Posts by Zarl

    Hello everyone,

    I am wanting to replace the rubber feet on my Kemper with bigger ones so that I can put it on top of my Line 6 DT25 cab and clear the cab's handle. Anyone have the specs for the screws holding the stock feet on? I'm sure I will need longer screws for the new rubber feet. Metric I would assume? I also need to find a tool just to take the feet off. Anyone replaced the feet on their Kemper already?

    Thanks in advance!

    Hey --- I just went through and replaced the four rubber feet on my Kemper with taller ones to clear the handle on my Mesa cab. I ordered these 1" tall feet from Amazon for $8:…0?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    [Blocked Image:]

    You'll need new, taller screws in order to attach these. The existing ones are Torx, requiring a special driver to remove, but not a big deal. You can get new screws from a hardware store. I believe the screw size is M4 - 0.7, but don't recall exactly. I think I got some that were 3/4" long or so. Most hardware stores have a display where you can test a screw you bring to figure out its exact thread and diameter size. The important thing though is that it's a metric thread size. Works perfect and looks like it was made for it!