Posts by pauljoy

    Can you program the tuner and/or looper button on remote to have a different function yet?

    Yes, you can set the Looper, Tuner or Tap button to any of the following...

    Stomp A On/Off
    Stomp B On/Off
    Stomp C On/Off
    Stomp D On/Off
    Stomp X On/Off
    Stomp MOD On/Off
    Delay On/Off
    Delay On/Off Tail
    Reverb On/Off
    Reverb On/Off Tail
    Stomp Inverter
    Rig Up
    Rig Down
    Looper Mode
    Looper Start
    Looper Stop

    I was hoping for the ability to call a specific performance which isn't possible but this certainly adds a lot of flexibility.

    i wish there was a better bag available, I don't want the weight of a hard case.

    I use a Portabrace CS-DV4U camera bag. They're not cheap ( around £180 ) but they have reinforced bases and sides so offer protection against bumps etc. The buckles and clasps are stainless steel and the straps are padded and covered in suede for comfort. The side pocket holds the Kemper Remote snuggly and the main compartment holds the toaster with a bunch of cables beside it. I've had mine since 2006 (used with cameras) and it's still going strong!

    Since moving over to the Kemper I've been able to nail pretty much every effect that I used on my previous board (Strymon Timeline & Mobius), with the exception of one. My band sometimes covers the song Boulevard of broken dreams by Green Day which has a distinctive 100% wet tremolo sound at the start. I can't seem to replicate this one so far as the tremolo on the KPA always lets the dry signal through even at 100% mix.

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    Any tips?

    Thats interesting Ingolf. Did you try going direct to a guitar cab at all before going with the Atomic? With so many variables having an effect its hard to determine if projection issues are related to profiles and setting or the power amp / cab combination. My guess would be some of each but it would be good to hear from somebody who has struggled with getting good sound projection through a guitar cab and found FRFR to work better.

    Thanks for all the tips and suggestions. Horspip yes it's definitely the more beefy sounds that are not working as well, clean sounds are lovely with the KPA. I too am used to a roadster and use the orange channel on a vintage setting most of the time. I got the KPA in to my Mesa Cab sounding really close to the head, but when I cranked them both up the KPA didn't translate in the same way. I don't feel the EQ changes as such, it's more like the sensitivity of the strings and projection of sound doesn't increase as much as the background noise and ambience which is where I think the feedback is becoming an issue.

    Just out of interest, how many of you guys are using the powered version of the Kemper vs separate power amps?

    I've been experimenting more and it's definitely more the power amp that I'm struggling with. While I think the profiles I have found sound great at lower volumes, amped to gigging levels with the built in amplifier and a cab the KPA does not replicate the feel or sound of a cranked amp, IMO anyway.

    I've been playing around with my amp and found a solution that I think I might run with for now. I'm running the Stomp section of the KPA in to the front of my amp and then running the Effects section in the effects loop of the amp. With the whole Stack section disabled and a Loop in the X slot this seems to work really well with the Stomp effects still present before my amp. My only concern really is whether its just too much faff to take the KPA as well as my amp to gigs, it does save me the bother of programming my pedal board separately and I could just enable the Stack section for rehearsing through headphones so it has some advantages.

    Decisions decisions!

    I looks like we're on the same page then Niall, let me know how you get on at rehearsal. It's a shame really as I like the portability benefits the KPA offers and it's great programming sounds for songs using the performance mode and seeing that immediately reflected on the remote. Going back to programming my liquid foot midi controller and multiple midi pedals for each patch now will be a royal pain in comparison.

    I'm even thinking that I might try and use the KPA just for effects in the amps loop for live use, that way I can still utilise the remote and control the amps channel via midi commands.

    Lots of experimenting ahead!

    Raoul, thanks for the tip but no, I'm not using the noise gate at all currently.

    Thanks guys. I've been doing some more playing and testing today while switching between my amp and the Kemper. I'm starting to get the feeling that while I can get the tone of the Kemper very close to that of my amp at a specific volume, the built in amplifier just doesn't respond like a guitar amp at all, it's more HiFi or PA like.

    One test I've just done is start with a medium drive sound which at average room levels is very hard to differentiate between the two systems. Then if I put the guitar on a stand and slowly increase the master volume of each amp while just rubbing the strings it becomes very apparent that they react in a totally different way. With the amp as the volume increases the strings become more and more sensitive to touch, with the KPA they don't, things get louder but the strings almost become more buried in the noise.

    As you say Raoul, I'm starting to think thing that moving to the KPA requires a different train of thought, it's more about comparing what the front of house sound is like through the PA with the KPA vs an amp with a mic than what the guitarist experiences from his amp. This is maybe why rehearsals are sounding a little rough as the PA system is behind the drummer and not the best PA in the world. This mixed with the less defined sound coming from my cab is probably not ideal.

    I think I'll try running the KPA in to my amps power stage and see what effect that has next.

    Welcome to the club Niall. Let me know how you get on with the KPA live as I'm having a bit of a love-hate thing with mine at the moment. After initial good results I'm now considering reverting to my valve amp again, I just can't get the same delivery of sound from the Kemper that I can from the amp at the moment.

    low vol or through headphones the KPA sound great but when things start getting loud it's as though my core sound gets lost and I suffer from feedback issues. The KPA does get loud enough, but it's as though that sound isn't being projected in the same way as my amp. Where my normal amp seems to get more focused and driven with volume, the KPA seems to fill out more and and become less focused. It's a hard one to describe but Id be very interested to hear how you get on.

    The rest of the band commented on how my guitar sound was poor at the last rehearsal, not something any of us want to hear! I'm sure it can all be sorted but when you come from a valve amp where the good sound is baked in the temptation is to revert to safe ground!
