Posts by chrismilne

    Reposting here, realized I posted to the wrong forum before.

    It seems that something has changed maybe in a recent update, but i'm not sure whats going on. I noticed that some rig's that i marked "favorites" sound terrible (like out of phase mic's). When it was one or two i kind of ignored it and went on to another rig and chalked it up to a bad profile (and me having a bad day). Today it happened again and i decided to troubleshoot. My normal mode of playing is to lock the Delay slot and use that as a stereo loop which i run into some pedals (Strymon Mobius -> TC Electronics Triple Delay -> Source Audio Ventris -> Strymon Flint)...i also locked the reverb slot to off for now. While troubleshooting i noticed if i unplugged the send to my pedals it sounds normal (no out of phase sound). I made sure no pedals are on, then i started unplugging the pedals or only connecting one at a time and it still has the problem with any pedal in line (and off)....what could be going on? It's like a really mild comb filter delay...did they change how the loop works and its introducing the same signal back with a tiny delay?

    Note...i mostly only hear it on higher gain profiles as well...not sure if its in the profile itself's settings??


    Update: kemper support replied but I am using 100% for the loop value.

    It seems that something has changed maybe in a recent update, but i'm not sure whats going on. I noticed that some rig's that i marked "favorites" sound terrible (like out of phase mic's). When it was one or two i kind of ignored it and went on to another rig and chalked it up to a bad profile (and me having a bad day). Today it happened again and i decided to troubleshoot. My normal mode of playing is to lock the Delay slot and use that as a stereo loop which i run into some pedals (Strymon Mobius -> TC Electronics Triple Delay -> Source Audio Ventris -> Strymon Flint)...i also locked the reverb slot to off for now. While troubleshooting i noticed if i unplugged the send to my pedals it sounds normal (no out of phase sound). I made sure no pedals are on, then i started unplugging the pedals or only connecting one at a time and it still has the problem with any pedal in line (and off)....what could be going on? It's like a really mild comb filter delay...did they change how the loop works and its introducing the same signal back with a tiny delay?

    Note...i mostly only hear it on higher gain profiles as well...not sure if its in the profile itself's settings??


    Sorry if i missed it, do we know if the 3.0 will include a way to manage/change cabinets in rig manager? Doing that is terrible on the Kemper, especially with purchased IR libraries where the names are super long and you can't even read them after importing.


    Have you accidentally tripped the USB/MIDI THRU button on the Midisport, by any chance?

    That button doesn't seem to change anything in or out. When i open midi i only see my Presonus Faderport and ventris reverb (both of which are connected via USB), the midisport does not show up at all anymore.

    Should anything be selected in Routing?

    I even tried opening an older version of Toast Me (1.38) and i still don't see it...but its in my DAW and the Device Manager so i'm confused

    I've been playing mostly in an upstairs music space since i go the kemper on Mackie 4" monitors and have been fine with it (occasionally using a real amp/cab). I finally gave up on finishing my main music room in the near future so i brought up my old Event 20/20p 8" monitors, and expected to be wow'ed by the "upgrade", but instead i find it sounds awful. Cleans are playable, but distorted (especially hi gain) sound terrible. I've never loved these monitors, i wanted the bi-amped version back when i got these but didn't have the money (actually wanted the HR824 but those were out of my range all together)...but i wasn't expecting them to sound this bad with the Kemper. I even bought the Event sub woofer years ago because of the low bass output from the monitors but that seemed to have died when i reconnected it.

    What monitors can people recommend that i get in the future, that are good for mixing and jamming. I don't need the most flat monitor in existence i can learn the sound for mixing from reference material, i prefer something that also sounds good since i'm not a professional mixer. i.e. i hate the Yamaha NS10 sound. How are the HS8's with the Kemper?

    @Terence T I didn't realize the Silver Jubilee profile you were using was free in the Michael Britt rig pack, so I tried it using my LP. Firstly, let me say this isn't the sort of profile that's suited for what you're playing. I personally don't like the profile either way. Why not try a profile more suited to what you're playing like, for example, in The Amp Factory IV rig pack, the TAF - Engle 650 RMB Ld 2 profile. Try playing the same riff through that one and let us hear how it sounds. While I think Britt's profiles undoubtedly work well live and for gigs, I'm not crazy about nor use them for practicing and recording. Further, forget the Jubilee from Britt and TJ for the time being and try some other profiles.

    What else do you have besides those? I saw you mention the Caswell. It's good for lead but lacks low end for rhythm (I thought). If you like Top Jimi his newer Freidman Jerry Cantrell has a more full sound.

    I just downloaded ToastMe. I don't have midi connections on my computer so I was going to order a USB to midi cable. Any suggestions on a good brand that will work? I understand that there may be some brands that won't work properly.

    I haven't tried one of those...i use this and it's working:…versary-edition

    The do have a 1x1 and a cable version but i can't guarantee it will work, but probably likely.

    Distorted guitars can sound good on any size speaker? Even earbuds or a laptop? Sorry, not my experience at all.

    Well it may not be ideal, but we all listen to music containing distorted guitars on all of these different types of speakers (so if you are comparing in a mix or for recording you can definitely get used to that sound) does not sound like guitar->amp->cab->room->ears, of course.

    Thanks for the clips. As for the tone, something's definitely wrong, in my opinion. My hunch is that there's something amiss in the configuration of the KPA somewhere.

    I agree, something doesn't sound right here. It doesn't help that the file is extremely low in volume when trying to compare it to the clips on the profile makers site. Do you have any clips of this same guitar with your marshall mic'ed?

    No, I plug into my Marshall with my LP it sounds excellent. I don't have to wait months for it to sound good. If someone tries a £1450 piece of gear and it doesn't sound satisfactory to them, in my experience it doesn't get better. I'm happy to know what people are doing, to get their Kempers sounding the way they want them.
    You may plug into an expensive Marshall and not like it. Someone telling you to be patient is a load of drivel, unless they suggest how you can get the sound your looking for with the gear your using.

    So what are you actually doing with the Kemper to make it sound better? Apart from patience, what's your actual technique?

    Have you stuck a mic in from of this marshall, then gone to a room where you are only listening to that sound via monitors and it still sounds just like you want to hear (unlike the Kemper)? If so then i would either, profile your Marshall (as others have said), or get a load box/IR loader and call it a day. You may not be at all happy with that either if you are used to sitting in the room with your amp through your cab and move to mic'ed sound (Kemper/IR) and monitors. You've stated that you have a lot of studio experience so you probably know this, just throwing it out there.

    I go back and forth from the fence on keeping/selling the kemper weekly for a few reasons, but its a personal battle that some need to fight. Others love it all the time, i love it 51% of the time. I think the new Reverbs might bump it to 60% :)

    will listen to the clip...i also recommend Soundcloud for free/easy clip posting.