Posts by movings

    Hi all, I apologize if this has been asked before. I googled around and didn't find anything (at least no on the first page, haha).

    I lost the USB stick I'd been using with my Kemper and used another I had, a Lexar 8 GB stick. Formatted to MS FAT on my MacBook and tried putting it in to the Kemper. It seemed that it didn't want to recognize the way the stick had been formatted, so it prompted me to format it. Now, here lies the problem; when I hit "yes" to format the stick, the Kemper freezes. I can still play through it, on whatever setting it was using at the moment, but none of the controls work. The power knob doesn't do anything and the only way to get it to turn off is by disconnecting it from the power source. Once I do that and plug it back in, it turns on just fine and works regularly. I've tried leaving it for a couple minutes, but I don't remember it taking this long to format on the previous stick that I used. Any ideas as to what might be happening?

    edit: Okay, so I tried one more time and gave the Kemper around 10 minutes to format the drive but it was still frozen. I unplugged and repowered the Kemper and oddly enough, on powering up, the USB stick displayed as external storage, meaning it had been formatted. I'm not too sure what was up with that, but I'm leaving this edit for anyone else that may have the problem.