This ultimately boils down to the same reason someone will buy a Gibson over an Epiphone, Fender over squire, Boss over joyo. They all do the same job but there is either a perceived, required or documented improvement in sound / quality / reliability. I chose the DXR10 as I figured if I spend all this money on the Kemper, the remote and rigs I want it to sound the best it can.

    I seem to have waffled a lot here but I hope it gives you a bit more of an idea, and hopefully I haven't confused you even more!!

    I have this scarlett for mobile recording and the non powered KPA.

    In my experience using the main XLR outs is best / easiest, I use both with each one going into 2 inputs on the Scarlett, and then to a left and right track in my DAW.

    I have found that XLR in to the Scarlett is really really hot and not recommended for guitar recording (its well known for this I believe).

    No doubt there will be other more convoluted ways of doing this but as I say this works for me and is super quick to set up :)

    Sounds like you are on the right track (pun)! Happy tracking (pun) !

    I dont mess with the tone on my LP, just switch flick to the neck as I hit the tuner button :)

    That's a good point about your weather conditions. My guitar is stored at room temperature, then into a cold car (its the UK after all) and then into the venue which can be small hot and humid or even outdoors but I wouldn't think I get get close to your condition extremes by the sounds of it! I am in a function band so we are the only band for the night so my LP gets to stand for quite a while before it's played which I guess helps with tuning stability.

    Perhaps we should all go ever tune..... and throw these damn tuners in the bin :)

    Personally I don't have a problem with it. I used a polytune before I bought my kemper and never looked back to be honest.

    I went back to the bubble display as that strobe thing made me feel ill!!

    I always tune on the neck pick up as in my experience I have found on ANY tuner it tracks better so that might be worth trying.

    As a side note, and I don't mean this in a rude way, but why do you have to constantly tune your guitar live? I tune mine once at the beginning of each set and that it. I used to intermittently check mid set here or there when I had the chance but now I dont tend to bother, unless one of our brass section who stands next to me knocks my guitar which happens from time to time!! Lol!

    Its well documented on the forums that the DXR range (particularly the DXR10) of speakers come highly recommended.

    I use the DXR10, and my set up is that I use my DXR10 as a personal monitor from the KPA on the floor in front of me. I also have an additional input from the desk to the second in on my DXR10 to monitor my backing vocals.

    I set my main outs on the KPA to stereo, and take 2 XLR cables out of the left and right main outs on the KPA, straight into 2 separate channels on the mixing desk ( I do this to benefit from the stereo delays and effects I run - you can just run mono). Set mix levels on the mixer as required, I would suggest flattening the EQ on the desk EQ at least to start with although I have found I have never needed to adjust. Also turn of desk effects on your channels (reverb for example) if you are running these on your KPA.

    I have to be honest the first 5 gigs it felt quite odd, as you have to "trust" the mix out front, but its the way forward. Hope that helps and good luck!


    Is the Fly Rig be designed to be used with FRFR, or is it meant to be used into the front end of a conventional amp?

    It can go stright into a Low Z channel of a desk to front of house, or into a powered monitor (FRFR for eg) of into the front of a conventianal amp.

    The sound is not on par with the KPA but its definately good enough to get you though a show , and bang for buck, small size and the fact it is so simple to use I have struggled to find a "better" solution that works for me. :)

    I use the DX10's live and for home jammin' ! Its a small enough speaker so as not to be intrusive at home, gets down to "home" volume no problem. The DXR10's have quite a high regard from Kemper users as it gives a good representation of the Kemper profiles. A good choice.

    That's sweet. Would you say there is some "in the room" sound like you'd get from a cab? I know it's not a cab and it is supposed to sound like a mic'd cab through a PA. You know what I mean. I just wanna know if you miss a cab in any way. How's bass response?

    Bass response? Great for me in my experience

    do I miss my cab? Nope. Not in the slightest, I get the best amps, the best sounds at my finger tips and the small and light package that is Kemper is the icing on the cake.

    in the room feel? Read lots about this when I was deciding on buying a Kemper and was the one thing I was nervous about the most. I discovered it was a load of rubbish. my monitor is less than a metre away from me, pointing at my face smashing out clean pricetons, to jcm800's and everything in between. I'm not joking when at the last 4 gigs, the following has gone through my head

    1). Man this sound epic
    2) I'm glad what I am hearing the people watching are hearing (I go out stereo to the PA)
    3) I can actually hear everything I am playing at a sensible volume (not having 100watta slamming into your back is bliss)

    So far, I have not missed my amp / amp sound / pedals at all, only thing which was weird was having my "amp" in front rather than behind.

    Hope that helps


    Do you like your DXR10? Do you miss a cab?

    Yes, I have to say I am really pleased with it. It exceded my expectations if I am honest. I have to say I did need to tweek the monitor output EQ just to make it a bit more pleasing to my ear (a bit more bass and and mids, brought the treble down a little) but no complaints at all.

    Hi everyone,

    I recently bought a Kemper PowerRack and I have to say I'm absolutely thrilled about it. My next step is to buy a foot controller but I'm having some doubts in this department, maybe you guys can help me out a bit. My requirements are simple as I'm not a very versatile player. I prepared a performance lined up with three slots: rhythm, lead, and lead+wah, that should cover most of my needs live. The lead slot has some delay and reverb thrown in and the lead+wah slot has that plus the wah-wah effect. What I want to know is if there is a way of changing to the lead+wah slot just by moving the wah-wah pedal (autoengage maybe?) and going back to the rhythm slot when releasing the wah-wah. To go the lead slot I will just use a normal switch. I hope I was clear and you guys can help me :D


    As mentioned before, if your "lead with wah" is exactly the same as lead in terms of amp and volume, just add wah to one of the effects slots on the lead patch. I have mine set to bypass on heel but thats just my preference, but you can bypass on stop as mentiioned. This means you just step on the expression pedal and the wah is there, no button presses. Simples ! :)

    So which way do you put your toaster in the bag? I have been dropping it in and while it is not as snug as I had expected it's a great case.

    it also fits however front down, and the zip on the bottom of the bag suggests you could leave it in the case when in use? This way also means there is a more room to put my remote on top but not sure this is the best way to protect the KPA!!

    any thoughts welcome!