Posts by GreyFACE

    Hi everybody,

    I'm a Kemper Power User since 9 years, my trusted Kemper Stage is my Go-To, when I have to carry the equipment myself... :D

    On a recent tour I had a full blown analog rig with me: huge ass pedalboard, amp, rack-fx etc.

    Now I'm thinking to combine the two:

    JUST the pedalboard (MUSICOM LABS SWITCHING SYSTEM) with all my favorite FX + the Kemper Player on it. Mono in front of the Player, stereo behind it.

    Is it possible to control the Kemper somehow via a DIN-MIDI connection? Is there any kind of MIDI Interface that can work as an external DIN-MIDI Port to the Kemper, that i could install on the board?

    Because I would love to use the Player as my Amp on the Board + some of the FX in it (Low Pass Wah, Reverb, Delays, Stereo Chorus, etc.) but I'd like to control everything via MIDI from the Musicom Labs Switcher (program changes, CC-messages for expression, etc.)

    If anyone already has some insight on that topic, that would be much appreciated!!

    Best, Tobi

    In modern Productions sidechaining is unavoidable, and if you want to play dance music live there is virtually no way around it.
    I currently use a compressor with a Sidechain input (Kick Trigger) in my Kemper effects loop and switch that on and off via my locked stomp ‚REV‘.

    It would be totally awesome if it would be possible to do it ‚in the box‘. 2 solutions I could think of:

    1. use one return input for a trigger signal (I.e. kick) and give the normal compressor a pumping algorithm, triggered by the return input.

    2. create an audio envelope effect similar to the LFO Tool Plugin you can put into effect slot, that is triggered by a midi clock or the rig specific bpm.

    Either way the amount of the pumping and especially the release time should be adjustable.

    Somebody else looking for this feature?