Posts by Richy

    I was at rehearsal yesterday and intended to try a few newly downloaded profiles to see if some could fit in our mix. My KPA-rack is placed on top of two 4x12 boxes so I guess at around 1.70 meters height. This due to ease of connection and also because I like to have all buttons right in front of me and see what is going on.

    So, while checking the profiles, I was walking around to hear how the sound was in various spots of the place and suddenly stumbled over my guitar cable. The KPA was pulled down from the box litterally falling down on its face (with the buttons side directly on the floor).

    This was the moment when my heart stopped beating until I managed to recover from the first shock, put the KPA back on its place, connect again the cables, and discover that all was still working well and the KPA didn't habe even one small scratch!

    I mean, this thing fell down on its face from 1.70 meters and everything is still looking and working flawlessly!!

    Of course I made some thoughts thereafter, and now I fixed the KPA with some spare cables to the box, so that it is not possible anymore to pull it down. The KPA is so damn light, with my tube amps of about 23 kg weight, the cable would be simply pulled out of the connection and nothing more. Less weight seems not to be always helpful :D.

    Anyway, with my story, I also wanted to show that the KPA is really a really well built piece of gear, so thanks to the company for this! And maybe some of you kemperites may want to consider fixing the KPA in order to avoid such a horrible experience.


    I do not know exactly what you sense as "loud", but yes, mi KPA also pops when it gets fired up or shut down. It doesn't even depend on whether the master has some volume or whether it is set at zero.

    As being used for years to a tube amp with standby switch, which is engaged before shutting down/firing up, this is something that I still notice every time, but I am meanwhile getting used to it ;)

    Hi Theo

    Welcome also from my side!

    I am also from Switzerland (Basel) and bought my KPA just two months ago. So far I am incredibly happy and reading in the forum makes me aware that I have
    so many things I still need to learn and discover, it's simply amazing! From time to time I feel my sound getting better!

    Cool band you have by the way, my compliments!! With a bit of luck and coincidence we may share the stage together! :thumbup:



    I have a Blackmachine B8 with Lace Aluma Deathbar (Bridge) and Aluma X-Bar (Neck) and could not be happier. I think it is hard to find a pickup in the market with such clarity and definition. As I play high gain this helps a lot.

    On the other hand, I also read of people complaining because the response was sensed as too neutral.

    I guess any pick up you choose, will be a blind guess, because it is hard to predict how it will behave in the specific guitar, but for sure the Lace pups are of very high quality.


    Dear Michael

    It seems that you are doing exactly what I would like to do, can you please help me sorting out the connections and settings?

    I would need the Kemper (I have the powerrack) to go to my 4x12 cabinet and simultaneously to feed my computer in order to record what I am playing.

    So question is, how do I connect the units, and how do I manage to have the cabinet function disabled for the speaker output to the cabinet, but enabled for the connection to the computer?



    Unfortunately not waraba, but yes, such a stomb would be exactly what I am talking about.

    @vibracroce: as I plug the kpa directly in a 4x12 box, the cab section is disabled. But trying to describe it, this function gives the "ooomph" to the sound (i feel so silly with this expression, but do not know how to tell exactly). It must bee the deepest fequencies the amp is handling.

    Trying to be a little bit more exact, I am talking about relativly high gain sounds, and I am perfectly aware that it is recommmended to cut too deep frequencies for the sake of clarity. But in my world it works perfectly, for my taste at least.

    Niall, my setup is exactly the way you are describing, with the difference that I am in a death metal band (thus i have to be really loud!!)and have a diezel hagen instead of the evh you have.
    I profiled my diezel into the kemper and blow out the s..t of the audience! Its plenty enough loud despite of having a berzerker as a drummer. I stick the kemper into my 4x12 box, have a clean, a rythm and then some delays and thats it.

    So very straight forward and i really can say tvat this was the best purchase i ever did in my life!
    Remind, the kemper has no own sound, it has the sound you give to him!

    Hi everyone

    I miss a function like the depth/resonance knob which is in the poweramp section of many tube amps.

    The KPA has a bass, middle, treble and a presence knob, but no "antagonist" to the presence knob.

    I started a thread in another section a while ago but got no reply. I tried to emulate this with the parametric eq but did not really get where I want to (earthshaking bass fundament basically), so I profiled my tube amp with depth button set to almost max, and was able to take this as starting point. However I cannot emulate this exactly with other rigs.

    As the physical knobs are set, would there be the chance to have such function somewhere in a menu? Thanks.



    Same here!

    With my tube amps I was used to engage the standby button and then shut down after few seconds. With the Kemper the only possibility at rehearsal is turning down the master volume and then only shut down.

    It would be great to avoid turning down master volume in order to avoid pops seems a little bit odd to me, also because I need to remember how it was set the last time.

    So 1+ on this one.

    Is there a possibility to simulate generally what a resonance/depth knob is doing? For example Peavey JSX, ENGL and Diezel have such. There is a presence knob for the high frequencies but I would like to affect also the other side of the spectrum in order to get this "oomph" which I always found so mighty.

    Maybe something in the stomp section or a way to set up one ore more eq in a specific way?

    I have been able to get somewhere near to my sweet spot, depending also on the rig I was playing through, but not totally there still. I am talking about high gain settings.


    No Idea, I am really untalented with setting up MIDI stuff and any situation out of thenorm puts me into confusion.

    The weird thing is that my Kemper seems to say:

    Performance 1 Slot 1 = MIDI PC 1
    Performance 1 Slot 2 = MIDI PC 1
    Performance 1 Slot 3 = MIDI PC 3

    So I hope this can be changed, either through FCB as you suggest, or directly through the Kemper...

    Thanks paults

    I am not sure it is like this, I have rather the impression that my Kemper has this preset. When I connect the FCB1010 to my Diezel, the I can change to channel 2 with footswitch 2, so the Behringer should work properly, unless I changed something without noticing. I will check this evening, thanks!

    Hello everyone

    I am a new Powerrack owner since three days, and my quest for tone has finally ended in the exact moment I plugged my guitar in the Kemper. Since then I keep waiting the whole day until I can go back to rehearsal room after work. It took me 20 years of buying expensive gear, which will now either be sold or stay there to catch dust in a corner, I found finally my holy grail and could not be happier!

    I am now spending my time working through all the functions and gimmicks, reading Kemper Wiki, the manuals, this forum and watching tutorials, which is a lot of fun, so thank to everyone contributing to making this journey a lot more easier for a dummy like me.

    Only my girlfriend thinks I have become crazy, as I even spend the last minutes before shutting the light in bed with watching tutorials and walkthroughs on my mobile, hahaha…

    Anyway, there is the following question which I couldn’t get answered, and I think some of you will be for sure able to help me out on this:

    When in Performance Mode, I try to make song changes and slot changes with my Behringer FCB1010, which is not provided with any chip. So, Song 1 says in Slot 1 “Midi Prg # 1” and “Midi Bank 1”, which is fine. In Slot 2 I have the same (which is not consistent imho) “Midi Prg # 1” and “Midi Bank 1”. In slot 3 it says “Midi Prg # 3” and “Midi Bank 1”, which make sense to me.

    Is there a way to amend these settings? I would need Song 1 slot 2 to say “Midi Prg # 2” and “Midi Bank 1”, instead of “Midi Prg # 1” and “Midi Bank 1”, because otherwise Slot 2, which should be enabled with footswitch Nr. 2 on the FCB1010 remains unused…

    Thanks for helping!!