Posts by Nick_P

    Hi guys!

    I know that this might be a stupid question but i'd just like to have an
    opinion and maybe some tips about new high-gain profiles (both
    commercial or free rigs) to try with my Kemper.

    Unfortunately i don't actually have money and time to borrow some gear
    and profile in studio so i'm looking for profiles that could work well
    with my guitar and pickups (Music Man JP7 - DiMarzio CrunchLab and Liquifire).

    I already found some that are pretty good that i bought from Cililab
    website (expecially the Peavey 6534+ works really well) but i'm also
    interested in trying something new you ever tried Kemper with a
    EBMM JP model and maybe have some profiles to suggest me?

    Unfortunately some that i found sounds a bit too "thin" or "fizzy" for
    me but i understand that it really depends on multiple factors (guitar,
    pickups, amp, signal chain, mics etc....)

    Many many thanks in advance for all your help!

    Hi :)
    Many many thanks for the quick reply to everyone!!

    I tried to switch the ground/lift button but nothing changes...

    I also tried to configure the distortion/clean sense...this helped a little bit but didn't solve the problem anyway :(

    I'll try to make a little clip soon and share the whole rig setting and configuration so you can make a better idea of what i'm using and maybe focus better on what could be the main cause of the problem.

    Thanks again!!!


    Hi everyone!! :)

    I'm going to order a Kemper Profiler (Powerhead) next month but i'm
    writing as there's only one think that is "worring" me a bit about the

    I'm actually trying the unit for the first time as a friend of mine has
    given me it for a week to test it during rehearsals with my band.

    Since i've tried it for the first time i have to say that it sounds awesome!!

    Unfortunately, during this week of trial, i had a big problem that i
    wasn't able to solve so..i hope that you'll be able to help me.

    I mostly play high gain stuff and i have a Music Man JP7 (Di Marzio
    Crunchlab/Liquifire pickups) and i'm finding a lot of feedback problems
    with high gain profiles but even with some crunchy profiles with a
    natural boost before the amp!

    I'm using a Powerhead Kemper + MM JP7 + 2x Laney Ironheart Cabinet (16ohm)

    I also tried to use the main output + Brunetti Silver Bullet Power amp +
    Cabinet (thinkink that maybe it could be a problem of the power amp)
    but i can't find a solution to this problem even if i add gates (too
    much gain cut off the sound anyway..) and lower the gain...

    Obviously the cab sim is off and i also tried some different DI profiles with that but with the same results...

    It's not a pickup problem as i don't have any kind of problem like that
    with other amps (i also tried to keep the strings muted in front of the
    cab to see if it could be a pu problem)...

    Maybe something in the input/output has to be changed a lot (tried even
    to lower the distortion sense and the output EQ in the test with the
    addictional PA test).

    I just start to play a single note's the feedback...!!

    I can also try to post a clip maybe...hope to find someone that can help me with that..!!

    Many thanks in advance to everyone and...sorry for the english (i know that it's not perfect..)
