Posts by 502db8e2eec78871a6c5df402390a010af76b155

    The Camper 212 isn´t FRFR, it´s GFR, but would work for you.

    It´s hard to get the pressure of a 4x12 guitar cab out of a 1x10 or 1x12 active FRFR. You should try at least a 2x12. There are some bigger amps, like the BlueAmps "Ultimate" or the "Spark…

    Thanks Gitarrenschlumpf. BlueAmps do look very interesting. Especially because these speakers look like real guitar cabs. The ultimate sounds almost to extreme and since I don't need stereo I might go with the 212 FR-A. Seems like a reasonable compromise between the Ultimate and a FRFR speaker. Need to ask for prices though.

    Hi everybody!

    Only one month left and I will finally own a Kemper...very excited. I did lots of research, regarding the right speaker for my Kemper. Since it do not want to use a guitar cab, I am looking for the right FRFR speaker. But there are so many out there.

    Do you guys have any suggestions? I found 4 models I really like, but still not sure which one to go with.

    • Dynacord AXM 12A
    • QSC K10
    • Yamaha DSR 112
    • Camper 212

    I usually play lots of high gain. Currently I'm playing a Peavey 6505 with a Marshal 4x12 Vintage 30 cab. I don't want to miss that burtal sound on my Kemper, just because I took the wrong speaker.

    Thanks for any feedback!