Posts by norburybrook

    Can you describe these clicks in more detail. I had heard something like this several times in my sound, too. I didn't know where it came from so far.

    Up to now I had suspected the power grid as a source of interference, but it has also appeared at different places.

    With my Kemper it is a click, which is regular and clicks about 4-6 times per second.

    that sounds similar, just regular, random digital clicks that ping the long reverb on the patch so through a big PA it's a troublesome sound that has to be killed by muting. I'm trying to get it to do it again but not succeeding, it's done it on the last 2 gigs and I can't seem to get it to do it today. I'll try again tomorrow.


    My question (just a question) was: are we gonna see all rigs seller pop in our conversation to make promo on their stuff when we discuss here as users?

    It includes ''respected rig SELLERS''

    I just happened upon this thread and I'm really confused. I'm a commercial profiler and was under the impression after I'd had a warning from the administrators here that it was against the forum rules for commercial sellers to enter into these discussions. How is it that Michael and Andy can do so but I got a warning?


    Bugger!!! did it again last night towards the end of the gig!!!!!! so the ONLY things in the whole kemper were 1 performance with 4 patches. The unit was factory reset with it completely empty and I just loaded the performance I needed.

    Did exactly the same thing, digital random clicks. we managed to re arrange the set list and I rebooted the machine during another song and it was OK for the last 4 numbers after that.

    I'm wondering if it's some kind of memory leak issue, as it seems to come on over time.

    It's really made me loose a bit of confidence in the unit as it's a real problem when it starts to do this, one thing you need when gigging is reliability.


    Hmm, just gone to the studio to set everything up and no clicks but strangely the looper is malfunctioning, it records but will not overdub, when I hit the record/overdub after the first pass the stop light comes on as well but it won't let me overdub! Somethings definitely gone squirely.

    I need to reset without loosing my performance patches.


    edit. Done a factory reset and so far all seems good.

    thanks Nicky, My first thought was to reboot but it takes quite a long time in a mission critical situation so I had to bail on it. This is why on big gigs people have a spare ready i suppose :D

    I'm going to go through it all now and see what I can find. I don't have anything other than factory sounds and my profiles on there. I could do a clean out and get rid of 90% as I don't use them.

    What's the best way to do that? rig manager and just delete from the profiler ?

    thanks again for chiming in, it all helps.


    I was playing a festival last night and using my Kemper for once. I had updated to the latest V6 stable release a few days ago and set up my performance and everything was fin ein rehearsals this week and soundcheck on the night. Towards the end of the set the artist I'm with leaves the stage and I play a solo track form my new album. Last night as she left and switched to my 'Ambient' patch for the tune, when I rolled to volume up to check everything was good I started to hear digital sort of clicks coming from the kemper, they were triggering the long reverb I had set and as it was a big stage and PA they were very loud. I had to call the artists back and make apologies to the audience and move on as I couldn't continue solo with these noises. It only was happening on the patch with the long reverb I use as a freeze for a pad. The other patches for my 2 acoustic gtrs were fine. I'm using my own JM/SSS profiles fro electric gtrs.

    I remember a few years ago having a similar thing with a beta OS that was fixed with an update so I've never used BETA OS on gigs since then. V6 is official but there's obviously something not right, so my question is should I update to the latest Beta? I've another gig with this artist tomorrow night and can't have this happen again.

    Anyone else had this issue? a forum search didn't bring up anything.


    Still a few left to get the extras folder with the express and a few random profiles of some boutique and one off amps :D

    I think not many people understand about Ken Fisher and Trainwreck amps :D Mark Knopfler has one of the last amps Ken built :D his Red Komet

    If you're a fan of the AC30 Top Boost this is as good as it gets :D



    :D all good points :D No i can't build a 10db machine, but i doubt in reality that's needed. My studio machines are no where near 10db but they're silent to intents and purposes sat here in the control room with me. My points really were to make people aware there are very viable alternatives for a DAW or a Video machine that will cost a LOT less all round and can outperform the low/mid level mac pro. The AMD threadripper current gen 32 core is 50% faster in Cinebench that the best Intel chip( 18 core) and costs the same as an the INTEL 8 core CPU for example. the equivalent XEON chip costs about $3000 alone for the same performance hence the fully loaded Mac is $35,000

    For a DAW, INTEL still hold the higher ground if low latency is important. You can build an i9 10 core machine though that will give you more power than you'll need for $3-4000 fully loaded with M2-SSD drives etc the equivalent Mac will be $10,000 as it will use the XEON Cpu's and EEC ram which will instantly double the price for no performance gain with Audio.

    I'm glad PCIe is back too, and it's a beautifully engineered machine as always , but like the trash can mac pro still a poor choice for audio professionals .

    I feel for you guys in Australia though as the currency manipulation makes Apple products the most expensive in the world i think :D


    p/.s. i' ve just returned from Australia :D still a great place to be :D my brother is in Palm cove :D

    As musicians this is a poor choice. The Xeon chips are a poor choice regarding price/performance, they need Error correcting memory, again not that useful for audio and again extra expense. An i9 cpu with regular ram will perform equally as well which means for a DAW you CAN build a better performing machine(than the lower end models) that will be just as quiet for half that price that will have TB's of M.2 and SSD drives. The $6k model comes with a single..... 256G hard drive....that's it....Also for $999.00 you could buy a nice new guitar or microphone instead of a 'STAND' .

    8 years ago, Apple told us we didn't need PCI as it was dead and forced a poorly implemented TB1 on us all. The rest of the sane world carried on with PCI. Apple will now tell us 'look, we've got PCI, see how much better it is than the old MAc pro' ... A Complete U turn...same thing they did when they went to Intel CPU's. :D

    Huge companies like Disney/Pixar stopped using Apple hardware a few years ago because of all this and went to HP Z workstations, they also offer on site warranty for 5 years in the price.

    If you're a video guy, AMD threadripper will soon be coming with the 7nm die V3, the V2 32 core/64 thread CPU blasted to the top of the cinebench, beating anything out there. Thsi 32 core/64 thread CPU costs the same as the 10 core intel i9 and leaves it for dust with video rendering, so things have moved on with Windows /Linux. The 32/64 MAc pro will likely cost about $30K. $5k will get you there , silently and reliably with AMD threadripper if you use windows/Linux.

    Things have moved on and Apple are playing catch up.

    I think the return of PCIe is a good thing all round, keeping the T2 chip worries me as it's caused problems with audio this past year or so since introduced, Also the new machine will launch with the new OS which may render pro tools HDX and other software unusable without who knows what to upgrade..again.....

    I would imagine most people here, like myself who are pro musicians/engineers/producers have been feeling the recession over the last few years and the drop in revenue from a lack of physical sales, at times like this making smart choices on what to put your money in becomes very pertinent.

    my long winded point : The new Mac pro is NOT a good choice as a DAW platform unless you have money to burn, so think wisely folks before dropping $10k on an Apple made computer.


    "...has devoted much of his time in the past 6 months to recreating Mark’s unique sounds has done an amazing job".

    That doesn't mean automatically that they made all new profiles. Could also mean they just used existing rigs and tweaked them to recreate his unique sound! Who knows?

    And much time in the past 6 months is not every day - could mean anything. It had to be ready before the tour start in any case.

    Exactly, as I said previously he had two of my Dumble profiles on there when he was in pre production. His amp rigs were sat ready to go as well if it didn't work out how he liked it.
