Posts by MrGiggles


    Thanks PAULTZ for those tips, that is definitely better than downloading a whole bunch of them....then having to delete all the ones you don't want to keep !

    Anybody with any additional thoughts, please feel free !

    Thanks to everyone that has helped me so far !

    Mr Giggles

    Hello Mike

    I found the Log In and did that and I clicked on Rig Exchange as well. So now I have a whole bunch of Rigs from Britt / Amp Factory
    like 11,000 from Rig Exchange......didn't expect that !

    So I assume then in order to listen to any or all, I have to get them on my ZIP and then onto the Kemper....correct .........or.........
    Is there a way to listen to any of these just on my computer?

    Do I need to pick one Rig at a time or say The Britt or Amp Factory pack at one time ? Do I just click and drag them to the ZIP ?

    Let me know when you or anyone gets a chance !!

    Thanks again for all the help !

    Mr Giggles

    Hello Mike

    I just checked it, as you advised and the Pop Up Box said: VERSION: V2.1.26.13232 So I assume it is downloaded correctly ?

    Now when I've watched some video's on this............they say.....when you open the Rig Manager you will see all the FREE Rigs......from Britt and others that are included in this update. Mine is empty.

    Again, am I misunderstanding something !

    MR Giggles


    Thanks for the help Yes it is Rig Manager. I installed it when I first got the unit. There isn't anything in it right now, I assume because I moved it all to a Zip and then put it into the Kemper.

    I have the Zipped File for 2.1, but I can't get it into the Rig Manager. Again, not a computer wiz by any means. I've tried sending / dragging / copying and can't figure it out.

    When I first got the Kemper, I had no problems. I use it daily, got 100 or so Rigs etc.....So not sure what the / my problem is this time.

    Continued help / advice is welcome !

    Mr Giggles

    I attempted to download update 2.1. I downloaded to the computer (not a mac) then moved it to my zip drive. This is the same zip I used for initial setup etc. It is used for nothing but Kemper stuff. I plug the zip into the Kemper and nothing comes up as what to do next. Did I need to do something else on the computer or the Kemper itself. Not the sharpest computer person going, so not quite sure if I'm missing something ! Just thought it would be good to finally update and check out the all the new rigs that come with the update. Beginning to wonder if I should just forget about it and just be happy with what is working right now.

    Thanks Mr Giggles ?(

    Hello All

    Once again, thanks to everyone for all their input and suggestions.

    To INGOLF ......... I watched your 2 Video's with the Matrix and Yamaha. I think the Yamaha definitely stands
    on it's own, especially for the big price difference. Funny thing is, I also watched a 3rd Video you did using
    the Power / Speaker of a Fender Mustang III. I actually thought, as you did, that it sounded pretty good. I
    was surprised.

    I've used it on a couple of little gigs and was trying to decide on whether to keep using or just use the Kemper
    even for the smaller gigs I mentioned above. Got one of those coming up, so I might just try the Kemper thru
    the Mustang for a quick solution, until I decide which of the above units to buy. The Yamaha / EV / Alto all
    sounded pretty on some demos I heard.

    Thanks again

    Mr Giggles

    Hello Everyone

    Just wondering what kind of power amps and / or powered cabs are you folks using with the Kemper ?

    Right now I'm just using the Kemper for Home Recording. But a friend and I are working on a Casual Event / Wedding / Small club type band
    of easy Folk / Light Rock / Blues / Instrumental type stuff and I"m looking for a good quality setup, that will be rather modest on the wallet
    but portable. I won't need tons of headroom, but enough to not need to be miked, if that happens to be the case.

    I've looking into the ART SLA 1 or 2 / ISP Stealth / Rocktron Velocity / Tech 21 Power Engine. I know the Atomic stuff
    is highly regarded, but it is a little pricey. Anyone have any thoughts or opinions or experience with these ? Or suggestions on
    other things I should look at ?

    I have an old Dean Markley cab with a Celestion speaker, and also and extra EVM 12L, which is my favorite speaker, that I could put
    in that cab instead...........however I keep reading about the FRFR speakers. Anyone have any thoughts on this subject ?

    I was hoping to keep it small, like the ISP, but I don't want that to be the only deciding factor. Same for the Tech 21, one piece easy
    solution, but maybe there are better options. :/

    Any thoughts, opinions or suggestions are always welcome and much appreciated, as per usual !

    Mr Giggles :P


    Thanks to meambobbo & deadpan for the extra info on the Loop Distortion !

    So far, nothing I've tried, including all the suggestions from the replies I've received has sounded better than just
    putting the Gain type pedal right into the front of the Kemper !

    So for now, that is the way to go for me, anyway !

    Thanks again everyone !

    Mr Giggles

    Hi Kempermaniac and Ingolf

    Thanks again for the replies.

    I've read quite a bit about the " Loop Distortion" and wanted try it for myself, just to see if sounded any
    different than running the Gain Pedals in the front......that's really it.

    I did more experimenting and found what Kempermaniac mentioned, only one loop at a time. No matter
    how I hooked things up, they sounded pretty poor.

    So, I think I'll just stick with Delay / Reverb / Mod through the Loop Mono or Stereo if I use my Pedalboard and just
    throw the Gain Pedals in front.

    I'm just starting to work a bit more with the on-board effects and I'm liking them pretty well. Still like my own seperate
    Reverb units however ! I have a Mobius that I like, but as I start to like more Kemper effects, I may sell the Mobius.

    Thanks again

    Mr Giggles

    Hello Everyone

    I think I made a mistake posting this, so I wasn't sure if it actually did get posted, so here goes again, just in case !

    Sorry if you are forced to read it a 2nd time !

    I have a question about the Loop Distortion. I have a few Gain & Fuzz Pedals I like. I have
    tried them in front of the Kemper, depending on the Rig chosen, have gotten OK to good results.

    I'd like to try them in the Loop Distortion, to see if they sound better or different, but not sure how to hook it up.

    I have my Delay / Reverb stuff in the Standard Effects Loop and I add that by going to X Effects slot and
    choosing the Loop Mono when I want to add it to a sound. I had read that on this site and it seems to work
    very well.

    So, for the Gain Pedals, do I just run them in the same standard Effects Loop right along with the Delay / Reverbs
    but instead on Loop Mono, I use Loop Distortion to add them to the sound ?

    If so, can I still chose Loop Mono for Delay / Reverb within that same Rig ?

    I keep reading you choose Stomp A - D.......maybe even only D for the External Gain Pedals, so is that where I
    would access my above Loop Distortion idea ? Thus enabling me to still use the Delay / Reverb under the Effects X ?

    I feel confused, but not sure....something just doesn't seem right ! ?(

    As usual, any and all help along with suggestions are welcome are always greatly appreciated.


    Mr Giggles

    PS: I did try a few things, including a few of the above thoughts with horrible results ! So, I guess the same confusion and questions remain !

    Hello Everyone

    I have a question about the Loop Distortion. I have a few Gain & Fuzz Pedals I like. I have
    tried them in front of the Kemper, depending on the Rig chosen, have gotten OK to good results.

    I'd like to try them in the Loop Distortion, to see if they sound better or different, but not sure how to hook it up.

    I have my Delay / Reverb stuff in the Standard Effects Loop and I add that by going to X Effects slot and
    choosing the Loop Mono when I want to add it to a sound. I had read that on this site and it seems to work
    very well.

    So, for the Gain Pedals, do I just run them in the same standard Effects Loop right along with the Delay / Reverbs
    but instead on Loop Mono, I use Loop Distortion to add them to the sound ?

    If so, can I still chose Loop Mono for Delay / Reverb within that same Rig ?

    I keep reading you choose Stomp A - D.......maybe even only D for the External Gain Pedals, so is that where I
    would access my above Loop Distortion idea ? Thus enabling me to still use the Delay / Reverb under the Effects X ?

    I feel confused, but not sure....something just doesn't seem right !

    As usual, any and all help along with suggestions are welcome are always greatly appreciated.


    Mr Giggles


    Thanks for the info.

    If you "save/store" the edited Rig WITH a different name, a new rig will be stored in your KPA..

    Do I do this first, before moving it into favorites or do you always have to make changes in the original All Rigs spot ?

    So I change the cab and just call it Fischers CAE ODEE 100 # 2 and the original stays as is and the new one is added, just like SAVE AS on a regular computer ? At this point I would then move it into favorites correct ?

    Always afraid overwriting any original anything, if fear of losing it forever.


    Hello Everyone

    I still haven't downloaded rig manager, but have managed fine so far.

    Today I put a bunch of Rigs in Favorites, however when I tried to change the cabinet, either before moving to favorites or after..........the stock cabinet remains ! ?(

    What am I missing ? All I'd like to do is take a simple Rig, say Fischers CAE OD 100 # 2 and change the Cab from the stock Fuchs to a Peavey 5150 which is on all
    the Mesa Boogie Mark 5:25 downloads I just did. That cab sounds good on quite a few rigs, to my ears anyway. Seems to be a bit darker, which I like.

    So I want to do the above and just save, simple as that !!

    After in favorites, if I decide to tweak any cabinet or amplifier or effects setting, will they automatically save in the favorites spot ?

    Thanks again, any help or advice is always greatly appreciated ! :)
