Posts by Dean_R

    From my experience split coils from any humbucker will never sound as good as the worst dedicated single coil pickup. The hot rails split into single coil will not sound as good as single coil. Sorry, for chiming it to try to sway you from what you're trying to do instead of just answering your question, but my intention is to save you time and grief. The Hot rails are very dark pickups. I use the Cool rails pickup and they're much much more versatile. I personally recommend getting three blade pickups if you want the humbucker sound and if you really want typical humbucker sound, you might as well use a full size humbucker.

    My ultimate advice is if you really want a good humbucker sound and a good single coil sound, keep the strat with single coils and get a Less Paul type guitar for humbucker sounds. You can try to get it all in one guitar, but from my experience it really isn't possible.

    Ok, I don't really care to comment on much of what is going back and fourth here, but .....

    Any "update" that altered my tone for any rig would be totally unacceptable. I have literally put YEARS of time into getting the sounds I need for various songs in our play list.

    In fact, if a KPA2 were to come out with absolutely every feature ever desired by anyone on the forum (including me) and it did not absolutely preserve the tone of all my rigs, I would never buy it.

    I understand that by the very nature of the Axe architecture, firmware updates will necessarily change tone (if you touch any modeling block, the tone of any chain in any patch that block is used in will change). I am not blaming the company here for bad practices, I am simply pointing out that for many, this is a job stopper.

    If others have different work flows and requirements than me (live gigging for mostly covers), the Axe may well offer a compelling argument. I would think that anyone that did live work would be very much put off if a firmware update altered their tone.

    My guess is the majority of demographic of Fractal customer base aren't working musicians. The constant updates and how they change the presets would be a nightmare scenario for mosr working musicians.

    To be fair, that can also apply to the Kemper. You got many in both customer base who are focused on buying a device that has a good headphone output that Kemper included the Space feature to make it sound good in headphones.

    This for the most part makes perfect sense, most working guitarists don't want to spend, presuming they have it at first, 2 grands on one device Most working guitarist can get a fully live ready system with real tube amps, for a fraction of the cost of either unit.

    You admit that Kemper is unethical, correct?

    Not at all. No one stoops to the lows that fractal has been muddying in since inception.

    You use similar tactics like those of Fractal and you would defend the indefensible similar to what a US president (that shall remain undisclosed) legal team would do. I'm done with this thread. Said enough to educate unsuspecting consumers about the advantages of not spending ridiculously high prices for a product made up of hype (AXE FX Platform).

    IF you must go fractal, just buy an AXE II at less than half price, the difference between Ares and Quantum is fictional just like the names, ares quntum, Santa Clause, Unicorns and such. Don't be gullible.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone. :)

    Claiming the KPA can capture an amp perfectly when there are examples that demonstrate otherwise is marketing hype

    Even if it is, no even comes close to the unethical Fractal practices that I already wrote about.

    Nobody knows this better than you yourself. You clearly bought the Kemper for its amp modeling because you know very well that it's far superior to the AXE FX outdated approach. many other tube amps owners can successfully profile their amps, and take that sound t inside the Kemper instead of carrying tube amps around, something that no other device can do. Go ahead and profile an amp and test it for yourself, otherwise enjoy your Kemper, that you openly stated that you bought to use for amp modeling.

    Your perception and understanding of what capitalism is couldn't be any more misinformed. What you refer to as acceptable practices by Fractal is the ugly side and abusive bad side effects of capitalism that causes the uneducated to perceive capitalism as though it allows lying and selling your mother, morals and your family to make a dollar.

    Emotional marketing applies to Kemper as much as any other company.

    Not really, Kemper is sold in Major retail outlets in the United States and users can openly review it from the same store. Fractal will vehemently fight the slightest negative review and don't sell in third party retailers to keep the false hype in check. Their friends the owners of Gearpage the largest modeling board, constantly remove negative reviews of Fractal products. Some of us and may be many are very aware of this sleazy deceptive practice.

    Kemper is making claims that aren't factual, so if you want to talk about false claims or emotional marketing, it applies to Kemper just as much as Line6, Fractal Audio and myriad other companies that hype a product.

    Again, even if it's true they don't go to the extreme unethical measures that Fractal has gone. I've showed you where Fractal Claimed on their website that their tone match, which is over 20 year old EQ matching, is the same as profiling!! That crosses the line for me because I know that the target for this are unsuspected consumers who don't know much about modeling, but anyone who has basic knowledge of EQ Match and what profiling is, will be outraged by such a false claim that's an insult to anyone's intelligence.

    Fractal Audio and myriad other companies that hype a product.

    Other companies don't charge over 2 and half thosands U.S dollars for a product that comes with one year warranty only! Then they nickle and dime you another 249 to upgrade your warranty to three years,
    Greed is not good despite what some might tell you. Fractal is the worst offenders in term of greed. Their ethics are questionable at best. Claiming that EQ match is same as Profiling is one of the least offensive lies if compared with their down right unethical fabrications and lies they make up about competition

    I don't like unethical companies.

    Every other product sold in the U.S in major retail has minimum 30 days return except fractal products have only 14 days return. When purchasers aren't happy they're told its user error and are told that it takes months to learn the product so they get stuck with the overpriced AXE FX.

    That's why you can get an AXE II at less than half price, so again why would you pay full price for an AXE III if the AXE Platform is claimed to be the best until they release a newer model.

    The profiling algorithm was updated in firmware v2.6.
    Based on the changelog, the KPA has had over 65+ updates since v1.00, and there's no shortage of Kemper users who wish the KPA team would update the profiling process, as there are many profiles that have audible characteristics that distinguish them from the original amp.
    The Kemper's online marketing brochure states, "Now, for the first time, you are free to create amp tones as unique and individual as you are, and capture them easily and perfectly in the digital domain." The only problem is there are many instances in which the KPA doesn't capture an amp perfectly, which is why some people here and elsewhere are able to consistently identify the KPA in blind tests, so if you want to talk about false claims, that applies to Kemper just as much as Line6, Fractal Audio and numerous other companies that hype a product.

    all your doing is emotionally justifying the Purchase after the fact. Do some research on emotional marketing and you will realize that you're still defending your purchasing decision and not Fractal AXE FX. The AXE II is less than half price now. I don't recommend getting the three unless someone has money to burn.

    You seem to have FAS anger issues when you go on and on and on railing against FAS whenever the opportunity arises... did they hurt you, emotionally, in some way? It's almost like they turned you down for a job or something.

    if the AXE FX III and II have good modeling, why not just buy the AXE II for less than half price? [Blocked Image:…es/confused.png] Are you capable of rational thinking rather that emotional thinking? Clearly not as you're a perefect candidate for Fractal emotional Marketing rather than using rational thinking. Allow me to explain

    Their marketing turned me off. The subject of the thread is
    "Please stop me from buying an AXE FX III" I'm just on topic.

    Further more my dislike for Fractal is nothing personal. Unlike those Fractal apologists (including you) I don't get emotionally attached to any device. I just feel that being an educated consumer warrants sharing the wisdom and experience when possible with those who can just deal with facts and not emotions.

    Fact is that Fractal doesn't hold value because there's so much emotional hype built into the price and that's the main reason that it will never be released in major music retail stores in the USA unlike the KPA, it simply won't sell, if it ever goes major retail, because in the open Market, it won't even be able to handle the public reviews in musiciansfriend, sweetwater or big USA music retailers. So currently and unfortunate for the consumers, the reviews are limited and somewhat controlled by Fractal.

    Your post confirms the idea that's been propagated by Fractal that if someone doesn't like the AXE FX they automatically are branded to have an anger issue. It shows how effective the deceptive marketing gimmicks on appealing to the emotion rather than any rational reasoning that would make you yourself question why would someone openly state that Fractal is over hyped unrealistic harsh sounding device that will require ridiculous time and effort to get decent usable sounds out of it.

    If Fractal ever goes into retail outlets, I'm sure that more guitarist like me will point out to the major shortfalls. Many who bought the AXE FX will unfortunately find out soon enough how overpriced their device is,.

    I just looked in reverb and the recent price history of the AXE FX II shows the current price to be roughly one thousand dollars
    Hint: Don't rely on emotions when making major purchases, companies specifically have been using this type of marketing,

    here's the link and here's a snap shot of the pricing of AXE FX II that is less than half price. Does someone need to be angry to realize and point out the obvious that the product is extremely overpriced? Also here the link for the detail price history

    Why does the AXE FX III come with only one year Warranty? To get three years you need to pay an extra $249 Wow, it's not like the Kemper is cheap either but they give you three years warranty without having to pay extra even though I think both Kemper and Fractal are overpriced to be fair.

    I meant that more ironically. Of course you do not have to buy a new Ax Fx every year,if you're satisfied with the old one.

    Sure you don't have buy one but anyone who's bought the AXE for modeling would feel compelled to buy one because Fractal would claim that the new release has their most accurate latest technology.

    If the various iteration of their technologies are constantly changing, a person with reasonable intelligence will know that their modeling is never accurate in reproducing tube amp tones, and if it ever was, then it wouldn't need to change. Kemper profiling hasn't changed since the first Kemper was released and the same accurate profile is still the same since the beginning.

    AXE FX list of technologies and gimmicks included such things as MIMIC :D

    Before MIMIC there was DRT (Dynamic response technology) after maybe 20 versions of MIMIC came Quantum , then after nine versions of Quantum came Ares. The AXE WIKI shows about 28 different main versions of firmware since AXE II that each probably had hundreds of incremental updates and some AXE users will claim that with each upgrade the modeling is better.

    Who has time to keep up with this $hit. Think about it :D I just looked at that crap before I bought the Kemper and common sense told me if they got it right in the early days of DRT they wouldn't have to keep changing their Catch Phrase claimed to be some technology.

    Seriously, I'mg going to pay over 2.5K for clearly false claims of accurate modeling.and misleading marketing gimmicks?

    I consider it an insult to my intelligence as a consumer but that's just me,

    If you're going to tell me as a consumer that MIMIC, Quantum , DRT or ARES are real technologies that accurately model tube amps, I'm going to tell you that Santa, the tooth fairy, and unicorns are real and if you tell me they're not, I'm going to cry and pout as I tell you how dare you question my choice of what's real and what's not. :D , Wait a minute, I think I got that reversed, if you bought the AXE FX Platform it would likely be you who will be crying and pouting while calling me a Kemper Fan boy, when I'm just an educated consumer :)

    With all of the available parameters in the Axe FX, it's easy to spend more time twisting knobs than playing, however you definitely don't need to spend a lot of time tweaking to get good tone. You just need a couple of good IR's and everything else will often fall into place. If you doubt this, try swapping the cab from your favorite Kemper profile with an Ownhammer IR or a random cab from another profile.

    If you can live with a couple of IRs and don't need variety, you honestly don't need neither the Kemper or AXE FX , If you need a minimalist approach of two to three sounds and want to save a lot of money, you can get a HOTONE BINARY or MOORE Radar, use either of them any real tube preamp or The send from a tube amp laying around, and there you'll have it, Sound that no can argue with, real tubes hybrid system that has more Mojo than any digital device, however you'll be sacrificing variety and convenience of all in one device.

    There have been several people who've claimed the Axe FX has a signature sound over the years, however none of them have ever been able to correctly identify it in a blind test.

    I played the AXE FX II before I bought the Kemper, and I can still identify the high Fi signature sound that's more synthetic exaggerated overproduced guitar sound that might work for experimental synthetic guitar sound but not authentic realistic tube amp sound. I know real big names use it for effects, but not for amp modeling. Actually I found S-gear software to sound superior to the AXE FX Platform in regard to natural authentic guitar amp sound.

    I honestly don't think the AXE Platform really cuts it for me in regards to amp tones, there is something fake and plastic like in all the AXE FX II and III clips that I hear all over the web. I have to admit I didn't test the effects as much but for amp modeling, its extreme hi fi is very noticeable in the mid gains. Truth be told, the mid gain AXE FX I heard, are inferior to most software plugins even. It just doesn't have the weight you'd expect with edge of break up tonea that you would get from real tube amps or even the KPA.. You don't believe me, look up edge of break tones of AXE FX II and III clips and anything you find, will show how terrible the amp modeling is.

    There's a converter that allows users to convert presets from the Axe FX II and AX8 to the Axe FX III.

    My guess is that it would be an approximation at best. As far as I know there's no guarantee that the sound of a patch will remain the same between the many various updates and Kemper is the only device, that I'm aware of, where you don't have to rework your patches whenever an update comes out. I can only imagine the nightmare scenario for a gigging musician using AXE FX platform if they're going to keep up with the updates. I would imagine they rarely ever update but then they would be missing on the constant never ending improvements.

    Neither does the Axe FX III, although I (and others) can generally identify the Kemper in blind tests.

    Yes, I'm sure that you and others can also tell the difference and identify the never ending improvements to the modeling between the almost weekly updates of the AXE FX.

    1-Kemper has an open ended platform, amp models sound more realistic and literally you can get any sound

    2-Kemper is cheaper
    3-You can profile your own amps and for the most part, you yourself might not be able to distinguish which is which.
    4-With the New upcoming reverbs, the Harmony and delays are much more advanced in the Kemper. so no advantage in effects in the axe fx.

    5-Kemper doesn't have a signature sound, depending on the signal chain, Kemper has much more variety of various top of the line professional signal paths.
    6-Kemper is a more ethical company
    7-Even if Kemper 2 was to come out. you will still be able to play your current sounds as according to the designer, this is a major point. AXE FX 4 in couple of years will not accept axe fx 3 patches.
    8-firmware updates don't require you to redo all your patches as with the AXE FX platform. Some of the best profiles can be from the first year of release in late 2011 and 2012. Good sound doesn't age and remains good and relevant as it should be.

    I can go on and on but

    the most important part is Kemper sounds like a real amp and you can test that yourself by profiling your own amps. Sure the AXE can sound good but it's truly not as authentic as the Kemper so if you care about amp modeling. Kemper is still King.

    I think Kemper should promote the page. I mean it's really great advertising. ..

    I agree, there's so much that can be concluded from someone going to this level to justify their choice and emotionally defending their purchasing decision to make an elaborate web page and spend significant time creating content, If I didn't own the Kemper, I would be extremely curious about this devise If I happen to see that page.

    ..... the use of pussy in my post is in reference to the guy not dealing with the negative and carrying on with it.

    He is even trying to get members of this forum over there (baited Dean and asked others to get Dean over there in one post) to get a negative reaction out of them.

    I think "pussy" is a flattering term to use when referencing this type of anonymous "troll". If he's going to go all out and create elaborate content, the least he can do is,.be a man, or a woman and have a name behind:"Kempersucks", his attempt at comedy which is a bunch of repeats of old tired material that's been getting passed around since the first modeler.

    I have no problem with people wanting anonymity on the internet, but if he created his own trade mark content to "blow off steam", he should have given himself some name, anonymous or not, otherwise he's a "nobody " and he should feel privileged that you elevated him to "pussy" status. :D

    Line 6 and Kemper are both classy companies and I have the highest respect for both in the way they have set a standard of conduct for their employees and representatives. Of course Kemper isn't happy with such a page, but remaining classy is very important, like the old saying

    "Never wrestle with a pig. You just get dirty and the pig enjoys it."

    its a satire page, it says so on the "about" part.

    So it claims! Also the person claims that he tried the Kemper and it didn't work for him.

    When was the last time you bought equipment that didn't work for you and then you went ahead to make a whole facebook page dedicated to proving everyone who loves and uses that product to be wrong :D I doubt that you would do that.

    It's somewhat funny, but it's also sad that a person has dedicated all this effort to say Kemper Sucks because it didn't work for him. I mean I'm seriously and truly chuckling as I type this 8o but this person in a way has my sympathy for the petty life he's leading because he's clearly not having fun and not really laughing, he's doing the exact opposite of what he claims in the "about" page.

    Let's not exaggerate. Kemper is not a religion. (At least for me.) Ignoring is the only thing that it deserves.

    You're absolutely right. I still use tube amps, but I'm also able to capture those sounds in profiles that for the most part sound the same. Why I might have seemed harsh in truthfully declaring the facebook Page makers as low-lives is because I've been here long enough to know based on reading a few sections of that page who it is and know that their intentions are malicious, not jut humor.

    However, I believe, at the small chance of their page getting real attentions or views, it would still work in favor of Kemper but they're too dumb to realize that. Ignoring however is still best. If they were just a little smart,they would have realized that "the inventor" liking one of their post, is effectively ignoring them also.

    The best thing is to ignore such pathetic no-life losers who have no life or intellect. Did you see how many visitors they had 8o Hardly anyone :)

    I'd say totally ignore them.

    The funny thing is they have reference to me in a while back when I had my monkey avatar. They actually suggest to invite me to their page. I am certain I know who they are and where they come from, but for the sake of sense and sensibility, :D :LOL, it's best to ignore trashy low lives like that.

    They must think that I have nothing better to do with my time than going to their page to proof the obvious that they're such pathetic no lives losers in every aspect and meaning of the word losers than to even bother. Why get one's self dirty and level down with low intellect ignorant dumb idiots :?: Seriously, why even bother. :S

    I'd definitely like to check them out and see how I sound on them. I can't seem to find where to purchase them. I like the video clips of them that I've seen. He may just have a different way of mic'ing the cab that yields more dynamics or something. I'm curious now. thanks!

    Even though Jimmy K said "not just a matter of EQing." from my experience is really just a matter of EQing in this situation, Many of the AGL have extreme EQ from the Kemper side. There is so much bass cut and mid boast and presence cut in many of them and that's why to some who like that mid focus, they feel good.

    Your profiles are the perfect balance and from my experience if I needed to get the radical mid focus, it's just a few knobs moves and I'm there, so thank you for not doing that but instead you provided very balanced profiles that don't have the exaggerated EQ leaving room for fans of your profiles to apply the EQ to suite their own setups.

    My recommendation is keep up doing what you're doing and keep trusting your ears. Your profiles are popular with many and as you know, there's no way they will be popular with everyone. That goes without saying. Actually in some situations, I would say it's good to know and hear that there are those that don't like your profiles most likely to emphasize and confirm that it's generally for the same reasons that many others really like them, of course IMHO.