Posts by bubbletom

    I tried to recreate the sound of Follow You Follow Me by Genesis. Look in in Rig Exchange for Genesis*. Maybe you need to adjust the EQ a bit to your guitar I play this on my strat with pickup switch in position 2.

    Play muted otherwise it sounds terrible I think.

    Have Fun!

    I have the same unit and I don't have this problem. Also I don't need to turn the monitor volume to maximum to get a good signal in the IEM transmitter. Maybe you have set your output to a different output than +4db you can verify this in the output section.
    Have you tried another signal other than the Kemper to check the unit? Maybe try to connect the unit to a mixing desk and playback some music for reference.
    The LD IEM does not sound like when you connect the headphone directly to the kemper it tends to sound harsch especially with the kemper and the headpohnes that come with the unit. On the good side is that the connection is very stable I tend to have no drops in the signal.

    Glad you like the profile. The Rockman Guitar Ace was my first "modeler". It is the size of the original Walkman and has a belt clip, two switches to select the sounds and a dedicated headphone. The headphone died after a few years of heavy usage but the unit is still alive. It can operate on batteries or external PSU. I've been playing that for years then came the original POD and finally the journey ended with the Kemper.

    Keep on rockin' !

    I have just posted 3 Profiles of my Rockman Guitar ACE produced by Tom Scholz.
    Three sounds is all that little box can produce. Search for TZ Rockman on the Rig Exchange.
    Hint for Boston Tones use the Profile "TZ Rockman Guitar ACE Heavy" and depending on the output of your guitar reduce the gain and add some Chorus like I did with profile "TZ Rockman Guitar ACE Boston" on Rig Exchange

    Have fun!

    I just uploaded some Profiles that did not involve any tube during profiling because the devices did not have any tubes at all.

    1. Joyo American which is close to Tech21 Blonde
    2. Joyo British which is close to Tech21 British
    3. Joyo AC Tone which is close to Tech21 Liverpool
    4. Joyo California which is close to Tech21 California

    All These sounds where direct no Speaker or amp just the pedal.

    I have also uploaded my Marshall 5010 Combo profiles which is also a solid state amp.

    Search for Author TZ.
