Posts by Duffman

    Thanks for the feedback everyone.

    I'm on OS 10.2 so it's not just an 11 beta thing, if it is a thing. And the idea to increase the amp gain is a good one in a pinch. I also found throwing a booster effect in front or using a preamp plugin on my audio interface to crank it has good results. Just seems strange as I haven't had this issue before. Mine does not jump to a normal level with any gain adjustment of either the (liquid) gain or the generic gain.

    Interesting that some other packs may have a similar issue however I haven't had any to test.

    As an aside, I reached out to Matt via Youtube and he responded quickly and could not have been more helpful. He is a stand up guy. He retested his profiles but regrettably there wasn't a solution on my end.

    Didn't I read somewhere about cleansense being changed / turned off or something due to impacting on liquid profiles? I might be wrong and it also might be unrelated, I'm not sure.

    Hi all, I’m new to liquid profiles I guess and I’m at a loss with Mattfig’s Dumbell LP pack. I’m sure I’m just doing something stupid here, everyone says these are the best. There’s 60 profiles. Half have a gain level in the rig manager profile list of zero and half have it at 4. Of the zero gain ones, the output is so low that I can barely hear any sound. In fact bypassing the amp block results in a higher volume. These aren’t DI profiles or anything. And the gain can be already preset to anywhere depending on the profile. I need to turn up ‘generic gain’ to get some level but then the LP gain is subsequently moved up to 12 and not quite the right sound.

    Someone please tell me what stupid mistake I’m making here. I’ve used other LP’s and haven’t had this issue.

    Thank you!

    PS I watched the promo video on YouTube and the guitarist had the same zero gain in the rig manager list but things sounded amazing. Unfortunately he never clicked on the actual amp block to see what settings he was using.

    Complainistan? Hehe I like that.

    Mate we’re all on the same team here, we all love this product. Just accept that not everyone thinks one way is the best. Look, other products from the most expensive to free iOS emulators seek to recreate multiple pedals. Is that wrong? Should every effect just be five knobs and as long as you like the sound then who cares? Sure, that might be for you. All I tried was to put forward a suggestion on the way I like to work. Maybe others feel the same.

    Wouldn’t during beta testing be the time to bring this up? As it is now? Why are people taking it so personally? Did I attack someone’s mother?

    Anyway I’m going to drop this now gitarretyp understands what I mean. I’m still going to enjoy using this product and hopefully you do too.

    You’re right lightbox. I just would like to be able to try, that’s all. And if they were separate I’d hope a klon Stomp at 5 would sound different to a TS808 stomp at 5. cause the real ones do. And I’m sure the kemper drive will still be nice and give some decent sounds. That is not what this is about.

    Well I’m glad you find it beneficial. I feel a different approach is better. When you or I build our own amp profiler we can make it however we want. Until then my request is as valid as yours.

    And Alfa you seem stuck on the klon bit, so try this; we both have kempers and are happy owners of such. Along comes a free update that offers more drives, that’s a bonus. I’m not going to buy a $4000 pedal but this free update has added some more value to both of us and we’re both happy. But if it only sounds like a klon at certain settings, why not have it sound that way at all settings? It’s only one of the most sought after pedals on the planet and out of the price range of mere mortals. Wouldn’t that add more value? Is it so terrible? The OCD has its own stomp and that’s fucking awesome sauce! Why would the suggestion of separate stomps make you so personally upset? Did a klon once beat you up outside school and take your lunch money?

    Uh huh, my initial post was simply a request / question about why not offer different stomps for the pedals they’re trying to emulate instead of rolling them into one mixed pedal. Then presets wouldn’t matter and you could emulate these pedals over their entire ranges. That was exactly what I want. And half the people in this thread couldn’t find the presets anyway. But no, apparently we’re not trying to emulate things here... with a kemper...

    And apparently it’s a complete package, and everything you needed since day 1? Wow buddy, that’s great. I’m glad you’re happy. But I wouldn’t try speaking for everyone, cause if you haven’t noticed, I’m one of the people here and you don’t speak for me. Why do you have to try and tell me I’m wrong if I think there’s something I feel is amiss? Who does that help? I didn’t just get on here and say ‘oh kemper suckz you lolz’ Just say “yeah, this guy has a different idea and maybe it’s valid to want to emulate the pedals that way, I don’t need it personally, but who am I to say you shouldn’t be able to do something?”

    So what I’m being told by you guys is - why try and have something sound like something else? You do realize that’s the point of a kemper right? Why release a OCD drive then? Cause it’s internals work differently or something I don’t understand, well who cares? Use generic distortion and just be happy. Bye bye green scream, mouse and big muff stomps, don’t need you anymore. Tweaking 4 knobs will give you every overdrive sound you could ever want. How dare you ask for more.

    Can you imagine how quick this community would tear fractal apart if they took away 4 of their drive pedals and replaced it with ‘Generic Drive’ “No, no you just turn this knob to 4 and set this to off and then spin round 3 times and it kind sounds like a tube screamer at gain 1... but that’s it... and only on Wednesdays...” “oh you want a tube screamer sound at gain 2? Uh, well that’s basically just a klon at 4, they’re basically all the same...”

    They would be crucified.

    and why would kemper owners, who clearly can never be satifsfied by 1 amp, (this absolutely includes me!) cause again the whole point is to have multiple amps / every amp known to man available in an easy to access and carry box not want every pedal ever made either? Amps? Got a thousand! Pedals? Yeah 1 or 2...

    anyway this all comes from a productive place, and I know it’s dripping with sarcasm but I believe it’s a valid point. If you personally just want one pedal then great, but don’t try and tell me that I’m asking too much or that you don’t think what I’d like is needed.

    I’m curious why the Kemper drive doesn’t have a knob that lets you pick the pedal (Klon, Timmy, etc) or have them as seperate stomps like the original included pedals, cause then you wouldn’t need to worry about presets, you could just pick ‘klon’ and set to taste. Then if you set the gain to 8.5 you’d still have a klon at 8.5 and it wouldn’t have become a Timmy or something else in terms of gain/sound.

    Maybe I’m missing something. I’m still really glad more stuff is being included!

    Ruefus - I’m sorry for posting, this got out of hand. At no point was I trying to cause an issue for anyone, or start a grammar debate.

    RDW’s example (set phasers to stun) was exactly what came to mind when I first read the original comment at 2am. So great work there!

    I’d still like to see them implement an ‘expectations knob’ though. Sometimes genius ideas strike just like that! ;)

    (That last bit is sarcasm / a joke - cause maybe my non-English native speaker friends on here might miss that)



    I don’t know, after all this time I’ve set my expectations to low. Not as in ‘a lot of low’, no no no, but more in that without an editor it takes too much effort to get out of my chair and manually turn the Kemper expectations knob to high! it’s on the front, just next to the reverb knob, well, I think it is, as I said, it’s all the way over there.....


    Is s/pdif sample rate conversion a thing on these high end units? I assume it is.

    I have myself an Apollo quad (silver face) and I think it’s the bomb. Sounds killer, dsp plugs and sample rate conversion so the 44.1 out of the Kemper plays nicely with any project sample rate I’m working on.

    I’m just a weekend warrior, so I defer to the pro’s for the techie stuff.

    Also it makes reamping with your full guitar signal chain (including pre/loop pedals easy)

    i'm curious about the delay issue. paults has some great ideas for you.

    Yes, locking would make that always be the same delay in the delay slot, not useful for different songs and timings. But couldn't you save an effect preset, say Song 1 delay and then apply it to the 5 versions of the amp (clean through dirty?) in the song performance? you could even have 2 different delays set to the same effect foot controller button to alternate with one tap. However, changing from clean to dirty (across the performance) would reset the current repeats (unless continue spill, spillover, whatever its called is enabled) and might sound abrupt.

    i'm sure someone smarter knows a kemper based way to fix this but alternatively you could bypass this issue with an external pedal - timeline/H9 etc. By having only the first patch in a performance trigger a patch change on the external device through midi, you could keep progressing to dirty without effecting it. You'd just lock a mono or stereo loop send in the on position so the pedal always gives you delays. So if the song didn't actually need a delay you could have a pedal preset that was bypass.

    Hell you could have your iPhone next to you and have the H9 app open with the list of delays for all your songs and be able to press the button to do anything... hmmm actually I'm tired, this might not be a good idea.

    As for song ordering I used the Voodoo labs GCP as my main controller and the software let you reorder songs ahead of time (with a computer) which I'm sure you could also do with rig manager.... ok I don't actually think any of this helps...

    pretend i was never here!!!

    cool MCVA, thanks for the feedback. undoubtedly that's why people do it that way. I guess i just found the kemper side a bit fiddley. And you're right about the A/D conversion issue, at my (admittedly poor) level of technical know how, I found benefit in the kemper always getting exactly the same signal (through the same input), whether I'm laying it down or reamping it, so i know my results 'should' be consistent.

    I was confused by the output options via kemper's S/PDIF - i want mono DI plus stereo full amp/effects/stereo effects loop everytime i hit record in my daw (on the DI and proper 'effected' stereo track). I was also sure that the clean signal being sent back to the kemper didn't match my initial signal. could be wrong

    My first post was simplified to help those who might be stuck, but allow me to explain why i do it this way...

    Also (and maybe this doesn't matter) this way I can put my whole Voodoo Labs GCP in the loop (4 effects pre kemper, 4 stereo effects in kemper stereo loop) and go nuts, knowing that I still have the exact clean DI safe in the computer which i can use to hit my whole rack at any time to be free to experiment like crazy (without ever unplugging or plugging anything in). If I just used the kemper S/PDIF to DI the clean i couldn't put pedals in front without them being caught in the clean signal chain, and as i've said, I love me some stereo effects in the loop.

    but horses for uh, weekend rockstars! (that's me, not you, you might be Slash!) :D

    rock on mate!

    Hey all, I just wanted to offer a possible suggestion/alternative to this revamping process, because a lot of threads are cries for help. Someone else might have suggested this but i couldn't find it. Sorry if this sounds stupid to some of you professional musicians but it works awesome for me and damnit Jim, i'm a doctor, not an electrical engineer.

    The idea of reamping always sounded so great but between "senses" and changing kemper input/stack settings, wanting to use a STEREO effects loop and not have to change cables and so forth, I got really defeated... So i do it this way - I never even need to touch my kemper in the rack anymore (and I use rig manager for 90% of the sounds)

    So below is my solution, short version.

    tools - kemper, apollo quad (but most should work) and pro tools(any DAW)

    guitar -> apollo Hi-Z 1 (recorded in pro tools) -> TS/guitar cable in output 1 -> kemper FRONT interface -> S/PDIF out into apollo S/DIF (recorded in pro tools)

    More info
    what i do is tell Console (apollo's control software, but should work with any interface software) is to route the Hi-Z 1 straight out output 1. Pro tools (or whatever DAW) still receives the signal on an armed track (mute it)

    set your daw to record the S/PDIF in for your kemper sound (so you can hear that sweet stereo tone that you thought was the bomb, but well, here we are talking about reamping...)


    THEN the ONLY changes you make when it comes time to reamp
    - in your daw - change the output of your direct track to your line out (output 1 in this case, which you can really do at any time prior) and
    - in your interface software, change the Hi-Z 1 channel routing back to monitor (or whatever normal is called on yours)

    BAM - instant stereo reamping - never touched the kemper

    but what about level mismatching? - easy fixes - 1. decrease the console/interface volume output or 2. get a reamping box between the between the line output and the kemper front in.

    I've had no latency issues and since the kemper always receives the same signal (it's always coming from the output 1 whether i'm playing live or reamping) the sound is consistent.


    Hi, could I recommend just trying to simplify and then maybe you can work out where the issue is?

    I’d recommend...
    1. Plug your guitar into the Kemper front input, play something and record it through s/pdif into pro tools.

    Work ok?

    2. Plug a standard guitar cable into a line out on your interface into the FRONT input on your Kemper (with all other Kemper settings as they were above)

    3. Does pro tools let you send out that channel? (ie not greyed out?) if so, record arm your s/pdif channel again and see how it goes.

    And if you’re worried about level matching etc use a DI box in the chain, but save that till you at least get some sound.
