Posts by MDL

    No problem...... What I'm finding with my Kemper is that it just takes some shopping through many profiles to find the artifacts that work for low tuned guitars, and to my surprise I've found a few tweaks on a couple of the stock profiles did the trick..... Namely LL-Shmaatz, Grail, and Surgery

    When you say "these profiles" - which profiles are you talking about specifically?

    A profile is a snapshot of a specific amp setup PLUS mic setup, and not all profiles will lend itself well to such extreme tunings.

    I tried all the HIGH gain profiles that came with the KPA, can you recommend any profiles for low tuned guitars?

    Hi All, as usual, what sounds good live doesn't usually work in a mix. I'm recording in drop A, and so is it just me or do these profiles relate more to live performance than recording as when I track them they have no presence in the mix. I'm really having to crank up the treble and presence knob to try to get them to cut, assuming there is room in the mix that is. The profiles seem blah. So to my point.... How are you guys processing the profiles for recording low tuned distorted guitars?

    I'll try gt/master/left once again tonight, but I'll tell you what, I'm getting fantastic results killing the profile cab in the Kemper and using my own impulse generator in my daw. I use the Peavey Revalver cab sim. I can switch speaker, mics, cab size, Mic angle, all those things and it's much faster making adjustments..... This Kemper is absolutely awesome.....

    And from going through the SPDIF selections while playing, only SPDIF Master Stereo will utilize all the effects, and Stack sounds like there is no cab impulse.... Why did they not incorporate a master mono on the latest update?

    I started a thread on the rigs all sounding alike, but what I discovered is with DI set to master mono I get a good rich sound with the rigs sounding as they should.... different. With SPDIF the only way I can get the rigs to sound different as they should is to use master stereo as there is no master mono selection with SPDIF. The problem with this is having to use a stereo track to record and then panning both knobs left or right. I've tried every mono selection on SPDIF and none are as rich as the the master mono on DI out. Am I missing something here?

    Here is what I've discovered..... If I use DI out with the output set to master mono then the rigs sound approprietly different. There is NO master mono selection on the SPDIF output and the only way the rigs sound different on SPDIF is on the Master Stereo selection, but then I'm having to record on a stereo track and pan both left or right..... What am I missing here with SPDIF?

    For example, I look at one rig that says a Mess was used, or an Orange, or a Bogner....... All have the same tone...... Don't round any different to my ears.... Im a studio owner and I know for example that an Orange has a boxy sound compared to a Mess..... But they sound the same on the Kemper

    Hello All, I just bought my Kemper a few days ago. I do heavy tunes so I'm primarily interested in distorted tones. I've played through many of the factory provided high gain profiles, through head phones, DI to DAW, and SPDIF as well, and I can't hear a distinction between the profiles as to tone. In other words, I can take any profile and crank the gain up and the tones all sound alike, they just have different effects. I performed a reset to no avail.... The tones round good, they really rip, but no distinction in any of them. Is this common or do I have an error? I also have the latest Windows OS. I was hoping to get more than a single tone from my Kemper..... Any input would be greatly appreciated.