Posts by JstAnthrKemperUsr

    I'm thinking of getting a second cabinet but I'm little confused on connecting a second cab. I know the impedance is 4 ohms so it would make sense that Kemper would make this a series connection when using the out jack for a combined impedance of 8 ohms. But I can't find this information in the manuals or an hours worth of internet searching. Does anyone know if this is in fact a series connection or is it parallel. It seems I ran across someone saying its a thru jack, but I would take that to mean parallel... hence the confusion.

    If there is anyone with two, how does it sound? How do they stack? I love the sound of one and can only imagine it would be just sound 'better' with twice as much speaker. And if you ask me, two speakers are easier to carry than one : ) It also gives me the option of going stereo if I felt particularly strong (yeah, I'm old) that day and decided to bring my Rocktron stereo amp.

    I have not tried the 10's but here's my setup with 12's. The only thing I can compare them with are the DXR10's that I originally purchased and didn't care for, bought another thinking it would fix it, it didn't, I now use the DXR10's with a DXS12 subwoofer for backing tracks and general PA. I like the FR12's because they're light and I'm old. Someday I'd like to try some others but being in a small town and everything needs to be shipped, and being old school I find it difficult to purchase something of the value knowing I might return it.

    No wires only because I found a spot in the basement without a bunch of music equipment and set it there after a gig for a picture. Moved to a proper place after the picture : - )

    [Blocked Image:]

    This is fairly new, and just started happening after the latest update maybe?? A couple months anyway. Never had an issue before and have had a Kemper for maybe 1 1/2 years.

    Before the latest update: Computer and Rig Manager on and open pretty much 24/7, along with many other programs, EZdrummer, Studio One... NEVER had a disconnect.

    After latest update: Rig Manager disconnects from the Kemper after maybe a half day. Device Manager shows Kemper is connected, USB dings when I plug/unplug therefore as far as the computer is concerned, the Kemper is available to the system.
    I think it's the Rig Manager that no longer sees it, I can tell in Rig Manager when it happens because the leftmost column where the headphone that normally appears when double-clicking a profile is gone.

    The only fix is to reboot the computer which in my case happens to be a lot of work to set my workflow back up.

    One experiment was to reboot the computer and run ONLY rig manager, with only the same results of the disappearing Kemper after a bit of time.

    The Task Manager tells me Rig Manager is closed but there must be some link/process that doesn't close and only resets during reboot. Does anyone know of any processes associated with Rig Manager that I might try killing in Task Manager?

    I created a separate thread only because my issue seems to be different in that everything is fine for awhile before USB disconnects from the Kemper.

    Windows 7 64bit

    Any hints or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)


    Just thought I would give an update so there's a record of it.

    Replace stock woofer/tweeter in Matrix FR12 with:
    Woofer : Eminence Beta 12CXA
    Tweeter: ASD1001

    Definitely more cab like feel but WAY to much bottom end and I even closed off the port but was not able to remove enough bottom end, even during rehearsal I had the Kemper bass turned all the way down and it was it still had too much bottom end. The tweeter was the opposite issue, I was hoping to smooth out the highs but it almost removed them, there was a different between connecting/disconnecting the ASD1001 tweeter but all in all not a big difference.

    I did not get the crossover because the Matrix amp has separate tweeter/woofer wires, but in theory the low side is a low pass filter so would have done nothing to cut down it bass, and the high side is just a high pass filter so should have not cut out highs ( unless the low cutoff of the high side is above my hearing which very well could be ).

    Next experiment will be the new F12-X200 Celestion with the Neodymium to keep the weight low ( for this I will have to break into the amp to bypass the crossover), the Eminence definitely add some extra weight, but I'm old.

    I don't know if this is the correct forum to place this question but I've been jamming to some Pink Floyd lately and have found a couple patches on some Ipad synthesizer apps that fit well with 'Sorrow' and 'Shine on you crazy diamond'. I'd like to manually advance to the next note/chord with a footswitch after programming the chord sequence. Crazy Diamond is a good example since there's really no fixed timing and sort of goes by feel. Dream Foot looks like the right app but I really don't know anything about midi. I do have a Thunderbolt to Usb (camera) and wondering what my next purchase/step is.


    Although I love my setup, but as a guitarist,because it's what we do, I'm always looking for that 'extra little bit' that I never seem to get to. So, for my next endeavor, I'm thinking of trying coaxial in place of the current configuration in my FRFR, just try it on one to compare, it's inexpensive enough to at least give it a shot so why not. As much as I love my current setup, sometimes I feel the highs need to be smoothed out, not necessarily eq'd out but just have some of that harshness taken away.

    Originally I was going to get the Gemini 2 but the weight was a little more that I wanted as my main goal was a light speaker. Does anyone know what they use for drivers in their speaker, or just some good coaxial speaker in general I could try?

    (Sorry!, tried to make the picture smaller but couldn't figure it out)

    I run 2 FR12's, I also have 2 DXR10's. The FR12's are more guitar cab feeling that the DXR10's but that's really all I can chime in on since that's all I've experienced. I toy around with hooking up my powered toaster to my 2/12 guitar cab but I think I've finally embraced this FRFR thing and don't want to spoil it :/ But I sure get the itch compare.

    Love the weight, i'm close to 60 and can easily carry both, it's the doorways that are the problem now :|

    I've often thought the same thing. Mine gets left on quite often and not this is an excuse but... I don't get a chance to play for long periods, sometimes as little as 5 minutes at a time with the goal of getting through 10% of my setlist every night (memory does not serve me as well as it use to :( ) which brings me to the basement on several occasions through out the night, maybe once, maybe 5 times. Rather than turning it on and off I leave it on not knowing when the last time will be. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and remember... Oh Crap!

    Now in theory this shouldn't be a problem, but having been an audio technician many decades ago I remember all the rings that developed around the solder connections of the thru hole components that get warm, regulators, resistors rectifiers, flybacks (no need to worry here). Hopefully things are better now with surface mount technology, temperature control, nitrogen reflow...

    So there's a lengthy 'why I leave it on' and 'why I shouldn't' :/

    It's an octavia sound, something like the solo on Purple Haze or solo on KWS Blue on Black. It has the octave up added in but it sort of has a nasty sound to it. Anything I've tried sounds to sterile. We play both of these in our band and I would love to get something somewhat close without addition pedals. My guess would be to use the rectoshaper, the description seems correct but I can't figure it out,

    Does anyone know some examples of this type of sound on rig exchange I could try.


    I found this with the Yamaha. The Matrix FR12p is completely different. Much better.

    I use two FR12 run in stereo (or sometimes just one, I'm old, just depends on how much energy I have on rehearsal day), I used to use two DXR10's but much prefer the Matrix. There is a part of me that wants to order an Eminence Beta 12LTA speaker and throw it into one of my cabs just to check it out, it's inexpensive enough.

    Why, because I'm a wannabe guitarist that's just never satisfied : - /

    Similar issue, strange that all the beta firmware/software has worked flawlessly, only after both went to Public release that it crashes. I've attemped the past three nights with a fresh reboot on the PC. Not a big deal, I'll just have to do it manually... one of theses days || It's just the new process is so convenient and has made me lazy.

    I can't really say where it get's stuck, I just know when I get back to it the Kemper has a bunch of print on the screen and the tail end it says press Exit to reboot.

    I don't know if this has anything to do with it but Rig Manager tells me there's an update everyday, so I've just been updating it... everyday.

    I should pay more attention but hey, I just want to play :thumbup:

    This does actually surprise me. But I guess it does go to show that everyone hears things differently. Having purchased a DXR10 a few months ago, to me it sounded boxy, especially when I brought it to rehearsals. Bought a second one and hoping to fix the problem but it almost made it worse. I had many people respond saying it was the placement of the DXR10. I then went out and purchased a Matrix FR12, it definitely does not have the boxy sound placed in the same position (or any position for that matter) and sounds really good in rehearsal.

    I know it's my ears because the DXR10's get a lot of praise, and from fussier people than I. Proof that we all hear things differently. Now having said all this, I'd still like to try the Atomic but my pocket book needs to take a rest ;(

    I would love to hear your comparison with the FR12, I'm willing to take another direction if I can't get it to sound right at the next rehearsal, this speaker would be on my list.

    The one thought that I had that might have a chance at saving the current setup is NOT using the extension cab of the previous setup as a table to set the DXR on. I guess it could be possible that the extension cab could be resonating at certain frequencies to help create this boxy sound I'm hearing since it takes very little vibration to create sound with a 12 inch speaker.

    The problem is we won't practice again until mid July, which is why I'm coming to the forum to gather as much knowledge I can to help work through this :) It'll take a half a year otherwise! And we have a gig coming up in two months, or put another way... 2 rehearsals ;(

    A little background, the basement we play in has guitar amplifiers, drum's, PA... already setup. I just bring my guitar and pedalboard and play, very convenient and appreciated. The owner has kids that also have bands that use the same equipment so I try to leave everything intact, problem is I never even fell in like let alone love with his amp setup. I've been playing the Kemper at home for the last half year and just now struggling to find out how to fit it into the current band situation.

    Oh, and I will try the DXR on the floor again, although that might be a little awkward at an outdoor event, but hey... if it works I'm happy.

    First rehearsal it was placed as a wedge on the floor in back of me at the base of the amp I normally play through, wanted to keep the backup in case it didn't work out.
    Seconded rehearsal I removed the amp from it's extension cabinet and placed it vertically on that cabinet so maybe 1 1/2 feet off the ground (sorry, we're not metric yet)

    The first rehearsal sounded ok but thought it awkward to project the sound from the floor to the audience. It did sound pretty good for the most part but I know profiles do matter.
    The second rehearsal didn't sound as good as the first but at least the speaker would be aimed at the audience, just couldn't get rid of the boxyness on mid/high gain profiles.

    I set it up at home last night and was able to crank it up, it sounded awesome on both performances I had setup, very similar to the HS10's I use for monitoring. I really don't hear the boxyness at home. I imagine because I'm loosing my reference from the other guitar player that uses a Fender Princeton with an extension cab, very nice sounding.

    The only thing I can think of trying at next rehearsal is the Pure Cabinet setting.

    I play in pretty much just a basement band, maybe play out 1 or twice a year and rehearse usually on a monthly basis. The band uses PA for vocals and a touch of kick drum.

    I've taken my Kemper and DXR10 to the last 2 rehearsals and I can't seem to dial it in. To me it sounds boxy, I've fiddled with the switches on the DXR10 and have pretty much left them off for the most part. I've tried to dial the output monitor EQ but just can't seem to find the right settings. I'll say it sounds really good on clean but anything with distortion is sounding boxy. I'm using TopJimi Marshall 69 profiles in one rig and Guidorist Bogner profiles in a second rig.

    I've heard mention of this before in other threads but the threads really don't end with anything in particular. I know I'm doing something wrong because there's enough people in this form that use this combination with excellent results although maybe they're using it for a monitor and not a main rig, this could be key.

    Would the Pure Cab help here? I've searched DXR10 and Pure Cab and not finding anything specific so I'm thinking people generally don't use it. I tried it at home last night but I can't get the volume up loud enough to determine if it will make a difference, I do hear it but I'm thinking it needs volume to really come alive, of which I can't do at home :(

    Or maybe, just for a point of reference someone might have a similar setup with a profile from rig manager that I could emulate with the same profile and settings and see if it's just me. Although the other bandmates commented on it so I don't think that's the case.

    On a previous thread I started on a different subject someone mention GRFR might be the way to go, which I'm not ruling out if no solution is possible here since the speaker weight combined with my age makes for a nice little setup.

    Setlist is over 50 songs ranging from heavy to country to surf style.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)