Posts by stratology

    Thread title changed.

    Thanks to the developers for fixing this - although I, obviously, already spent money on a looper pedal after support was non-committant about fixing the issue in the first place.

    I truly appreciate the developers' effort - it's not terribly common to have a code issue fixed in such a short time. Great.

    (Disclaimer: I have not tested the fix myself, as I have no intention of using the internal looper in the future, and I never install betas in the first place).

    Developers and tech support staff are different teams. I stand by my point that the actions from the tech support person are a prime example of horrible support - poor troubleshooting, blaming customers, unresponsive to questions, etc.

    Case in point: movement in this support case only started after I changed the thread title from 'Profiler crashes' to 'Profiler crashes - horrible support'.

    Kind of sad that it's necessary to make public, harsh comments to get attention for an issue, and get it resolved.


    after purchasing a TC Ditto X4 Looper and spending two days re-creating several rigs from scratch, I have not seen crashes in a week. Still needs some more testing, I'll report back.

    Question for @timo

    The release notes of the PROFILER Operating System Public Beta released yesterday state "fixed: rare DSP errors caused by Looper". Does that refer to the crash I reported?

    BTW, FYI: a statement like "Still, in a musical context you probably don‘t want to use more than 2 delays" - especially considering that you haven't heard a single note I've played - is quite offending and completely inappropriate, IMHO.

    I don't think Legacy is as intensive.

    Yeah, neither do I. I'm aware of how annoying it must be by now, but the point I'm trying to make repeatedly is that, as I don't know how much DSP an effect uses, I can't anticipate how much is too much. And I can't gather 'experience', because the crashes occur randomly, in different Rigs. During the last rehearsal, switching to one Rig that worked reliably for half a year caused a crash. No crashes with that Rig (or within that Performance) at any time before or since. No looping when the crash occurred.

    On a computer, I can look at crash logs, I can gather 'top' (>Unix command) output to see which process uses how much CPU, I can do spindumps and run system diagnostics to figure out what is happening under the hood in great detail.

    If end users are supposed to manage CPU resources, because the automatic resource management is broken, it would make sense to educate users in how exactly to do that, and educate them in how to gather the 'under the hood' data that are the foundation of resource management. I have no idea what the underlying OS of the Kemper looks like, how resources are managed, if there are log files, if there's a option to enable debug logging for certain processes (like you would in server troubleshooting), etc.

    Pitch effects are dsp intensive.

    Delays with pitch or other effects are intensive as well.

    My assumptions would be similar. But: are legacy delays as DSP intensive as the newer ones? And, most importantly, how do I quantify 'DSP intensive'?

    How do other effects stack up? How can I anticipate how much is too much? Are there actually any hard data that go beyond educated guesses?

    I'm using Rigs without any effects, Rigs with few effects, and heavily effected Rigs. All have their place, depending on song context.

    I don't believe resource management of an amplifier should be the job of the guitarist. Imagine you own a tube amp that has reverb and tremolo effects built in, and it sometimes simply stops giving you any sound. Then Fender support tells you to buy a tremolo pedal, because you're not supposed to use both built in reverb and tremolo at the same time. And that 'in a musical context you probably don‘t want to use' both tremolo and reverb at the same time.

    Can you please post an FX rig or describe what FX you are using that cause the crash?

    Here's an example, I saw the crashes most frequently on this one:

    Looped Rig:

    Slot 1: Compressor

    Slot 2: inactive

    Slot 3: inactive

    Slot 4: inactive

    Slot X: inactive

    Slot MOD: Vibrato

    Slot DELAY: Rhythm Delay

    Slot Reverb: Hall

    Rig played while loop is running:

    Slot 1: Noise Gate 2:1

    Slot 2: Transpose

    Slot 3: Graphic Equaliser

    Slot 4: Dual Delay

    Slot X: Melody Harmonic

    Slot Mod: Tremolo

    Slot Delay: Legacy Delay

    Slot Reverb: inactive

    The inactive slots still have stomps in them. According to Kemper support, inactive stomps, and inactive loops in the background, do not consume any CPU.

    You seem to have misread what I previously said: I did not try out a beta and roll back. The crashes started occurring seemingly at random. Most frequently when the looper was involved, but sometimes without any looping, just when switching rigs. Sometimes crashes occurred when stopping the loop, which I would assume, actually frees up CPU.

    In terms of sound design: I try to find sounds I like, testing the limits is not really something I'm interested in.

    I was just assuming that if a feature is there, you can go ahead and use it without worry about performance limitations of the hardware. There are only 8 stomp slots on the Kemper. In my DAW, on a not terribly recent computer, I can literally use hundreds of effects (if I needed to, even though it's not necessary) before I run into any limitations. And in my DAW, I can see how much CPU each effect uses (in the Effect Performance window in Digital Performer), so I can make an informed decision of how to limit resources, should the need arise.

    this is definitely not what he has been told.

    Quotes from the email correspondence:

    "The only possible workaround is to either reduce the amount of delays in a rig or use an external looper."

    "The only way to reduce the load is to switch off some of the delays and pitch effects in your unit and use an external looper. If you want to loop stereo signals you need to invest in an external looper and then send that signal to a mixing board."

    "Taking a bit of load off the DSP by using an external looper might be the solution for your application."

    "If you want to continue using that many effects without freezes you need to use an external looper or reduce the amount of effects and use the internal looper. "

    As I mentioned before, the support person I was dealing with completely lost track of our email conversation on several occasions. If you would like me to send the complete correspondence to you, feel free to PM me .

    And - I know it's annoying, but I have to ask again: please provide some guidelines, so I can estimate which effects are CPU hungry, and which are not. At the moment, I have zero reference to estimate which effects are too much, and which effects can be used indiscriminately. If I read your post correctly, you even differentiate between delays that consume large amounts of CPU, and delays which use less resources.

    As I stated before, I'll follow your advice and start using an external looper.

    @benvigil : I can see where you're coming from, but we have to agree to disagree on this one. If it's supposed to have a looper function, being able to use the looper function is not an unreasonable expectation.

    The Remote looper is not a major feature - but imagine another minor feature - like your favourite distortion stomp - crashing the Kemper at random, and Kemper support suggesting you buy a distortion pedal as a solution.

    Your "horrible support" comment based on your experience is anecdotal and a hasty generalization.

    It's not a generalisation, just my personal experience, with this support case. Expecting the Kemper to work as advertised, without crashes, is not too much to ask.

    To be fair, the latest response from support from today was much more constructive, they actually found something wrong in the data. Bottom line is still 'blame the user' - in this case, claim I installed a beta release and then downgraded to a stable release - which is, in itself, a perfectly reasonable explanation for data corruption and crashes, just not something I would do. I never install betas, because they're not stable, and nobody can reasonably expect them to be stable.

    But: the rig corruption they found is something I can fix and test. I'll post results as soon as I know more.

    While I'm most definitely frustrated, the point of the thread is not venting. It's trying to get attention from both Kemper and from other users, to find a solution.

    I've worked in tech support myself in the past. Which means, I'm perfectly aware that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. It's essential to be respectful - while still being determined - in all communications. It also means I know the culture: most of us enjoyed the challenge of digging into difficult problems, and experienced how rewarding it is to find a solution and make a customer happy. It also means that I know that good troubleshooting is organised and systematic. Get as much information as possible, then find a solution - as opposed to making an assumption to start with.

    Intermittent issues are always the most difficult to troubleshoot. So why I can't empathise with the attitude I'm getting from support, I can relate to the frustration of trying to figure out what's happening on a technical level.

    The 'blame the customer' attitude, and clear annoyance of support with a customer asking questions, is not something I've seen often - both while working in support, and while receiving support from other companies, which has, with few exceptions, been very good.

    The other thing that threw me off is - like you mentioned - the continuous, dedicated brilliant work from Kemper developers on new releases and new features. Completely inconsistent with my support experience in this case.

    Kemper support (and you) suggested to buy an external looper - which I did, waiting for it to arrive now. I was so happy to get rid of my (huge) pedalboard when I got the Kemper. That being said, the external looper will have more features and a longer loop time, and can be synced to tempo via MIDI - so if I can get it to work the way I want it, all good.

    Recently, I have been getting hard crashes on the Kemper, either when switching Rigs in Performance mode, or, more frequently, when engaging the Looper to start or stop a loop.

    ‘Hard crashes’ means that any sound from the Kemper stops, the user interface becomes completely unresponsive, no buttons on the Kemper or Remote have any effect, the only way to recover is to switch off the Kemper, and switch it on again.

    I have seen that after switching the Kemper back on, it sometimes confuses Rigs in a Performance - so you have to reboot a second time to get it to work correctly.

    The crashes occur seemingly at random, in different Rigs, different Performances, when hitting different buttons on the Kemper Remote.

    The crashes occur on average maybe once per hour at minimum - no way to get through a rehearsal or a gig crash free at this stage.

    I have been in touch with Kemper support, after much back and forth, they were able to reproduce the crashes.

    Here’s what I learned from the interaction with Kemper support:

    - there is no fix for the crashes

    - if you use ‘DSP hungry effects’ - like one mono Transpose, one mono Delay, two stereo Delays in a Rig, and engage the Looper, you can get the described crashes , due to 'DSP overload'

    - the crashes are expected behaviour, Kemper support does not acknowledge that DSP overload should not result in a hard crash (if you get DSP overload in a DAW, you do not have to reboot the computer because if freezes completely. In ideal condidions, depending on the CPU spike, you may get uninterrupted playback, and not even notice the temporary overload.)

    - Kemper support blames end users for these crashes

    - Kemper support acknowledges that their Looper is not functional, and recommends to purchase a looper pedal if you want to loop and use ‘DSP hungry’ effects in your rigs at the same time

    - Kemper support is aware, and could not care less, that, due to the mono-send, stereo-return nature of the external effects insert, the only way to loop in stereo (like the built in looper) is to connect from the Main Out to the Looper pedal - which means, Balanced Out is not an option anymore; Output Level has to be adjusted for the requirements of the looper pedal, not the audio interface or FOH board (which compromises correct gain staging); both Monitor Out and SPDIF out become unusable because they don’t contain the looped signal; and there is one additional A/D/A conversion in the chain, which does not help audio quality.

    - it is the responsibility of the end user to determine how much DSP an effect in each slot in the Kemper uses, and adjust DSP consumption accordingly, so that no crashes occur

    When I am supposed to estimate how much DSP an effect uses to avoid crashes, I do have follow up questions on how exactly to do that.

    Kemper support has (repeatedly) refused to answer any of the following questions (quotes from email correspondence):

    - how am I supposed to determine which effect uses how much DSP?

    - please kindly provide a list of all the effects the Kemper uses, with reference to how much DSP they use individually

    - please also provide a contextual reference as to how much of summed DSP causes DSP overload - e.g. 4 slots with Green Scream etc.

    - why are you blaming end users for crashes?

    - will you remove the ‘Looper’ functionality from your advertisements and feature lists of the Kemper Remote, as it does not work?

    - please kindly explain why I also got crashes when the Looper was not in use, and why the same Performance failed once when switching Rigs after working reliably for months - how can I determine that the root cause is actually DSP overload in a case like this?

    - why does DSP overload cause a hard crash with no sound, instead of failing gracefully, like on every modern computer?

    - why are your developers not willing to look into the reason why DSP overload causes a hard crash?

    - will you re-imburse me for the purchase of an external looper, as the advertised functionality in Remote is not available?

    - you use the term ‘workaround’ when suggesting to use ‘less DSP hungry effects’. Will there actually be a solution?

    My experience with Kemper support has been awful. At one stage, the support person had completely forgotten a week’s worth of email exchange (and the fact that he had reproduced the issue), and suggested a troubleshooting step that I had performed 2 or 3 times before, to determine if it’s a hardware fault.

    When, after that, I sent him a mail with our complete correspondence pasted in for his convenience, he still could not be bothered to actually read through it and answer questions.

    After suggesting countless times to have the crashes looked into by developers, and being ignored each time, here’s the last response from Kemper support:

    “They will consider implementing a routine that will prevent the looper from being used in such a scenario in a future version of the operating system.”

    So the Kemper developers’ approach to avoid crashes from DSP overload is not to investigate why DSP overload causes a hard crash (and fix the code), but to work around it by limiting resources that can cause DSP overload. And maybe not even that - they consider it.

    Two ways to view the Kemper are:

    - as a convenient, almost there, 1:1 replacement for a tube amp

    - as a creative tool with virtually unlimited potential, that can by far surpass the sound possibilities of a conventional ‘tube amp & pedal board’ set up

    I’ve always been a strong advocate of the second point of view.

    Changing a musician’s process from ‘how can I use this tool to create the most amazing sounds I can imagine’ to ‘how can I babysit this tool, using a bunch of unpredictable, arbitrary, fear-based parameters, so it does not crash’ means completely breaking the creative potential of a mindblowingly brilliant product.


    - we end users take the blame when the Kemper crashes

    - Kemper developers have no interest in fixing crashes that occur due to DSP overload

    - Looper is not available when you purchase a Kemper Remote and are planning to use internal effects in the Kemper indiscriminately - if you want to use a Looper with effected rigs, Kemper support recommends you buy a looper pedal

    I use Sonarworks 4,

    So do I, it's great.

    For best sound results in the room, it makes sense to proceed in logical steps:

    1. speaker placement

    2. room treatment

    3. software like Sonarworks

    More details can be found here. I downloaded Acoustic Insider's free guides on speaker placement, then spent €150 on Rockwool and fabric, to build absorbers, mainly to deal with early reflections. After setting up the speakers and treating the room (and setting up my work table so that it's at a small angle, not parallel to the ceiling, and covering the stone surface of the table with a rubber mat and fabric to reduce reflections), I took measurements with Sonarworks Reference 4 (I used one of their calibrated microphones).

    All these steps, combined with excellent monitors (KS Digital C55), resulted in a great mixing environment.

    And the Kemper sounds great too... ;)

    I use Transpose.

    Additional tricks:

    • I sometimes use 2 Transpose stomps (each giving an octave up) in different slots, to be able to select between unison, octave up, and 2 octaves up
    • When transposing upwards, with Transpose or in Delays that harmonise, higher notes can often sound harsh. Kemper Remote can be set up to switch on Transpose and an EQ in the next slot at the same time.

    I've been through it from all sides.

    Many years ago, my main income came from teaching guitar. Great work hours, not even close to a 38 hour week. Very little money, but enough to survive. An extremely happy period in my life.

    Later, I worked in IT for many years. Music was always the most important thing in my life, the idea was to do a day job, doing something that I kind of enjoy, to finance the music.
    I was able to buy lots of fancy gear during that period, but did not have the energy to play and record nearly as much as I wanted. In the long run, it started to make me sick.

    Which takes me to where I am now. I quit the IT work a few years ago, to fully focus on music. My current financial situation is, how do I put it, not good at all. But I am happier than I have been in many years. Healthy. Music and creativity really happening. Fantastic times.

    So my recommendation depends on how you see music. If it's a hobby for you, continue with your day job, don't think about 'achieving' things in music. Simply enjoy every minute that you can spare for it.

    If you're serious enough about music that you consider doing it professionally, don't hold back. Quit your day job and go for it. Today.

    In a recent video from Premier Guitar, John Bohlinger suggests that having a 'plan b' when you want to do music professionally is actually counterproductive, as it keeps you from fully engaging. He's making a very good point.

    I did feel like I was being attacked for doing something wrong, hence I felt the need to defend my actions and not apologise.

    You did something wrong, but I didn't 'attack' you, I pointed it out. As one of your existing customers. Trying to be helpful, actually.

    Here in Ireland it's very common for small business owners to take inexpensive 'Start Your Own Business' courses, to figure out how to deal with the more unpleasant side of business, like taxes and trade laws.