Posts by burningV

    Burkhard ... I don't think that this is another topic.

    Olava wants to synchronise his Profiler to the tempo of his DAW.
    Like paults mentioned is this not possible via a USB Connection and MIDI has to be used.

    I used the MIDI connection.
    He uses Sonar, I've used Cubase - but hopefully that makes no difference.
    I've trouble getting a stable tempo value from my DAW.
    Kemper support and you mentioned, that MIDI Clock from computer system can fluctuate. MIDI Clock from an Hardware sequencer should be prefered.

    Now olava has all the informations to this topic.

    For information:
    I am planing additional test with different clock sources und MIDI Monitoring near the Kemper MIDI Input Interface.
    If I have new informations, I will report back in the other thread.

    I got the following answere from the support team:

    the profiler shows the MIDI Clock tempo recieved on the MIDI In port. It depends on the software and the midi interface how much the value fluctuates.
    A stable MIDI Clock is generated from standalone devices like drum computers or hardware sequencer.
    The profiler has no built in functionality to stabilise the recieved MIDI Clock signal.

    Means for me:
    the hope to get this fixed in an easy way disappears

    not possible for me.
    I use the kemper also for song writing and composing.
    I can not build up a perfomance before the song is finished - but I have one perfomance with my 5 basic-slots for recording.
    Would be fine if I get this synchronised with the DAW - but it's not a big deal at the moment.

    In two or three weeks I have a timeslot to play around with the system.
    Maybe I open a ticket, try the new kpa OS, try another DAW, get a solution from anywhere else...
    If I get any news, I will let you know.

    BUT: related to this, once upon a time, it was working!
    Refering to this it was releases in OS 1.0.6

    Good morning everyone,

    yesterday I tried to synchronise the Kemper tempo to my song tempo in cubase using the cubase midi Clock via midi out from the DAW to the midi in of my kemper.
    What can I say, the kemper reacts to the signal (I checked the sync in the perfomance where you can set the tempo manually) but the tempo jumps around in weird way.
    Is anyone experience with that, or had a similar behavior?

    Cubase Settings:
    - Project Synchronization Dialog
    - Timecode Source: "internal Timecode"
    - MIDI Clock Destination: "Soundcard MIDI Out"
    - checked: "MIDI Clock Follows Project Position"

    Cable from Soundcard MIDI Out to Kemper MIDI In.
    Kemper runs at MIDI Channel 10
    Sending CC messages from the DAW works as expected (tested with slot changes).

    I tried different configurations and cables, nothing changed.
    Looking forward for your answeres.

    Regarding to the two features for preset Handling:

    1. "Overwrite" Option for Output Presets - having an Update Option for existing presets
    2. Request to the development team for menu navigation in FW 4.0 and higher - not loosing the reference of an used preset inside the rig

    it would be nice to have to have further improvements.
    I would like to have the option to update all of my rigs after I tweaked an existing preset to get the changes of the latest version.

    For example:
    I made several Wah Presets for several sounds and situations and used it in several rigs.
    Now I want to tweak one preset.
    At the moment:
    I have to give it a new name and search for the rigs I used the preset (without any reference, the only chance is to check the parameter values). Then I have to manually update the rigs. At the end I can/have to delete the 'old' version of the preset.

    For the future:
    I can choose 'Overwrite' and search my preset in a list to update my existing preset. Afterwards a dialogue asks whether I want to update the rigs (which are using the preset) or not.
    If I choose 'Update Rigs' the system searchs for all the rigs and updates them, every change in the rigs and perfomances will be saved automaically.

    Thanks, looking forward to your comments...