Posts by albert

    Hi Guys
    I have a question for anybody knows KPA better than I do...
    I use lots of volume swelling when I play, and here I've got a Problem.. The volume pedal seems to be only pre stack, so it's like turnong down or up the guitar volume.
    Now what if I need it post stack? Like if I'm playing with a lead solo distorted sound, if I go down with the volume pedal at the bottom it becomes clean sound... and that definately I don 't want.. Is there a way to switch to post stack? Thanks ;(

    A conductor comes into rehearsal room and calls the musicians. "Take
    scores for some corrections: third bar raised by a half step, fifth bar
    was 4/4 but now is 5/4, seventh bar back down a semitone, add 2/4 to the
    tenth bar and down another half step in the twelfth" ... Musicians
    looked at each other astonished and began to write, while the singer
    came out looking worried and asked: "and what do I do?" The conductor
    looked at her and said: "Well, just do exactly what you did yesterday" :S