Posts by dmiraie

    Because they sound great to them? I personally like very much profiles from one well known profiler (MB) and I really enjoy almost all of them that I bought. And definitely don't regret! 2nd reason is, that I don't want to spent my time with finding and trying thousands of profiles from RM. And I know that some of them are really great but other are definitely not my cup of tea. And to find right ones is for me quite time consuming.

    You still audition the commercial profiles you buy beforehand, correct (by listening to demos)? Isn't that just as time consuming? And also, how can you know what the final sound will be, considering your guitar is different from the one profiled?

    Hi, kemper noob question..

    The Kemper comes with hundreds of professionally engineered stock profiles (plus thousands of free user profiles in the rig manager) and has a decade of updates under its belt..

    After already spending thousands on a Kemper, why is it many folks shell out additional $ for 3rd party profiles? Is there something in particular the free profiles are lacking? Thnx for any enlightenment

    thnx for the suggestion,, i tried it and in truth I've still gotten much tighter gating with other gear.. basically I'm looking for something to immediately mute the guitar as soon as I cover the strings, my understanding is it's a pretty popular thing in modern metal.. i'm confused why i don't see other mentions of it on the interweb..

    Hi, I have a Kemper power rack and I'm a bit confused about the noise gate effect(s).

    As far as I can tell, it's not adequate for stuff like super-tight staccato metal riffing..

    It's simply not aggressive enough and doesn't mute the signal fast/hard enough..

    Am I missing something?

    My POD HD had an effective noise gate, and even my free Bias FX demo I has a real noise gate that clamps down fast..

    For a $2,500 digital product, this is odd to me..

    Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a better noise gate in the newer OS (I haven't updated since 2017)?

    Thnx for any help!

    (Apologies if this has already been heavily discussed somewhere else)

    Hi there, Kemper noob here!

    Does anybody know why after half a decade there's still no Kemper software editor?
    Is it simply not a priority for Kemper? Technical challenges/limitations? Not enough demand for one?

    I love me some Kemper, but this aspect has got me fairly stumped.. Thanks for any info!

    (Hey, when I hit "reply" in a forum like this, does it automatically reply to everyone? Can I not respond to individual posts? Are there any advantages to a format like this vs. something like, say, Reddit?)

    -Thanks for bringing the 4.0 content to my attention. How does the new LL stuff differ from, say, his previous factory rig content?

    -Yes I've hit up wikpa.. I've taken about 30 pages of notes so far from about 5 sources, but/and I'd like to continue absorbing as much info as possible before even looking at my Kemper again.. lest I fall back into my same patterns!

    Hi Kemper forum, noob here..

    Can anybody link me to any helpful/in-depth high gain (modern metal amp tone) tutorials/threads? I already read through MeAmBobbo's guides, which were quite enlightening to say the least, and I'd like to continue building a list of tone-dialing resources.

    The reason I ask is because while I've heard plenty of awe inspiring sounds online, I haven't been able to find any default profiles (factory/user) that really gell with my guitar (Carvin 6 string with EMG 81). This, combined with the fact that my amp-dialing abilities are very limited, has left me in a frustrating sonic rut --I had the same experience with the Axe II/Pod HD/Rocktron etc, so the problem is very clearly on my end..

    -Also, to be specific, I'm not looking for 'mix tones' as much as I'm looking for 'jamming solo and/or jamming with drums' tones..
    I.E., maybe something like this:

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    -Also, as a separate route, I know that some folks offer services where they will take your dry signal and simply dial in the desired profile for you.. Has anybody found this to be effective/worthwhile, and/or can you possibly recommend anyone in particular for this service?

    -Also, if anybody knows of a more appropriate place for a post like this, please let me know, thanks!
