Usable but probably in combination with another track that has a lot of mids
Posts by chrismilne
@Mattfig, are these all those Randall MTS preamp modules modded by Salvation Audio? If they are, curious which amplifier you've used for profiling these modules?Btw. does someone know are those Randall MTS compatible heads still on production as didn't find anything else than this ?
For MTS info check here:
Matt sent me the profiles and I checked them out and purchased. These are very good. Contrary to a previous review, I do not think there is too much high end anywhere, they do tend to have a bit more low end then some of my profiles but i don't think that's a bad thing. I also thing the cleans on the amp and the profiles are very nice. If i had any tiny criticism or wish list would be to get more profiles in the mid to high gain BE mode (maybe some alternate settings or cabinets) without activating the switches (HBE/Fat/Sat)...just alternate EQ choices (or the cabinet tones), and second, with all of the BE100 (and Friedman) profiles out there I have never really heard one that totally captures that "super tight low end that Phil X talks about in his infamous youtube review", maybe that's just a Kemper thing. I have not had time yet to use the DI's but i'm thinking they are going to be great as well. Overall a tremendous pack and recommended.
I keep on liking your earlier Cameron studio rigs. Probably more than the recent direct ones, though these depend a lot on the cab you use, so who knows!
The other ones are a CCV though right?
Also would like to see this.
FWIW, I set out to make this the best BE100 profile pack on the market....I tried all the others and they never felt like the Friedman does....I focused on that and the mid and lower gains where others seem to be lacking...Of course the High Gain is still there...
I'll send you a free sample if you want to send me your email....I am very pleased with how these profiles came out and confident that you will likely be able to use them right away.
MattfigThanks. You should have my facebook link under the same name (let me know if not), you had sent me some prerelease test profiles and i sent my suggestions...Not sure i can pick it up right away though, just bought a few packs recently, but it's on my possible list.
Thanks, got it! Have you tried the Pleximan? I've seen some nice youtube demo's...
I finally got around to trying the samples, and they are really good, i plan to purchase soon. Also makes me more interested in these amps. Well done.
** Just purchased, let me know how I get the profiles, I assume via direct email?
I get the feeling a lot of people are either buying/selling the heads, or borrowing though, I doubt a lot of the people retain so many amps.
Orange & Engl cabs will be released next wednesday!
Next packs:
01.Bogner Uberschall
02.Friedman BE100Anyone interested in these?
I'd be more interested if the order was reversed, but yet
I had a chance to do a quick test mix comparing my Aldrich profile to the Official Cameron profile. Tried to make all things equal - 2 guitar tracks left and right reaamped straight through the Kemper. Both use the same Ownhammer IR with no added EQ or post processing.
Mine -
External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Cameron -
External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Thoughts welcomed.
On my Sony headphones I definetely liked the Cameron one better, it had less fizz and a bit more low mids. In the car (where I like to evaulate sounds because it's familiar and I don't prefer headphones these days), I would say the Cameron still edges yours out by a bit for the same reasons. However, they are very close, and it comes down to does someone want a little more high end or a little more low mids... Either way, I really like all of your Cameron and Aldrich profiles and I play them as much as any purchased profile. For $5 i'd defintely buy the Cameron profile (singular) and maybe even $10...but not $40. I'm really after that Dokken/80's sound I hear in my head (which isn't always what i hear when i go back and listen to the albums
But the sound is what i heard from some old Cameron CCV Youtube clips or Mark Day's Friedman clips on youtube.
I am tempted, certainly. Also by the recent JJ and Marshall by Choptones, and the Mars by Sinmix. I already own a couple of packs from Matt and they are good. We are being saturated with Marshall or Mars - like packs lately!!!! The demos of the Friedman here sound good, sure, but perhaps the guitar track alone may be more reliable. I checked up those in Matt 's website and I liked them. And it is not necessary to be a pro to play good music, Matt. Some pros don't! No excuses are necessary IMHO.
Agreed. I've been interested/looking at the same group of profiles (plus Sinmix's BE100 pack). Personally, the Amp Factory and Michael Britt have the best setup for showcasing profiles from a player's perspective, nicely played, not too short not too long clips of the pack/profiles). If you are primarily an engineer you probably like to hear it in a mix, but if 95% of the time i'm worried about playing and i find those worthless for evaulating profiles. I would also say maybe only 10% of all the profiles i've purchased (or less) are usable for my tastes/preferences.
I agree with others about Guidorist. Singles and Packs. Also the price is right so I buy all of his profiles as soon as there are released
I'd be curious to see the sale/dollar ratios between a model like Guido's and one that costs a lot more but may sell a lot less packs and see which wins out
For example, the infamous $40 (or $50) profiles. If it were $5 or $10 a ton of people would have bought it from name recognition, but at $40 probably not very many. I don't personally have any idea how many people have Kempers and how many purchase profiles though...
Hmm... What about a strategy like Soundside, which is individual packs but after buying 1 pack getting 1/2 off on any other you add?
Actually that is one of the reasons i haven't bought any packs from Soundside, i felt too much pressure to buy everything at one go and in the process just never ended up getting any (that and the previous lack of clips). I like the Amp Factory's setup, Bundle at a discount, each amp at reasonable prices, each with nicely played solo clips of the amp profiles (i know it may not work for everyone however)...although we're still awaiting that for his latest pack
Also not a huge fan of only packs, since quite often the buyer only wants/needs a few and they are not in the same packs. Maybe singles plus a discount on bundles?
Are there any samples that are not in a mix?
With no EQ I got some grainy mutes, but when I turned on the EQ in the X slot it really shined!
Hmm, i'm using my X slot locked for external FX. What do people normally use for external fx loop?
Excellent keep them coming
I think others bashing of the $40 profile has been beaten to death at this point though, either people will buy it or not, i don't know why people get so worked up about it. It's economics, let him find his sweetspot of what the market will bear.
I want to record my whole signal stereo and using the stereo loop and some real pedals, but i also want to record a direct signal for reamping later. Can I do this? It seems from the manual Guitar Analog can only be used from the Direct Output, but i need that for the send of my external FX.