Posts by J__Bro

    Thanks Ingolf,

    Funnily enough I just came across your youtube clip comparing the Yamaha DXR10 and the Atomic CLR.
    They sounded quite different as you note and choose the CLR to personal taste. This comes back to my question a couple of posts up. Whose to say the FOH speakers won't sound vastly different again to either of those two FRFR speakers? I guess I'm just wondering if it's worth spending $1000 to try and solve a problem that can't be solved?

    Yeah ok, i saw some posts about doing that. I guess you have to decide if you want to monitor the "true kemper guitar sound" from a wedge in front of you or have volume behind you on stage from an amp (or a mix of both). I'm a lead singer while playing, so ideally with some in-ear monitors you don't need anything on stage (assuming the Kemper isn't coloured too bad thru a pair of decent Shure's)

    I'm at the point where I haven't used it in rehearsal with my band or live. So I'm only going by what i read on here. Worst case would be setting up all your rigs and performances in the studio or rehearsal only for them to sound bad out to the crowd at your first gig through FOH. Using your Yamaha DXR10 suggestion for all rig setups would prevent this I assume.

    Sorry… just lots of questions, need to get in a room and listen for myself :)
    Thanks for taking the time to help.

    Thanks for that…. Your point "4." was what I was after. I only want to use 1 MIDI device (the H9)

    when you say use "knob 2" on the Kemper…. Something comes up on the Kemper screen and you turn it to choose a number? (one of programs 1 thru 127). Then store it.

    Sounds like I'll have to get the MIDI cables, hook it up and just have a play around until it works :)

    Thanks again…. very kind!

    Hi all…. newbie here so be gentle :)

    I just got my Kemper and am loving having a dig through all the sounds.
    I'm currently sending the main output to my studio Protools setup and Behringer Truth monitor speakers.
    I'm sending the monitor output into the effects loop of my Mesa Nomad 45 head/Marshall 4x12 setup with the "cabinet off".

    I realise there's some colouring happening with sending the monitor through a tube amp and doubling up on the tube path…. even though it's still sounding pretty good for most profiles. The major drawback is obviously the differences when I A/B the studio sound to my amp sound.

    I was thinking of getting a smaller setup for playing live/rehearsing with the Kemper and am looking at a small solid state combo amp as recommended.
    Has anyone used a Roland JC120 for this? or even the new JC40 that's coming out?


    It sounds like you're where I want to get to!. I've had my H9 for a couple of years and love it…. but only just got my Kemper a couple of weeks ago and want to connect it like you have through midi (to recall Kemper/H9 performance rigs with my Kemper foot pedal). I'm not a midi guru whatsoever so it's sounding a bit daunting. I've read a lot but I can't find anything about locking H9 programs into the Kemper.

    The Question :)
    Can you explain what you do to get the Kemper to "record" or "learn" what H9 setting to call up. I imagine you have a performance slot ready, then manually call up the H9 setting you want…… what do you then do/press to lock that H9 program into that Kemper performance slot?

    Thanks in advance.