Posts by smalltornados

    So plenty of great recommendations so far and hope they have helped the OP. Something I tried for the first time today offers a slightly different experience and might be of interest to anyone who's not came across them. It was from Rigbusters, they profile stomp boxes, (among other things). i wasn't quite sure how this would work in the Kemper to be honest but downloaded a variety of their free samples and after a short time with them I think they are really worth checking out if you've not tried them before. Essentially they have profiled a lot of high end OD and distortion pedals, Klon, OCD, Ratt etc they do amps, cabs, and acoustic amps too but i've not tried these as yet. They are done through the clean channel of a Cornford 50w which is how they appear in the KPA and I think they offer something new, (to me anyway). Not got any of the full packs so far as i want to spend time with the free ones to see what the best fits for me are but I was very impressed with the range of sounds I was getting.

    That's one thing i love about the forum (and threads like this). Posted earlier to recommend some stuff i'd tried and thought was great, then based on comments above checked out Sinmix who i'd not came across before and just spent a very enjoyable couple of hours with his free metal pack. I'm no shredder but had so much fun with it that i'll be going back and purchasing some stuff for sure.

    Having purchased a number of commercial rigs I would say they are worth it in my experience. The previously mentioned MBritt and Amp factory profiles are very high quality. Also you i'd recommend you check out Guidorist, i have a number of his profiles all of which are excellent and as they are smaller packs for around €3.49 you can give them a try without too much of an investment to see if they work for you.

    Got the Bogner and Soldano packs, man these are superb. Played through the packs (with a big dumb grin on my face ) for a couple of hours and went back and bought all the others. Only had the KPA for a couple of weeks but these are the sounds I'd hoped it was capable of, awesome stuff. With the prices in the sale these were an absolute steal, will definately be keeping my eyes peeled for future Guido profiles!