Posts by Dave2000

    I use this! Works, and the diagram on top of the box is very handy! (the Kemper runs @ 8ohm 600 watts or 16ohm @ 300watts) I'm using 1, 8ohm 2x12 cab with the kemper running at 600 watts. When i split the signal I can do 2, 16ohm cabs in parallel Or 2, 8ohm cabs in series. Or 2, 4ohm cabs in series.…split_314812_29

    Running the poweramp full on gives me just about enough volume to compete with my drummer :) (using 2 cabs)

    600 watts in 8 ohms, 300 watts in 16 ohms, don't connect your kemper to a 4ohm cab, it does work but your kemper wil get hot and overheat. Kemper will shutdown automaticlly, it has got an overheat protection built in. But at some point you'll lose all your sound en the kemper needs to cool down for quite a while.
    So 8ohms is pico bello
    16 ohms is pico bello
    32 ohms should probably work to, but than it's only running @ 150watts.

    I don't think so, it's really wierd. This is my normal routine when i'm at the rehearsal space.
    Put my cab on the floor, put the kemper amp at the floor -> Attach kemper floor board -> put power chord in the wall socket -> turn on my powerblock -> Turn on kemper amp -> Wait for kemper to start up -> Everything is working (change patches on the floor unit without problems - tuner works to - input light is flashing normal) -> then suddenly after 3 to 4 minutes the poweramp kicks in!

    Can't be normal behaviour right?


    Indeed, it's the poweramp itself that is starting later than the Kemper. Kemper boots up in 45 to 50 sec, then it's something like 3 to 4 minutes later 'till the poweramp suddenly turns on.
    I have contacted Kemperamps via a support ticket but the first thing they said it was the normal startup time, even though I said it had nothing to do with normal boot time. Oh well, I'll start another ticket I guess :)


    Hi Guys,
    I've been using the kemper powered rack version for a while now in live situations without any issues.
    A few weeks ago at the rehearsal space my sound (at really high volumes, I mean really high! :) ) was distorting like hell, especially with the low lows. That was resolved by movies the kemper of my Matrix FR1212. Apparently the parts inside the kemper started to move with certain freq, I think...
    Anyways, that day the poweramp took a really long time to start up, like 3 minutes or more. Last Wednesday it was the same. Are there any people out there that have this problem to? It works just fine after that, but it's still a little strange I think.


    Hi guy's i'm pretty new to this. Just got my Profiler rack since sunday and can't wait setting it up the way i like. One problem. Rig manager 1.5 crashes every time i try to open it. 1.3 works, but won't recognize my kemper. I'm guessing the newest firmware isn't compatible with RM 1.3 since RM tells me to update to the latest version. But that version crashes every time.
    I'm getting this message:

    Rig Manager will quit now due to software condition which cannot be recovered. Please send the following log file to:

    And then the location of the log file which reads:

    ------------- session start 2015-11-03 22:35:30------------------
    Windows x64 6.1
    update because of pref version 65544 / 65545
    update because of pref version 65544 / 65552
    update because of pref version 65544 / 65552
    Location added: Local Library
    Location added: Local Library
    Location added: Rig Exchange
    RigExchange Connect Execute started, private=0
    Font 'Helvetica' does not support style 'Regular'.
    at System.Drawing.Font.CreateNativeFont()
    at System.Drawing.Font.Initialize(FontFamily family, Single emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharSet, Boolean gdiVerticalFont)
    at System.Drawing.Font..ctor(String familyName, Single emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharSet)
    at ProfilerControlCenter.FormMain.InitializeComponent()
    at ProfilerControlCenter.FormMain..ctor(WinApp* app, list<Access::MetaCollection \*\,std::allocator<Access::MetaCollection \*> >* metaCollections, Collection* currentCollection)
    at Access.WinApp.Bootup(WinApp* )
    at Access.Application.Initialize(Application* )
    at main(String[] args)
    XML request success
    ------------------ closing application -------------------

    Looks like some problems with font, but i almost can't imagine fonts being the problem.
    Anyways. I'm really stuck now.

    Help would be much appreciated
