Posts by pat6969

    Yes, I agree it is nice for those where size is important. I also don't mind paying for upgrades. I did way back with Line 6 years ago with the XT Live. For me, the combination of the hardware plus upgrades, priced it out of interest to me. Not that it is a very good comparison at all , but Boss managed to put their entire flagship modeler in the Core for $600. Although a very different device, it is a very nice pedal. I bought it instead of the Player when the Player was first released. Also in my case it is something extra that would have been nice but do not feel the need. I agree that it is awesome Kemper did this for those that have the need, and it is really cool they fit all the upgrades in a much smaller format.

    I owned the Boss for a while and while it’s a cool unit, I wouldn’t put it in the same category as the Player, other than they are both small. Kemper sounds so much better IMO.

    I don't understand this. The model you refer to is the head/rack? Yet you want the player updated and you want Kemper to take your money. I suppose you bought the player and now you want it to be a head/rack? They would have taken your money for one of those...

    Many of us are in the Kemper ecosystem because they are UNIQUE in offering continued free updates. .It seems to me you bought the wrong product and your solution is to request that Kemper ruin the business model for the many satisfied customers. Maybe just buy the big brother?

    If you have too much money and just need someone to take it, I can send you Venmo info. ;)

    Ya, I saw that but didn’t know how to change it to the player.

    So, a bit of an update. Got home from work today after a 3 week out of town stretch, dug out the Truetone CS6, current doubler off the 2 500mA outputs, bam, powers up every time without issue. Best of all, the horrible headphone buzz is gone.

    I also received the 25000mAH battery today, so thought I’d try that as well. Perfect! Powers up and no headphone buzz. Played for about an hour and it used up 5%, so I’d imagine you’d get roughly 20 or so hours from one charge, with just the player.

    Anyway, cheers and hope this helps others.

    this is unfortunately the reality. hum/buzz/noise is a very YMMV situation. what works on paper doesn't always work in your environment. over the last 25 years, i've had things be noisy when they should not have been and i've had things be quiet when they should not have been. it's maddening. but you have to try solutions with your gear with your setup in the places you play. hopefully, what should work works for you.

    thankfully, i have had no noise issues with my Player so i just enjoying this moment in time. :D

    I'm certain the ground loop noise is coming due to the ungrounded power supply (or so I've read). Just wanted some confirmation from guys who have eliminated it with a grounded power supply or a battery bank before I drop money on more gear.

    You suggested the Sol might work. It won’t.

    If you were already aware of that fact, why ask?

    You can’t have a ground loop with a battery and if the power supply is grounded you should be fine.

    At the same time - you won’t know for certain until you plug it in.

    If all you’re after is hum canceling, wouldn’t something as simple as a grounded spike bar work?

    I've read multiple guys are using the Sol and it works fine, but that wasn't really the guts of my initial post. I was looking for someone that uses a grounded pedalboard power supply, or a battery power supply, and if that has eliminated the buzz through the headphone out (when using the supplied wall wart). I guess you misunderstood what information I was looking for. All good though, I'll try a couple things for myself, though I hate wasting money when someone could just verify results.

    The player needs 24 watts. That means 2 amps (2000ma) of current at 12v and 2.7A (2700ma) at 9v. It might work on less - but that’s a gamble.

    Combining two of the 9v 660ma outs only gives you 1320. Less than half the recommended need.

    You’d need a big battery to power it for any reasonable amount of time.

    A 9v 2000mah battery will supply the needed current - but only for an hour. 4000 (2), 6000 (3) etc.

    All facts I'm aware of, but still doesn't tell me if it eliminates the buzz. For giggles, lets say I pony up for a DC7 and a Crux, that's 2000ma of power through a grounded pedal power supply. Will it eliminate the buzz? Or say I buy the 9V 25000mAH battery from Mission Engineering, plenty of power and longevity, will that eliminate the buzz?

    Did a search but nothing specific came up.

    I've read somewhere (can't remember where) that people are having issues with headphone noise in the Player. I have that annoying ground loop noise as well. I understand it's because of the ungrounded power supply, and the noise is non-existent when hooked to a grounded device, like a monitor or grounded laptop. My problem is I use a Microsoft Surface which also uses an ungrounded power supply, so the noise is always present.

    My question is for those using an isolated power supply, or battery bank, do you still get the noise in headphones or does the grounded power supply, or lack of in the case of a battery, eliminate the ground noise?

    This is absolutely perfect for me, just bought one, should be here later this week!!

    All I used my big Kemper for was a couple good amp tones and 2-3 effects. Done, Player is perfect.

    I did a little test with my HX Stomp before buying the player to see if the lack of screen would be an issue. In the last two weeks, I haven't edited the Stomp once with the on board screen, always the editor. Boom, lack of screen = non issue.

    While it's not for everyone, it's for me and I'm stoked to finally have a small Kemper I can take everywhere without fuss.

    Update here on my side
    OneSpot CS6 using a doubler on the 500ma -booted 2 times out of 20
    Palmer PWT 6 IEC - only worked if nothing else was plugged. when I plugged the current measurer or anything on the USB of Kemper, it wouldn't boot.
    Mosky ISO 10 - worked flawlessly, even with only one of the high current outputs. See attached of 12V with a doubler show the current measure, I also connected my phone to the Kemper (that added 180ma at 12V), and plugged a Tonex, Mooer Preamp, Walrus Delay and two overdrive pedals in the Mosky ISO 10. Everything worked just fine! That Mosky power supply is only $60 and fully isolated.

    That's surprising about the CS6. I would have thought it would power it without issue.