Posts by timesnow

    In Performance Mode, each Performance Slot can transmit one or two MIDI Program Change messages, on one or two different MIDI Channels. Press the Performance Slot switch on the Remote, and the MIDI OUT of the KPA can send your chosen MIDI PC number.

    Awesome!!! Thanks man!! I'm done with my questions!!

    Actually, I think I have a bit of a quandary - maybe someone can enlighten me.

    I have a delay pedal I'd like to integrate with the KPA, but that involves either running really long cables to I can control the preset switching at my feet - OR - being able to use the remote to somehow send MIDI to control the pedal from a distance, via the Kemper Remote.

    Anyone have any suggestions?…9706#post259706


    I just don't hear anything artificial about Plini's tone. Yes, it is a very 80's mid-pushed kind of sound. But Feodor Dosumov has the same kind of thing going with the Kemper. And Satch had it with real Marshalls on many of his albums. The nuances are there, in the playing, but also in the distortion tone.

    Thanks for mentioning Feodor Dosumov. Never heard of him.. a quick google later and I discovered that he's using an Echolution 2 with his Kemper, which is my plan, and it's great to hear how amazing it sounds!

    As a soon to be owner of a KPA I do find these sorts of claims by Fractal to be frustrating... I know people SWEAR by Axe FX, and yes some of the sample I've heard have been great, no doubt - and many people here say they own and like both; fair enough, but to try and manipulate the situation with what seems to be dishonest behaviour is... sad.

    I have read so many times about the cult of AFX and the personality of Cliff and it REALLY puts me off.

    On top of that the most REAL sounding "fake amps" I've ever heard are the Kemper ones. And I own a studio, spent years mastering for a living and have owned a bazillion amps. My current two amps are both custom made and are frankly amazing... and yet, I like what I hear enough to sell one and buy a KPA and see what happens... I hope it works out, but if it doesn't I won't be trying an AFX, simply because of Cliff and his shenanigans.

    A few basic question. get an idea how much difference it can make, aim a guitar cabinet at your head at stage volume, like you would a monitor. It will be very dry and "in your face" sounding.

    FRFR cabinets have wide enough off-axis response to still sound very good when they are not right in your face.

    That's kinda how I work already... cabs always tilted up or raised, so I can get away with lower stage volumes... unless I'm just mic'd and using monitors - which are again pointed at my head :)

    Sounds like I'm ready ;)

    thanks guys...

    I was strongly considering a Helix and a Friedman ASM, but then I started really listening to all the Kemper clips and they just sound miles more real to me, as a studio guy and a live guy...

    I have two very nice sets of studio monitors (Trident HG3s and PMC TB2As) so don't need anything there... but I am in a situation where for rehearsal others hear my amp live, not through the PA, and live, I'd love to have something behind me instead of two wedges in front of me... but that may not be possible, as the extra cost of the footswitch is gonna price me out of bigger FRFR cabs I think...

    Still learning though, and maybe I'll find something perfect :)

    Hello everyone,

    I have looked through the manuals, and mostly think I understand the answers to my questions. If people would prefer to simply direct me to the appropriate manual page(s) for the answers, I will go re-read and try and figure it out for myself.

    Oh and this is my first post... I am STRONGLY thinking of getting a toaster and remote and a FRFR like the Friedman, but want to make sure I can do what I need to do.

    Currently, with my amps/pedalboard rig, I switch presets before a song on things like delay, and then sometimes during a song. I would turn on and off a modulation effect or two at max and on and off reverb. I would also have three gain stages at my disposal, though usually would only do two per song, max. Maybe a third for a solo.

    With the Remote can I do this?

    In other words, can I switch to a new preset per song, and within that preset (rig?) can I have access to - say - two different delay presets? And control the stompboxes, which are setup per song?

    I THINK I can, but before I buy the remote - instead of a MIDI board - I'd appreciate some clarification.

    Oh and finally - I see some reports of the remote crashing and rebooting during gigs, can anyone possibly comment on that situation?

    Sorry for the super basic questions... I really appreciate any help.