Posts by lemonk

    These 2 statements from the first post plus the thread title would probably end any "endorsement discount" offer if I were in charge at Kemper.
    We all have tight budgets, we all have some "reference" in some part of the "music industry" or other important reasons to get discounts. But the overwhelming majority of users here have happily paid the regular, full price for their Profiler(s)without even thinking about asking for discounts. Why? Well, try to answer this to yourself. ;)

    If you would have read every comment in this discussion carefully you should know that this has nothing to do with not getting an endorsement of Kemper. If the person who is responsible for that job would have answered just with his "copy paste message" (and I know that he does that) I would have been more than okay with that. But this is all about the sum of problems which accrued.

    It's funny...I'm poor too (self employed musician, guitar teacher, barely scraping by) but I never requested or expected a discount. I just saved my money until I could purchase the KPA (ok I put some of the cost on my CC when I got close....couldn't wait any longer.)

    Things cost what they cost.


    This has nothing to do with the discount. Furthermore I dont understand why people are mad at me when I try to save some money when it is possible. As I mentioned before the store is giving me dicount!!! Not Kemper. Neither is Kemper giving the store any discout. The store pays the same like any other store... It is a friendly turn of the store to give me discount.

    1. I am not blaming anyone. But when I get the feeling that no one of the company cares about my issues I am justified to leave a note on that!
    2. I dont like this method either but this is a way of getting heard!
    3. As I mentioned before the store did everything right. He ordered directly after my inquiry and was very exerted to help me with my issues.

    That I have payed before getting the KPA + Remote is clearly my fault!

    I don't understand why you already paid full prize if the device isn't already here.
    Usually you have to pay a deposit, not the full prize, until the device is in the store.
    Would you please name the store?

    Well I payed the prize mid December because I thought I will get it 2 weeks later. I will never do that again...

    I dont wanted to tread on someones toes but I have the feeling I did. I feel sorry for that especially considering that this is my first post in that forum.

    But when you are longingly waiting on such great gear you feel disappointed when its delivery getting delayed over and over again and emails never getting answered. I think that one is able to empathize with that.

    Sounds like the guy at the store made a booboo and didn't order stock from Kemper?

    Thats what I thought too, so I asked the store owner and he showed me the email correspondence with Kemper...

    Is it because you do not become an endorser or because your store do not deliver.

    Nothing of that. It is because of the potentialization of all the facts I mentioned. (Waiting 5 months for an email reply and 2 months on the delivery without getting any feedback on the status.)

    Thank you for your replys.

    I checked if the problem is on the store side or on Kempers. The store assured (and I saw the email correspondence between the store and Kemper) that the delay isn´t caused by the store.
    And yes I shouldn´t be mad that the company is very busy and mostly out of stock! But it makes me angry when I hear from the guy on the Support line that it has been in stock the whole time but they didn´t send it to me. And thats also not caused because I get a discount. The discount is on the store side. The store pays the full retailer price ( retailers get it way cheaper ). But when you know that you can not deliver in time, you should tell the customer and not let him wait and ask several times.
    But my anger is mostly because of the potentialization of all these facts like waiting 5 months for an email reply and 2 months on the delivery without getting any feedback on the status.

    Hello everyone.

    I didn´t find the right spot to post my topic so I decided to do it here.

    I am deeply disappointed about the Company.


    I played the Kemper in a big Music Store and fell in love with this piece of gear. I am a student and like every other student I have a very tight budget. So I decided to call the Customer Support to asked for possible ways for a discount. The guy on the phone was very kind and told me that I should write an email with my vita to ask for an endorsement deal. I am a music producer and musician with some reference in the music industrie so I thought I will give it a try.

    The first email I wrote was on 8th, September 2015. I was hoping to get an answer but after 3 weeks passed I called the Support Line again. The guy on the phone told me that I should try again because the person who is responsible for this is busy as f***. So I wrote the 2nd mail on 1st, October 2015. I didn´t get any answer except the automated confirmation for receiving my email. After 1 Month I finaly tried a 3rd time and wrote on 2nd, Novermber 2015. I gave up the hope in getting any response so I decided to ask a friend who has a very good connection to a music store to ask for a discount. He offered a price for the Kemper Power Head and the Remote I was comfortable with so I ordered the Kemper + Remote on 3rd, December 2015. The estimated waiting time for the bundle was 4 - 5 weeks.

    In the first week of January 2016 I asked the music store owner if he has any news on my order because I already payed in mid December. He told me that Kemper said that it will arrive the 2nd week of January. Nothing happened. So I called the Customer Support again and told him the whole disappointing story. He was a little bit surprised when I told him that I ordered at the beginning of December and didn´t get it yet. Furthermore he told me that it was in stock until mid December and that I must be a little bit unlucky.
    To the question why the person who is responsible for answering the endorsement deal requests didn´r reply, he assured me that it is very unusual that I didn´t even get a "copy paste reply" like "Thank you for your interest but we currently have no more budget left for endorsement" or something like this.
    He finally offered me to leave my email adress so that he can personally take care about this disappointing case and that I should get a message soon. Nothing happend TO THIS DAY. My Kemper and Remote didn´t arrive once again ( this time mid January) and I asked the owner of the store again to resolve this problem. Now Kemper told him that they will deliver end of January. That must be this week and I am sure it will not arrive! Maybe you can understand that I am pissed and deeply disappointed about this company even though they build one of the best products on the market.

    I am now waiting 5 months for a reply on my emails and 2 months for my actual order of the Kemper+Remote. I am aware of possible supply bottleneck but then you should make it transparent. I am on the verge of canceling my order but that would make me even more angry and sad.

    Hopefully someone reads this and that no one else has to experience such disappointment...