Posts by bmortlockguitar

    Hey buddy!

    I try my best to help as many Kemper users out there as I can, along with making video content on YouTube reguarding tutorial, demonstrations and inspiration on how to get what you want out of it. I tried messaging you privately but didn't have any luck as for some reason it says you're not allowed to participate in conversations.

    Message me if you can or alternatively you can hit me up on Facebook at Benjamin Bullett Mortlock. I truly believe it's a matter of finding profiles that really work for you. I'm fortunate enough to have tried hundreds from different sources and sellers (I still have heaps of content to make on different creators). Each profile can have a different feel that may not feel or sound right for you that's what we're all here to help with!

    As people have said there are heaps of things you can dive into to tweak it and personally this bombarded me a bit and I got frustrated when trying to make it do what I wanted. So decided it would be great to try and help people as much as possible and inspire them!

    Be patient with it and along with the community here and other sources. I'm sure you will be able to find what you're looking for. If you are interested in seeing whether any of my work may help you, I'll link the channel!…j0ggeTH7zK2RTtH

    All the Best!

    Good job.

    I'm always impressed when I see folks with such a light touch and getting good tone from it.

    I hold my neck like it's trying to escape and I have to hang on to it with all my strength.

    Maybe a big neck with big strings and a high action have something to do with that, but sometimes I'd just love to relax my hand the way you obviously can do.

    Thanks for the kind words man!

    I use gauge 9 strings and have always tried to train myself to have great control with as little effort as possible. Particularly once I started working and playing much longer 2 hour concerts, using thicker strings and hammering away too hard always fatigued me. It takes quite a lot to train yourself to do it and in fact even more patience to do so. It's a little bit like volume and dynamics in the sense that if you are always at the top of where you can be, you've got no where to go. I enjoy having a light controlled effect because there's always plenty of room for me to dig in and take things to the next level!

    Hope that helps man!

    Hey guys!

    I hope you're all doing well and that 2017 is treating you well so far. I just thought I'd let you know that the 2nd episode my GET THAT TONE! series is out. This time we're tackling the Muse song Hysteria. Apologies if you're already aware it's out.

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    All the best guys!

    Very nicely done, thanks for taking the time to make the videos!

    Thanks for the heads up! Will definitely be checking out your videos.


    Good job! Very useful for practising guitar AND tweaking the Kemper to our old vintage sounds...
    Next time catch your mic and do the vocals too on "message in a bottle".
    Then it would be perfect.
    Thank you for sharing!

    Thank you for the Andy Summers love.
    He's been a main influence to me.


    Nice, contact me and I'll give you some of my packs

    Good job :thumbup:

    Bullett, you will receive a letter from my lawyer soon. I wrecked my pinkie trying to play that! :D

    welcome ! I have lots of interest for The Who's tone, and 70's English music in general, I see you've been touring on a Who tribute, man you're lucky ! Seems you also got much love for the telecaster, it sounds so epic on the KPA :)

    Here is one song I wrote on a Pete vibe once ago , KPA is a fantastic time machine when it comes to get all of our guitar heroes tones !

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    Very nicely played and excellent tone, Just subscribed :thumbup:

    Hey Everyone! :)

    I know that some of you follow me on YouTube and perhaps you have seen this already. I just thought I would share with you my new episode & performance of 'Hysteria' by Muse, all the guitar tones were created using the Kemper. This is from the second episode in a series called 'GET THAT TONE!' which is designed to help YOU GUYS achieve the guitar tones from some of your favourite records, as suggested by you. A lot of research went into this episode, looking at the album and live rigs muse used in 2003. If you haven't already check out the first episode on The Police - Message In A Bottle below this. There is also an explanation about bonus video content via Patreon, for those that wish to support me for perks!

    Let me know what you think, did I nail the tone? If you like what you see/hear, hit the subscribe button to stay up-to-date with the series and all my other Kemper related content, including tutorial tips and bass demonstrations.


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    Some subscribers are now choosing to help support me by pledging $4 per episode and so they receive access to a range of preproduction and behind-the-scenes videos, going to investigate about all of the parameters on the and so they receive access to a range of pre production and behind-the-scenes videos, that go into in depth detail about all of the parameters on Kemper, EQ and production techniques and more!

    Take it easy guys!

    Hi Ben, I am not on facebook or twitter and i can't reach yout website with your link. It showes an error when I try the link.I'll check out your utube channel to subcribe.
    If your are interessted in delays you can have a look in my delay thread or use the downloadlink under my signature. You can find some delaypresets there and some complete rigs.


    Yes I apologise, my website is drown currently while I finish working on it for all this content. None the less, thank you for subscribing. Thank you very much for the offer on delays and rigs!

    All the best,

    Most definitely this was an ides waiting to be thought and done. After viewing and listening to the vids it feels That I'm on a treasure hunt, like. Thank you very much! I am pleased.
    If I may add that in my experience Telecasters really do sound excellent with most of the rigs (RE and commercial).


    Hey Hamer, thanks very much! I'm enjoying making content a lot i'm glad you have enjoyed watching it . Today I've just finished the first video in my 'KEMPER QUCK TIPS' collection. Which will be coming out over the next few days.

    Telecasters are lovely guitars although I come across a lot of profiles where it doesn't sound that good or a LOT of tweaking needs to be done. Normally when the profile is very thin sounding or doesn't react like a really amplfier. I have a video coming out showcasing how profiles react with a range of guitar types.

    All the best,

    Hey everyone,

    I first of all want to say a massive thank you for all the support you have given me over the past few weeks with regards to my YouTube channel. I posted on here a few weeks back and to see so many of you join the community has been very rewarding, so thank you.

    I am also posting here however to explain that I am now creating bass guitar related content on my channel. So far the two videos available contemt a performance and interview with a professional bassist that I work with. In the I ask him to choose profiles he likes from the selection on my kemper, then put them in context with performance of an artist's he has performed on both live and in the studio. I then sit down with him afterwards and interview him about his thoughts, his reason for setting up the profile of the way he did and extracting various useful tips about bass guitar and working professionally.

    Here are the two videos released so far and as always guys I welcome your feedback and any suggestions/ideas for upcoming content! :D

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    All the best guys,

    Hi Ben, really cool vids and you nailed the sound. Very nice playing.
    I have seen the police several times live, the last gig was sychronicity live in Dortmund/ Germany. One of the greatest bands!!!!
    One question for new vids: Could you please show the exact profile and cab and could you be so kind and show us the parametertweaks dircetly in the vids?

    I wish you much sucsess, youre a great musician!


    Hey Frank, thanks for getting in touch. Thank you ever so much for the kind words too, I wish I had the chance to see The Police. As a huge fan of sting's solo stuff also and I'd love to see him. I was fortunate enough to see Dominic Miller in an intimate jazz club here in the U.K.

    I would like to show the exact profiles and parameter tweaks in my videos but I'm afraid I make seperate videos detailing these and more advice/opinions that are shown to people that choose to suppose me on my Patreon. When choosing to support me there, 'patrons' have a say in the content that they wish to see, as well as recieving this extra video content. The only reason for this is I'm trying my best to support myself as a musician and am hoping people support me in this process. However I'm happy to answer any questions if you ever want to shoot me a private message via my Facebook.

    All the best,

    Hei Ben
    I like watching and hearing "series" about music and stuff in general and inhaled both you posted. Great info and your very natural and authentic, that's nice.
    I'll hope to see more of you coming soon! Thank you for doing this.

    One question: Do I do something wrong or is the link to your page (in your signature) some kind of wrong (getting just an error message)?

    Hey Nightwish!

    Thank you very much, I'm glad you like the videos. I've got a whole range of content coming out soon from how the kemper reacts to pedals, to how choosing different guitar picks can help change the overall tone. Welcome to the family!

    You are right. As my for website, it is currently down while I work on it to host all of the YouTube videos, written articles and lesson content that I create. Apologies for that!

    I'm giving serious thought to making the switch to a Kemper for my live playing. As I look for used heads, is there anything that I should look at to "avoid"? Do I need to know what firmware version the head is at? My understanding is they all can be upgraded to the latest/greatest version. Are there any issues with particular years or versions that I should be aware of?

    Still going back and forth on whether to get a powered head or a non powered head. Leaning towards "powered" (if I can find the right deal) as I "think" I have more options with how to use it for gigs/practices, etc.

    Overall, still in the "gathering info" stage but want to know what to avoid just in case a deal comes up.

    @kingsxman I bought mine second hand and have had no issues with it whatsoever. I created a video about my experience with it since. Perhaps this may help

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    Ben, you're a Silly Billy for not having let us know here previously!

    Oh man, I can't wait to watch everything you've put up. Slow connection means I'll have to download them with ClipGrab, so that's my mission for the day... apart from weeding the poor lady up the street's front yard. LOL

    Welcome, brother, and thank you so much for all your Kemper love!

    PS: I always get excited when folks start / make series such as yours, but inevitably they've tended to die / slow / stop, which has left me hugely-disappointed in every instance. Hopefully you'll be an exception, mate. Please persist with this; so many of us here will really, really appreciate it!

    Hey buddy!!

    Foolish of me right? I started this series 2 months ago and have since been trying to develop more and more ideas and finish of the videos I'd already created so I now have a smooth set of releases for the rest of the year!

    Ah man, I'm touched even more by your dedication. In the long run I aim to make downloadable content for my website at the same time as running my YouTube work. That's further down the line though, for now it's all about creating interesting and exciting content about various tones, applications and everything kemper. I've seen a lot of videos demonstrating tones on YouTube which are cool but my focus is to really build a community where I can add value and education not just about kemper but all cool things guitar & music. The good thing is no one is telling me to do it either and I'm not trying to sell it haha, so I have my own choices of what cool content to make!

    They'Il be other content too just because of the nature of my music life/passion for video making. :thumbup:

    Good luck weeding the front yard bro!