Posts by Random3

    Hi guys, today my band released our EP titled Holy Sadist and as all guitars were recorded with the Kemper I figured I'd share here!

    Here's our Bandcamp:

    And a link to Spotify:

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    The EP is on all other streaming sites but I don't have links for those.

    Alternatively, here is a play through video we did a couple of weeks ago for the single:

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    The guitars were quad tracked, and the profiles used for the main rhythm pairs were a Driftwood Purple Nightmare and a Bogner Uberschall, both from Tonecrate. If you guys want more info on what exactly I did or which profiles specifically I can check!

    Anyway, hope you enjoy <3

    Hi guys! Just wanted to share my newest project which I am releasing today. It should go without saying that this took a lot of time to make, and I did everything myself apart from the artwork. There is too much for me to go into off the top of my head but hopefully you guys like the music, and if you have any questions please either reply or drop me a PM I am happy to help!

    Here's the single I put out last month, links to where you can download/stream the album will be below.


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    Hi guys, got one more bit of music to share here before the release:

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    This is the solo for my original song Reset The Day.

    Originally inspired by the 2014 film Edge of Tomorrow, it is now dedicated to my dog Jax who died at the age of four shortly after I finished writing the song. I wrote the solo after he died.

    The solo was recorded in one full take, and the video is from that recording. I filmed and played the solo about 100 times before I was happy with it. This is that recording.

    First time I have written any music with anything like this in my mind but hopefully you guys enjoy it.

    LiamUK it isn't actually as layered as you might expect, the guitars are only double tracked here. I didn't apply any processing to the guitars apart from very light compression, so what you hear is what you get. It won't sound exactly the same if you were to play the same profiles though because our hands are different, and we use different guitars, pickups etc. Hopefully though the video shows the differences between the profiles!

    Monkey_Man I assume the profiles "lacking bite" is probably because I didn't EQ them into the mix at all. If this were a release mix, or like the final mix I have for this song on the album, I add a fair bit of top end and high mids to make the guitars more aggressive and cut through the mix. As I didn't want to do that here (because different profiles may need different EQ) I opted to just turn up the guitars to make them easier to hear.

    Thanks for the feedback both :)

    Hi guys, wanted to share this video that I put together yesterday. There is info on the Youtube page but I think it's important to write it here:

    A few things to note:

    -Preemptively answering this because someone will probably point it out, yes the guitars are deliberately mixed loud here. The point of this is to show guitar tones.
    -There is NO EQ on any of the profiles. They are RAW. The ONLY processing on the guitars is slight compression and automated volume adjustments. I didn't even add high pass filters. This is EXACTLY what these profiles sound like.
    -The song used for this demonstration is "Last Shadow" from my album Minimum Safe Distance, which will be available from November 9th 2018.
    -All of the information I present in the video is pulled from the information provided by the sellers on Rig Manager.
    -This is MY personal taste. Hence why some amps are more prevalent than others.
    -The order of the profiles is completely random.
    -Some of the profiles are more "mix ready" than others.
    -I'd like to think this list is completely unbiased.
    -Whilst I have over 2000 profiles (plus all the free ones in the rig exchange) I have of course not tried every profile on the market. If I missed your favourite ones, let me know!!
    -The guitar used to record the DIs that I used to reamp is an Ibanez Prestige RG2570Z with a DiMarzio Crunch Lab.

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    If you open the video on Youtube I added timestamps for each profile, and links to each seller's page.

    Let me know what you guys think!

    Hi guys, just wanted to share the first single from my upcoming album. The album is entirely self produced, and is inspired by science fiction cinema.

    A few bits of info about the creation process.

    -Guitar used was my Ibanez Prestige RG2570z with DiMarzio Crunch Lab/LiquiFire pickups. Tuning was G#, G#, C#, F#, A#, D#. I used Elixir Optiweb strings (.11-.49) but I substituted the low .49 with a D'Addario .64.
    -Bass used was my Ibanez SR305. Tuning was G#, D#, G#, C#, F#. I used D'Addario XL strings (.145, .120, .90, .67, .50 gauges).
    -ALL guitar and bass tones were from my Kemper. I am going to do a video in the next couple of weeks detailing the exact profiles I used for rhythms, bass, cleans and leads but for now I'll say that the primary rhythm tones are from a Peavey 5150 profile.
    -All of the drums were programmed using GetGood Drums, and I will also likely do a video showing the exact samples I used.
    -The project took about 12 months to finish, from starting to write the first song to printing the final masters.
    -All of the keyboards were recorded using a MIDI controller, with some parts written by hand. I am not a keyboard player so this was mainly used as a composition tool.
    -The full album will be released online on November 9th 2018.

    Let me know what you think! Any questions let me know and I'll be happy to answer!

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    Hey guys, first release in nearly a year!

    I'd like to share some information about the EP but for those of you who want to avoid a wall of text, here's the Spotify link:…jTV68KXlk8bSJOA

    So the EP started about two years ago as a couple of ideas sketeched out on a MIDI keyboard. This was when I was in the middle of the long process of working on my previous album “Janus”, so I guess I wanted to divert some creativity into what would eventually become “Witzelsucht” to keep “Janus” as focussed as possible.

    The name “Witzelsucht” comes from a rare mental disorder which causes those afflicted to make puns or tell inappropriate jokes or stories in inappropriate social situations. I chose this as the name for the EP as it reflected my creative mindset, and is also a nod to two German artists who influenced the project to some degree, Kraftwerk and Rammstein. To put it bluntly, if your response at any point of listening to my EP is “what the hell am I listening to?” then I will feel I have done my job. I am not entirely comfortable applying a conventional genre to this, I prefer to think of it as a metal interpretation of EDM.

    This then developed into five songs that didn't really sound like anything else I listened to, which was part of the objective. I deliberately wanted to step outside of the metal and rock mindset to create something unique, at least for me. This then turned into eight songs, and the mixing process then started.

    As you can probably guess, the instrumentation in this project was a little unconventional. The final Pro Tools session comprised of 5 master bus tracks, 5 pre-master bus tracks, 5 instrument buses, a kick reverb send, 5 synth drum tracks, 3 shaker/tick tracks, 5 synth bass tracks, 25 synth tracks, 23 effects tracks, 4 vocal tracks, a dog vocal track and 13 guitar tracks.

    The guitars are entirely Kemper, and are a combination of a Peavey 5150, a PRS Archon, an ENGL Powerball, a Hughes & Kettner Grandmeister, a Mesa Boogie Mark III, an ENGL Fireball and a Marshall JCM800. All of these profiles were from either ToneCrate, ReampZone or Double Impact.

    The synths were split into 7 primary lead sounds, and each of those 7 contains two synths. One mono, sent through the Kemper, and the second is stereo with stereo FX, either an octave up or down from the main. They were bussed together and compressed to be treated as one instrument.
    There are 11 other synth tracks including pads, polysynths, organs etc.

    There are five bass tracks in total, but the primary bass tone comes from JST Sub Destroyer. The drums were written using Avid's Boom plugin, and I later added a blend of free EDM-style samples to the kick and snare.

    So I think that is about all the insight I can give off the top of my head, so I'll just say that I hope some of you guys like what you hear, and if this EP is well received I may at some point make a Witzelsucht Part 2!

    If any of you guys want to check it out but don't use Spotify, here's a link to the various other places you can find it:

    I did a couple of videos demoing it:

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    Overall I kinda like it on some amps but not others. I can see it being more useful live than in the studio. I think it is VERY easy to overdo it and have it waaaaay too high. Even having it on 0 makes a large difference compared to having it disabled.

    According to the manual "The Pure Cabinet function aims to remove "mic sound" from the signal and smooths out the harsh frequencies which may be present in traditional miked cabinets." So for the purposes of recording and mixing, I think you will usually get better results with Pure Cab disabled and manually removing any harsh frequencies as per usual during mixing.

    @AxelKay Glad you liked the album!

    All the rhythm parts are Double Impact profiles, and the main rhythm tone is one of their Peavey 6505 ones. I trialed a whole bunch of profiles and ended up coming back to this one.

    And no, I am not Greek! I am English, the song titles came from research into general themes I wanted to try and convey. Interestingly enough, one of the initial pieces of inspiration for writing the lyrics was my inability to write lyrics as I had never done so before... So a few tracks have themes of creators who are either unable to create or who are unhappy with their creations.

    Thanks again!

    Thanks guys.

    @martinkopp I put it as the first stomp in the chain so that it pitch shifts the clean signal before hitting the amp processing.

    You can use the effect live whilst playing, but there is a slight delay making it feel a bit unnatural (unless they have updated this very recently), so I would only ever suggest doing this the way I did by recording it in E, and then reamping it with the transpose stomp engaged.

    So a while back I did a video showing the transpose stomp being used to downtune riffs incrementally from E all the way down to F. That worked surprisingly well so I decided to do an entire song!

    This song is in B tuning, and I recorded it with a guitar tuned to E. This signal was then sent back into the Kemper and reamped with the transpose stomp engaged.

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    Pretty impressed with the result! No where near as audible as I was expecting. Doubt it would be noticeable unless you knew beforehand or did an A/B. Kinda tempted to go harder with this and record some crazy low stuff.

    Did a playthrough for another track today. This is one of the tracks tuned to AGCFAD which allowed for some more unconventional riff ideas and sounds. This is one of the harder songs to play on the album, and also one of the groovier ones. Enjoy!

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    Ok guys I have done a playthrough of the first track!

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