Posts by spk77

    I really like the rhythm guitar sound in this clip (especially the palm muted parts at the start and @1:36).

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    Any ideas how to get that sound? (I wish I could hear the isolated guitars only :) )

    Here's a profile: Battle Beast

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    (Lately, I've been listening to Battle Beast - I like that 80s feel with a modern sound):

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    Thank you very much for your reply. But it doesn't work to me. I send init message:
    F0 00 20 33 02 7F 7E 00 40 02 3B 05 F7
    KPA responds with a full "02" set of parameters.
    I repeat it every 3 seconds.
    The Delay slot is in most cases returned as "0" although it is on.

    My KPA doesn't respond to this your Request Single Parameter ("0x41") message at all - when communication is active nor without init.

    Do you use any initialization sequence? Or do you send it immediately without init? Which software do you use for sending the messages to KPA?

    I'm using Ctrlr (

    I just send single parameter requests to update the modulators - I'm not using any initialization sequence (there's no active communication happening at all.)

    This is interesting...
    "Get and save" -button sends three sysex messages to Kemper, here's the first one:
    f0 00 20 33 02 7f 47 00 00 00 06 0d 20 f7 (this seems to be "request filename for current rig")

    This is what Kemper sent back when I tested it:
    f0 00 20 33 00 00 07 00 00 00 06 0d 20 7b 44 4f 43 55 4d 45 4e 54 53 7d 2f 4b 65 6d 70 65 72 41 6d 70 2f 52 69 67 73 2f 53 50 4b 37 37 20 45 35 33 30 20 31 32 30 35 31 37 5f 34 20 55 20 2d 20 32 30 31 37 2d 30 35 2d 31 33 20 31 32 2d 32 36 2d 30 31 2e 6b 69 70 72 00 f7

    Now bolded part to ascii -> {DOCUMENTS}/KemperAmp/Rigs/SPK77 E530 120517_4 U - 2017-05-13 12-26-01.kipr

    Current Stomp types

    (I browsed through all stomps and sent F0 00 20 33 02 7f 41 00 32 00 00 00 F7 to request the current stomp type in Stomp slot A)

    Example: send F0 00 20 33 02 7f 01 00 32 00 01 12 F7 to set "Single Delay" to Stomp A slot

    • $F0: SYX
    • $00 $20 $33: Access/Kemper Manufacturer ID
    • $02: Product Type $02 = Kemper Profiler
    • $7f: Device ID $7f = OMNI
    • $01: The function code for a single parameter change is $01
    • $00: Addresses the instance of the parameter (always 0)
    • $32: Controller MSB (MSB of Stomp A address page in this example)
    • $00: Controller LSB (LSB of Stomp A address page in this example)
    • $01: Value MSB (Single Delay in this example)
    • $12: Value LSB (Single Delay in this example)
    • $F7: End of Sysex

    IMHO, a VST plug-in to recall the rigs on a track of your sequencer (through RM for exemple) would be better than an editor.

    An editor that could work as a stand-alone program or as a VST(i) would be perfect.

    Is it possible to get current rig data via MIDI? If it is possible then storing/recalling track specific rigs (or even take specific rigs) would be possible in REAPER by using ReaScript Lua.

    We can use Ctrlr as a lite version of an editor. Here's a MIDI communication test:

    "MIDI data flow":

    RM -> Kemper -> Ctrlr panel
    Ctrlr panel -> Kemper
    Kemper -> Ctrlr panel

    You don't need the Kemper to update rig manager on the computer but only the computer. So connect it to the internet and update to the latest Version.

    Yes, of course (don't know what I was thinking :) ).
    But I still would have to bring the computer (it's a desktop computer) home from our rehearsal place -> update Rig Manager via internet -> take the computer back.