Posts by Brunos73

    Hi all,

    I am looking for a rig that can produce a Sitar-ish sound. I have seen there is a thread from 2013 in the forum discussing it but now the thread is closed.

    Can you please suggest if and where I can find such a profile?

    Thank you very much for your help.



    First impressions last night at practice are extremely positive. I cannot offer comparisons to any other monitors, but having the wedge on the floor in front of me definitely makes it easier to hear myself without garnering the wrath of my bandmates. The M. Britt profiles I use sound better than ever! LOL!

    Now I just have to figure out a few tweaks and methodology for further control of my stage volume. We are a very dynamic band and it seems like the 'range' of volume I get isn't adequate without the ability to increase that range with multiple options. Not sure if that makes sense but let me try to explain...

    Right now, for every rig, I have a EQ boost in the X slot for solos. In the course of our 'regular dynamic range' I would only use that for soloing. However, if we get into a particularly tasty jam, with all cylinders firing, when I am playing strictly rhythm I have to utilize that boost just to hear myself. So, If in those situations, I need to solo, I will need to add an additional boost of sorts. Not sure how I will address yet, am waiting to play with 4.02 before I even think about bringing the expression pedal into the mix and maybe it will be that I have to have two pedals - one for volume and one for morphing? Or two boosts or _______.

    But I digress... summary - I really like the Alto TS210 and think its a great investment for the money. At some point I will try to A/B it against a QSC K10 and K12 since our band has those monitors but for now I am very happy.

    Great to have confirmation of my first impression! :) I have had other rehearsals in the meantime and I am definitely satisfied with the Alto TS210.

    I've been using a TS212 for over a year .....

    Maybe you've been using the TS112? The 212 has been launched this year and it is completely a new product so it's impossible you have been using it for more than a year.
    I'm sure with the TS2 series Alto has considerably reduced the gap (in terms of sound quality) with the Yamaha DXR.

    Well. after one rehearsal and one gig with the Alto Ts210 here is my review:

    preface 1: I play Hard Rock in a band with 2 guitars. My main guitar is a PRS C24.
    preface 2: The gig was in an average pub with a small stage barely capable of hosting the 5 of us.

    I have used the Alto TS 210 as monitor and main out in the PA.

    I have to say the speaker works great. I just had to decrease the low frequencies and increase a bit the presence and the feel was actually very realistic and natural. Volume was huge. All the band could hear me very well and they enjoyed a lot my tone as much as I did. Maybe my sound from the monitor was even better than what was coming out from the PA.
    I think that in little venues I could use it as a BL, like an amp, I don't think I'll miss the guitar cab.

    in conclusion: I think that if you are not a professional and play just for fun, the Alto is a very good compromise. Cheap with very good performance.



    I think soon I'll buy the DXR10 and will make a direct comparison.

    Very often I read about people disappointed by something concerning the KPA they have just bought! And they are ready to sell it! :)
    But if you dig a bit you discover they even don't know what the output section is there for.

    I think that a huge number of guitarists buy the magic box just because it is the item of the moment, hoping this is the magic wand to get immediately the sound of their guitar hero!

    the KPA is the most revolutionary machine of the last years and for sure has drawn a line in the sand concerning guitar amplifying.
    Please get a better knowledge of what it is and just know that you need to invest a little bit in 'knobs tweaking' and 'menu studying' before getting what you want (and you will!)

    Sorry for the outing! :) keep rocking!


    I had the same issue with my Blackstar HT 40.
    Just put a jack into the input of the amp (yes, just a jack connected to nothing else, only into the input of the amp) and connect the out of the KPA to the fx return of the amp (as you already have done). It will work.


    Hi all,

    I am very attracted by MBritt profiles but I noticed most of them were profiled using P90 pu. I am just worried the medium/high gain profiles might be too muddy with my PRS custom 24.
    I play mainly classic rock (79/80/90's).
    Which pack would you suggest? and what should I change in the input/output/EQ kemper section not to have a muddy sound in case?

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


    same here. I think we have to wait for the new fw release to fix this bug. It must be related somehow to the SYSTEM ERROR that some of us have experienced after having installed the latest fw and that can be sorted initializing all the rigs by pressing and holding the rig button while switching on the machine and letting the system check all the rigs (solution proposed by the support team).