Posts by ZombieLloyd

    At the moment I have a PRS Hollowbody ii, a PRS 20th anni, a Suhr Guthrie Govan and an Ibanez 7vbk and I love them all. Especially as they all do slightly different things better. I'm in the process of ordering a 7 string custom from Waghorn guitars in the Uk and I'm really excited about that one! If you don't know them they are worth checking out.

    I forgot about Waghorn. I was going to get a custom guitar made for me sometime next year from Daemoness, but they closed their order book until they're finished all their current orders. I really want a Quantum or a Deity

    Welcome fellow newbie! Those are the speakers I'm planning on getting when I get my Kemper too. Though I'll have to use the headphone input for a couple of weeks until I can afford the speaker.

    My favorite electric guitar is a 1997 Fender strat, this one goes to sessions,gigs etc. if I need to have various sounds/tunings. I've upgraded it with new hardware (SD hotrail in the bridge, Graphite nut, tronical tuners) and it sounds killer.
    For acoustic I use my 1999 Martin D-15 with LR Baggs piezo pickup.

    I like all of my guitars but most have a specific sound or usage, here's my guitar gear list:
    Epiphone Masterbilt EN-546CE nylon;Martin 0-17;Martin D-15;Gibson J200;Line6 Variax 700 Acoustic;Line 6 Variax 500;Gibson LP Jimmy Page;Fender USA strat ash;Fender USA strat Olympic white;Michael Spalt Telecaster with multibender;Custom built Telecaster Esquire;Musicman EVH;Epiphone Elite ES-335;Gibson LP Supreme 2013 OHSC;Fender Jim Adkins tele;Crafter SAT-TMBK;Ibanez KMA1NT (fretless nylon)


    I'd have to say my Steinberger GS7 - the one with the headstock. The neck is unreal on that guitar - a decent blend of thickness at the back with a flat radius fretboard. My other would be my original Parker Fly, before the company was sold. What a special guitar that one is.

    I've always wanted to try a Steinberger guitar, one of those SS-2F Custom models in trans blue

    Tyler Studio Elite HD in a Rasta Shmear (click the pic for some close-ups. That's my actual guitar!). Had it for a few months now and it's just the best guitar I've ever played, sound-wise and feel-wise. Really a great guitar.

    I currently own a Gibson LP Standard from '95, a Fender USA standard Tele from '96, a Fender Acoustasonic Tele, an '08 PRS Starla (customised with Gotoh locking tuners), a Höfner from '67, two Fenix by Young Chang strat copies from the late 80s/early 90s, an Ibanez JS1000 and yesterday I received a natural flamed maple Legator custom Opus 350 traditional with Lace Deathbuckers and locking Gotoh tuners. Jury's still out on that one, obviously!

    I want to live in your home now haha. Seriously though, nice guitars and that Tyler Studio Elite HD looks pretty cool

    Welcome to the forum!
    The thing about the Kemper is for what you pay for nice tube amp you can get a Kemper and have thousands of amps including that nice tube amp.
    It's a no brainer.

    Yeah, if I wasn't looking into the Kemper, I'd have bought a Randall Thrasher, but I'd rather have the Kemper because I can get profiles of the Randall SATAN, which is basically just a signature version of ^ pretty much, plus I can get a few Marshall profiles for when I want a British metal tone too. Oh and Orange, I've always wanted to try an Orange Dark Terror and Andertons did a Profile of that already.

    i got a few but at the moment i am really enjoying my Eastwood Airline Map in seafoam green, its a real pleasure to play and just the look of it makes you wanna get stuck in, it sounds great too. hate changing the strings though, much prefer Gibsons in that department. :)

    I love Seafoam Green, such a nice colour. I'd love to own a guitar in that colour one day

    Wow, difficult question. I have a PRS Brent Mason signature, which I love for its neck and feel. And tone too, but a bit out of what I usually record. Then there's the Les Paul classic, which I bought used and replaced pickups (not too fond of ceramics) and the bridge. Great rock tone, but hate sitting down with it due to the body-heaviness (which is what I mostly do when playing - recording). Then there's the Baja Tele, which is crazy bad with regards to buzzing etc. I need to take a file to it. But man, teles just sound great, don't they? :)

    In conclusion... I have many favourites :)

    Yeah, Telecasters do sound great, even the single coils on the MIM standard I used to own were capable of playing metal, if I ever decide to get another guitar, it'll be an Arctic White Telecaster

    There's this ONE guitar that will stay with me until the end of my days. The one in my profile picture.
    It was love on first sight, and over the years the love for this ONE guitar has constantly grown. I can't imagine to be without her. She gives me everything I need (musically) in good times and in bad times. There's no doubt, this guitar is ME. :)

    That pretty much sounds like what happened with my King V. I saw it used going for £100 and I managed to talk him down to £75, I then helped paint my dad's office for the extra money I needed, I bought the guitar, fixed the issues and now I couldn't live without it.

    Favourite guitars you own? can't wait to see what folks say as I've never owned a decent guitar, or even one that I liked.

    Torn between a Luke II / III and a Suhr Vintage / Vintage Modern (Strat-style). Can't audition, so have to make an intellectual choice. Needs to play like butta as I have weak hand muscles due to injury many moons ago...

    EDIT: Sorry Lloyd, I feel I should have acknowledged you seeing as we've spoken already. Hope this forum action helps alleviate the pain of the wait for your Kemper!

    Thanks, dude. No problem, I keep meaning to be more active in forums I frequent and thought this would be a fun little thread for almost anyone to join in on. Sorry about your hand. I couldn't imagine anything worse than not being able to play guitar, aside from not being able to play games, those are pretty much my only hobbies unless you count making music separate from playing guitar. No idea why you would though. How is it possible to not own a single guitar you like?

    First of all, I'm sorry if this isn't allowed here. Now to the main post. What are your favourite guitars from your personal collection? Mine is my Jackson King V STD, I bought it in early 2013 for £75, it came with a a few problems, the neck was choking the first fret due to the truss rod being near breaking point, the trem was WAY too high to be playable and it didn't come with strings. the only good thing about it was that it came with a case. Now 2 and a half years later, I set the action, adjusted the truss rod, and literally re-placed the tremolo, and now it's my main recording guitar, it sounds fantastic, the neck is literally my favourite neck ever (It's a thin D shape) and I've tried almost every neck shape out there (barring the V shape) and I'm trying to look for another one because I would love to have another. I'd like to hear about all of your personal favourite guitars, if you wish to include guitars you don't own anymore, I don't see why not

    Welcome here, we all love our KPA , and for lots of good reasons ; I'll cite 2 :

    • getting a cranked 130 Db JCM800 tone on a 5w speaker and don't feel a single difference on the recording
    • having much more tweaking options than your original amp and going much further than reality on lots of original parameters (like the gain)

    Yeah. I'm looking forward to all those tweaking options, just another 3 months to go

    your in UK I take it.. right?
    where bouts.. if your up in Norfolk country. I can profile your amp (or a choice of all mine) at my studio!

    North Wales. According to google maps, Norfolk is a 5 hour journey from my town to Norfolk. Thanks a lot for the offer though. I just have a Blackstar HT-1 going into a JCA24S 2X12, otherwise, I mostly use Jamup on iPad. And some guy posted his own Profile of a BLackstar HT-5 on the free profile section. Again, thanks for the offer :)

    Oh yeah, Lloyd, I meant to point out that you'd best make sure you have an analog input handy for when you're in town - the Kemper does not send USB audio.

    EDIT: You could try S/PDIF as an alternative, but I'd try to go analogue first.

    Thanks for mentioning this, I'll have to use the Direct Out into a USB mixer of some sort then.

    Good for you man! Keep saving. It'll be well worth the wait and the best late Christmas present ever

    Thanks, from all the other posts here, I'm coming to that conclusion myself. I'm going on holiday soon and the city center is close to a guitar shop so I should have a couple of minutes to try one out with my headphones, as I record with JAMUP by Positive Grid a lot, I'm hoping that the kemper will be able to record with the usb, and then I could do some kind of comparison for myself and then maybe upload both versions here

    Fair enough!. but in all fairness, your into metal. so maybe SinMix is a better place to go, as he "specializes" in that genre, as I don't so much. his are tailed perfectly. my metal stuff is "approximated" guess, and have a higher hit/miss ratio. - in other-words.. some LOVE it. and some don't so much.. subjective yes. - but you would be better suited to go right to the source first!.

    Anything else you need, hey I got ya covered there! : )

    I'm trying to teach myself to play more than just metal and my lead playing seems to be more blues based as of late, definitely not shred your face off speedy stuff, so I'd probably buy a couple of your packs aswell. Your Thunderverb 200 profile sounds like my kind of thing. For metal I prefer tight, dry tones (I'm really into Feared) so SinMix would be my place for metal tones, but for rock, blues and clean tones, it seems like you're the go to profiler. That, and Andertons recommends you. :D

    Welcome, Lloyd!

    Yeah, if you like the demos you've heard, you can't go wrong with "that SinMix guy's" profiles, mate.

    As far as the choice of the Kemper is concerned, my reasons are no different from everyone else who's chimed in, except that, like many on the forum, my background was Line6.

    Talk about selling a garage-full of minis to buy a Ferrari...

    My only experience with Line 6 was a Spider IV my brother bought. I'd much rather use my Marshall Valvestate 8040 any day.
    He ended up selling the Line 6 Spider.

    Welcome to the Forum!


    The Rigbusters Team

    Thank you, have a good day :)

    As he also planned to buy powered speakers I thought he was referring to non-powered version of KPA. :)

    You are correct

    I run KPA throught HS-7 and I like the sound. But honestly I can not judge the quality of the monitors, because I have never tried other models/brands. :)

    Thank you for your input, I wouldn't be able to try different studio monitors out so I kind of have to guess what would be the best fit for me, so it's that or use my guitar cab which, from what I've heard, makes every profile sound the same. And if people are happy with the sound they get from a version of a monitor I'm getting, I have no problem with it

    I think the OP is referring to one of the powered versions. It's perfectly ok to use the Powerhead or Power Rack without a speaker or load connected to the powered output :)

    I was actually speaking about the passive Kemper head. I'm planning on getting a powered speaker (Yamaha HS-8) because I'd have to spend literally £364 extra on the powered version, and the passive head (£1,119) plus active speaker (£202) makes a bit more sense for me. Sorry for the misunderstanding.