Posts by Section8

    I am having the same problem of getting used to a different floor unit. Gradually building a pedal board over a period of time, adding pedals as you go and getting used to one variable at a time is not so bad, but suddenly having a completely different way of thinking under your feet is quite a challenge!

    I will probably order the Kemper Remote soon and will need one or two expression pedals. The Mission KP-1 sounds like a good choice.

    Yes, in some ways my current Kemper Remote setup is a little more footwork than I am used to. I need to figure out better ways to toggle between two things with a single switch, which is what I had setup on my old rig. I need to study the midi programming part a bit more. The KP-1 is awesome and I highly recommend the spring-loaded version for expression... this particular setup blows away any expression pedal setup I have ever used. That part is definitely an upgrade that has made life easier, especially with the stop@heel feature. If I want wah or pitch in my solo, I just start moving the pedal and "Voila!", then it turns of wah/pitch when I lift my foot off.

    Fantastic, man! Well done.

    I have guest guitars too. $80 each. Squire and Behringer. The Behringer's still got the original strings on it after 10 years. ;)

    I bought a cheapo Behringer strat-style guitar like you are describing for my eldest son, as his first guitar. It's not bad, actually. Good to hear that others have "guest guitars", as well.

    @Section8 - Good to hear the first KPA outing was a success from song 2!

    I have used my KPA on a few band gigs now and am still working on my sounds. I occasionally play a duo gig with a female vocalist using my 7 string archtop through a Polytone. The set is a mix of styles from classic jazz to modern pop songs. A last minute decision (again!) had me using my KPA in the duo last night. I quickly set up 5 slots in performance mode with various clean sounds and added a few effects. This way I could quickly change to a different rig if one wasn't working for me. As my gear wasn't set up in my studio, I did the setting up through headphones so was very worried that the sounds would not work for the gig.

    The vocalist sent me a text asking what gear I would be using and when I told her that I was going to try the KPA, she asked if she could sing through my DXR10 and not bring her speakers. The resulting set up was Guitar - KPA - DXR10 and vocals - small mixer (for effects) - a second DXR10 input. It was a small venue, so I figured this could work.

    The result was that I preferred playing through this rig than my Polytone. Apart from a reverb pedal, I don't use any effects in the duo. As I had my FCB1010 on the floor, I found myself breaking this rule last night. I couldn't remember what effects I had stored in which slots, so I randomly engaged some sounds. Great fun! This has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Everything went much better than expected apart from when I decided to stomp on a sound from a different bank thinking it was an alternative clean sound. It was hilarious when during the subtle ballad, I engaged a huge, overdriven lead sound. I then panicked and frantically stomped on FCB1010 buttons to try and get back to where I was. Oops!!

    That's a cool setup for a duo, good to hear that that sort of setup is a possibility. I had taken for granted the learning curve and rigor involved in naturally interacting with my old rig's floor units, and underestimated how awkward it was going to be to, initially, to use something different on the floor. I have two of the Mission KP-1 pedals, one spring-loaded, which I really enjoyed using at the show. That was a huge upgrade from my old, loose expression pedals.

    Thanks for the info! Here's my after-action report: We didn't do a real sound-check, much to my chagrin, especially since I mentioned the importance of it earlier in this thread. Guitar was muted or channel was turned way down, or "something", for 1st song in both FOH and (shared) stage monitors, and sound guy was struggling to figure it out, even though we had checked the guitar (and other instruments individually before playing first song)... bummer, but I slid over and quickly cranked up the KPA main output to monitor, so my bandmates and I could hear a little guitar, at least. I never got an explanation why guitar was absent from mix when we started the show, and obviously that was an anti-climactic moment for my first outing with the KPA. 2nd - 35th songs, sounded great! I was a little awkward with the controller during some transitions, because I was used to my old rig, so I just need to develop new muscle memories for instinctively stomping on these new buttons. My old rig I could switch things without even looking down, after 6 years of shows with it. Expression and volume pedal worked great! The wah, vibes, phasers and such sounded much cleaner and better than my old rig. I had a guest guitarist come up and play one cut on guitar, so I got to hear the Kemper from the audience and the tone, clarity and dynamics were a massive improvement. Guest guitarist was using my "guest guitar", which isn't nearly as good as the one's I play and it still sounded amazing. The guest guitar has cheaper pickups and it's one of the two guitars I use only for rehearsals or guest players, but not for performances, because it costs 10% of what my live guitars costs, so I don't mind if people bend the neck or grind up the back of it with their belt buckles and such. Anyway, except for the sound man glitch, at the beginning, the KPA performed amazingly for me, and sounded incredible. I was able to employ a variety of different tones and different effects "scenes" with a single performance setup, as well.

    Nice after action report! I am encouraged and stoked by the good live reports here. My first KPA gig will be tomorrow. My pedalboard hasn't arrived yet, and I really wanted to mount everything on it first which is a bummer, so pedals and controller will get christened laying directly on stage the cold stage floor. It is time consuming setting everything up, but the KPA is really intuitive and I'm finding it easy to learn... And looks like I will be able to handle pretty complex show of diverse cuts and effects with a single performance. do you change where the volume pedal is in the signal chain, exactly?

    Totally agree with OP. One of the coolest little features of the KPA is the "Delete Non-Favorites" . When I found myself twiddling around with 100s of profiles I used this, so I could focus on playing the few that I had already identified as perfect for my needs.

    I tried new settings out at rehearsal last night. I reduced the main output volume to -20db to get to unity level input on the mixing board. I guess this would differ from board to board. We rehearse with headphones, with everything straight into the board and no audible instrumentation, except for drums, course. It was the best mix and sound quality we have ever had! My bandmates and I are blown away by the rich, nuanced guitar tone coming out of the Kemper. It's so much nicer than my Marshall rig, and the speaker cabinets aren't flooding the room with sound that spills into the vocal microphones. I can't wait to try this live!

    I've packaged up my second pedal board to return. Ordered #3 from a 3rd company. The other two were like shoes that didn't quite fit right. Hopefully "3rd time is the charm".

    This one is just about the right size, just a skoshe oversized, and has a compartment to conceal cabling (will probably store Ethercon remote cable in there while transporting, as well). Having a hole drilled in the left side to install Neutrik Ethercon jack, which I will permanently patch to the remote in the cavity under the board. This one is like my old SKB powered board... set it on the floor, take the lid off, plug Ethercon into Kemper and off to the races! Now I have to wait for it, heh.


    Here's a quick and crude demo of the Talkbox profile I made. It uses drandall's great free Recto #13 rig on the RE and major tweaks of Paults' original talkbox settings. I think it works pretty well. Feedback is welcome. I've uploaded this onto the Rig Exchange, labelled "GS Frampton - DR."

    That's awesome. We do Hair of the Dog and that last bit in your recording (sounds like Joe Walsh/Eagles) was exactly what I have been looking for, as it is very similar to the little lead Hair of the Dog. I will use this, thank you for sharing it!


    In Output Source:

    I have set [Main Output] to Master Mono and set [Monitor Output] to Master Mono, as well. I have set [Direct Output] and [SPDIF] to Off, since I'm not using those, currently.

    In Output Volumes:

    I have also unchecked/unlinked [Main Out Link], so the master volume no longer controls the main output. I have set the main output to -15db. I tested that and the master volume is only linked to headphones and monitor output.

    Does these seem appropriate for live mono setup? ...Thanks, in advance!

    I searched for this as well too and ended up with the following:

    All other options I found offered way too much height to my liking.

    How do you find the build quality on that Protec board?

    You can still use Velcro - buy a package of Industrial Strength loop/hook strips, and attach the loop strips to the pedalboard.

    Yes, I have done this before when building custom pedal risers. Mounting it with screws is appealing, as well. That Protec board looks as if it would have suited my needs, as well, since I'm not doing a lot of flying gigs.

    Is a template for drilling holes in a pedal board to mount the remote controller available? Is that way of mounting the remote good, recommended... stable? If so, what is the appropriate thread pitch for the screws and appropriate length for mounting to 3/8" plywoood? I have purchased a Trailer Trash Pedalboards, Flat Trash board to mount my Kemper remote controller and Mission expression pedals to. I was going to velcro them to it, but the board came without the loop carpet, so I guess I will be mounting it with screws, if that is a viable way of doing it. Thanks, in advance!

    Doh! I can totally relate. 99% of the time any similar problems are related to the engineers' current settings for that channel strip on the board.

    Sound Engineer: "Hey! Is that thing turned all the way up? Is it plugged all the way in?!?!"

    Me: "Yes, I'm sending you a very nice, clean and strong signal... what are you doing with that signal? Did you happen double-check all the buttons and dials for that channel, carefully? Is that channel muted? Is the gain down? Are you sure the $7 XLR cable you plugged me into hasn't been cleft in twain? Are you adjusting wrong channel strip?!?".

    This always happens when I plug my sampler into the direct box of a lesser engineer. For some reason, when the channel isn't connected to a mic, confusion ensues with the "2 Dudes, A Mixing Board and Truck, Inc." types. That sounds like a nightmare, though, sorry you went through that.

    Another + for -15dBm and mono-out for live use. The exception is those few times that I know there is a soundman who is concious about the issues with stereo signals, and who uses a mixing-console that doesn't blend stereo-signals into a horrible mess in monitors and other mono-destinations. This is one of the things that very few digital consoles get right. One can only hope that the implementations will improve.

    Excellent information. I am planning to run main out, in mono, to FOH console and monitor out to my FRFR. How do you set up XLR main outputs to run a mono signal? ...and does the above sound like a plan? I read elsewhere that Ingolf said main outs run same signal out of left and right, except for stereo effects, delay reverb, ect. Do I need to set up the output section a certain way to optimize how I am sending mono signal to board?