Posts by Soloist74

    considera che io non userò mai, almeno come intenzione, la performance mode perchè mi trovo bene con la mappatura strategica che mi sono creato negli anni e che uso in broswer...però mi dici che hai il problema in browser, no?

    Esatto, ho il problema in browser mode. Neanche io uso la performance mode e difficilmente la userò in futuro.

    comunque...seguirò la discussione che hai aperto sul forum per vedere i risvolti. ma spiegami un po': come colleghi il tutto? sto parlando di segnale midi...

    All Access midi out dentro KPA midi in, KPA midi thru verso tutto il resto. Uso bank mode da 5 preset, con 10 control switches per gestire 3 stomp, 4 effect, tuner, tempo e morph, 2 pedali di espressione dedicati a wah e pitch rispettivamente.
    Se vuoi di mando un SysEx dump della mia configurazione.

    I was just about to start a thread in the Discussion-Forum, "Why I´m not using the Performance Mode" (Maby i will anyway).... It´s exactly that you can´t save a fine-tuning to all the slots, where this one amp is used.

    For me, the lack of this feature disqualifies the perfomence mode at all!

    It definitely has to be an option, not default, because in some slots I want to use the same amp with more gain or a slight different EQ...


    My thoughts exactly!

    But when the parameters are unlocked, I can't find a single use case where this shouldn't be considered a bug.

    I take this sentence back. :)
    My problem with tempo setting (w/ unlocked tempo) is clearly caused by the All Access sending the SysEx before the PC and it's not a bug in the KPA.
    At this point the only way for me to make it work would be to lock the tempo and have SysEx messages work also for locked parameters, as per your request.
    Until then, there's no way it can work with the All Access (as MIDI message order is not configurable).

    Just for that part, that SysEx-Messages to change parameters are ignored, when the Parameter is locked: I reported that as a bug about 1 1/2 years ago... And i did it once more a few days ago.
    I noticed that for fx-parameters aswell as for setting tempo.

    As workaround I sent 3 Messages: "Unlock Tempo", "Set Tempo", "Lock Tempo" - that worked out.

    But I quickly went over to send Midi-Clock for setting Tempo.

    Can´t say anything to your problem, wehen Tempo is NOT locked.


    I understand SysEx not working with locked parameters is a bug, but when we talk about tempo, it works as a feature for me, as I can rely on tap tempo only, ignoring whatever tempo I programmed in my presets.
    But when the parameters are unlocked, I can't find a single use case where this shouldn't be considered a bug.
    MIDI-Clock would be the perfect solution indeed, if only my All Access could be a source of it. Out of curiosity, what do you set it with?

    Indeed, this would be very helpful - send me a PM with the dumps, I'll take a look into it then.

    Did you manage to have a look at the dumps? Hope they were helpful to reproduce the issue.
    Meanwhile I have some additional info:

    • Just tested the 5.0 beta and it shows exactly the same problem.
    • The SysEx message I use to set the tempo also doesn't work in 5.0. I've noticed the tempo is set to the value specified by the SysEx message for less than a second, then it goes back to the rig tempo. (ERRATA: this is expected behaviour, as the SysEx is received before the PC.) When tempo is locked, it's just ignored. Shall I report this as a new bug? (ERRATA: this bug has already been reported by @mortl.)

    I really love the new delays, but really can't move to 5.0 (or even to 4.2.2) until this is solved.

    Are you saying that you send a PC and CC at the same time? If that is the case, why not save your rig with the effects/stomps in the on/off state that you need when you switch the PC?

    Because the CCs come from the state of the control switches saved with each preset of my Rocktron All Access, but I'm still free to switch anything on and off whenever I want to.
    We are talking real time control of the effects here, while what you propose is a static scenario.
    (To be precise I don't send a PC and CCs at the same time, but one after the other. It's sequential, not simultaneous.)

    Also make sure you do not have conflicting CC messages being sent by accident.

    This is definitely not the case.

    There is indeed a change in behaviour: if you are switching rigs twice within 350ms in Browse Mode, the rig is delay loaded and it is possible that CCs are not handled then in correct order. This is to prevent freezing if you overload the Profiler with Program Change messages. Can you tell what you're actually sending?

    I'm indeed in browser mode, but I can assure you the issue happens during "normal" switching (surely way longer than 350ms between switches).
    What I do is send a PC to select the rig (1 to 10 on channel 1) followed by some CCs to activate/deactivate stomps and effects.
    Sometimes the relevant block just doesn't turn on. Noticed it on Stomp B and Delay, but I'm pretty sure the issue is common to all of them.
    If it's helpful to investigate the issue, this weekend I can prepare a dump of the MIDI messages sent with every switch.

    I just loaded OS and I'm experiencing some major issues with stomp/effect block control via control change messages.
    Despite I didn't change anything on my MIDI controller (Rocktron All Access), sometimes the KPA just doesn't react to CC messages.
    I select my preset and sometimes the relevant stomp/effect blocks turn on, sometimes they don't.
    This makes this OS version completely unusable.
    Anybody else experiencing the same issue?
    Meanwhile I'll have to go back to, which was working flawlessly for me.