Posts by Plattino

    I would like to spread the word about the Mr. Uber Pack! I usually only make/sell and play my own profiles and I know and have played the most commercial-profiles out there. This pack is special!

    I bought the Ueber Pack after I heard the sound-demos at YT. And what Ivan did here is just outstanding! It is is a MUST HAVE BUY for everyone! The miking of the cabs is so well done, I'm speechless how good the profiles sound....

    It doesn't matter if you're after this special Bogner-Amp or not. The cabs and the miking makes most of the sound in the Kemper as many of you know. And you possibly get some of the best miked CABINETS with this pack. They work great with every profile/amp outthere! So well balanced, clear and with great pressure in the bottom. Outstanding work!

    So cudos to you Ivan!! I'm blown away by your actual profiles. Keep up your good work man! I hope the Fredman will bring the same quality and variation to the table. I'm a fan of your work now!

    P.S. no. I'm NO affiliate or know Ivan in person. It's just that I think his actual profiling-technique and work is top notch.

    Just a recommendation dudes! Thank me later.

    Hi Ash,

    thanks for asking! Yeah, I refined them primary with my Strat but the axe has Fender Hot Noiseless PUs - Jeff Beck. So it's not really a traditional sounding SC setup.

    I tested a lot guitars and PUs and found this Strat/PU setup to be the perfect choice for refining my profiles to archive the best results for both SC and HB equipped guitars.

    With "adjust" I just mean that you still have to adjust the Input Settings at the Profiler to let the profiles work the best with your guitars.


    Hiya! I proudly announce the release of my second Profiler-Pack --> THE RED - Pack No.1 !!!

    Tried to replicate the sound of my beloved HOT Marshall® 1987X 50 W - Jimmy Hendrix - Reissue 1992. Cranked it up to earshaking loudness.
    No bedroom profiling, dudes. You get profiles with real power-amp distortion!

    Look no further for searching one of the best hot rodded british amp-profiles around.

    You get 24 Merged and also 14 Direct profiles.

    I bought the amp in 1992 and it has a custom modification to 2 channels (Clean and Dirty) and the dirty one is really special.
    Cabinet profiled for Pack No.1: a custom 2x12" Cab with Greenbacks.

    I used different techniques and special post-processing to archive this "Mix-Ready" Kemper-Profiles. The profiles sound also great over Yamaha DXR10s which I own myself.

    But that is not all!

    This Pack comes also with complete FX Presets per rig!
    Every Profile has effects and settings for all FX Slots and I also assigned everything for the Kemper Remote!

    So I did everything for you. You'll get everything ready to rock! So....what are you waiting for? :D

    I will find a demo-rig at the rig-exchange (author tag: Plattino).

    Here's a little demo-video:

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    Visit my website:

    Join me at Facebook :

    Or join our Kemper Profiler Maniacs Group --> Kemper Profiler Custom Rigs -->

    BTW! This is the amp:

    [Blocked Image:…les-the-red.JPG]

    Thanks a lot! Rock on! Cheers!

    Hi fellow Kempians! I'am happy to announce that I just released my first Kemper-Amp-Pack called THE BLUE. :D

    Demo Profile is at the Rig-Exchange. Simply type THE BLUE in the search field und you sure will find it.

    You also can hear exactly this DEMO-Profile at my first Presentation-Video at my YT Channel.

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    Head over to


    THE BLUE - FULL PACK67 Kemper® Amp Profiles(All Sounds and Flavors made with a H&K Tubemeister 36)

    You'll get all 67 profiles! 55 Merged & 12 Directs

    Everything is here. For all music-styles. Cleans, fat 'n creamy and heavy Crunch sounds and juicy Lead tones!

    Profiles of all 3 amp-channels CLEAN/CRUNCH/LEAD in its best settings.
    Profiles of a Blackstar Dual-Drive boosting Channel 2
    Profiles of a Vox Fatboost boosting Channel 2
    Profiles of a Electro Harmonix Soul Foot boosting Channel 2
    Profiles of a Carl Martin DC Overdrive boosting Channel 2
    All Sounds profiled with a Marshall Cabinet 1960 4x12 with Celestion T75s (25 Years old and very special :)

    Mikes: SM57 and a great AT MB-2K.

    Different mic positions (Only the best made it into this pack).

    I also included some Profiles with V30s as a bonus.

    Thanks for your time and ROCK ON!

    I think only at Kemper's own Online-Store (Well, I got it from there) or if you buy the Kemper-Amp new you can buy it as a bundle with the remote at a discounted price in all stores who sell the Kemper - offline or online.

    Hi. Simply speaking: there's no comparsion :) If you have the money the REMOTE is a must. IMO. You will never ever reget it. Assigning effects/controller is a breeze!. Large display, tap tempo, tuner button....but the best thing is now with the new 4.0 firmware it is even better. Awesome how easy everything is with the REMOTE. I also have the FCB1010. Needs some tweaking and time to get things working with the Kemper. It's ok - but again - no comparsion IMO. Just the price.