Posts by jay7


    I would like to use an external loop pedal too but using also headphones, Ideally, I would want the looper after the KPA but I think that's not possible as I need to use headphones KPA output (my loop pedal does not have an headphone out itself).
    From the manual, what I understand is that the best I can do is to place the loop in the X or MOD module, having it before delay and reverb. Is this correct?



    I would accept to pay too, even though it would be a nice touch not asking to pay 5/10€ more when people already paid roughly 1500€(KPA) + 500€(remote?) + 500€(ipad).
    But if it has to be paid, I'd do (especially given my Mac is too old to run Rig manager ... :( ).

    Yeah, I know these topics has been discussed many times, but everybody has its own needs/desires and there is no global right answer. Apart from standard tube guitar amp, I am quite a noob for what regards general audio amplification.

    I am thinking of buying a KPA because I expect to have lot of fun with it. For sure, I want the Remote as well.
    Principal usage would be in my room by myself or with an additional electronic drumkit, playing over some track or looping. Main output would be headphones, as my wife will give me a baby in approx. 10 days and, if I will ever find the time to play once he is born, this will happen when the baby will sleep and I won't want to wake him up. (BTW: yes, I am using this excuse to justify to myself the purchase ... I buy it just not to wake up the baby .... yeah, sure!)

    That does not mean I will never need/want to use my Kemper live and obviously I would not like it to be worse than just using my good old tube amp.
    To be used with the Kemper, if needed, I already have:
    - a cheap amplified speaker if I want to hear something in my room (…product_id=4143)
    - a tube amp (Vox TB35) from which I could use the power section through the effects loop

    So, some questions:
    1) for sure I don't want to be limited to play with headphones so, do you think such a cheap speaker is still usable or the results will be so poor that I already need to plan to spend more on a new speaker? Now, even if at low volumes, I am used to hear my Vox amp and I would not enjoy fake-like tones from the Kemper just because the spearker is bad
    2) would it still make sense for me to buy the powered KPA? On one side, I don't like the idea of a retrofit amplifier as it seems to me I wouldn't save that much money and I would prefer to go the right way and keep it simple with the powered one. On the other side, considering I don't own any guitar cab, do you think it would need anyway an power section or I can just plan to always go into a PA? Or would it guarantee similar results just gettin a better amplified speaker?
    3) the colouring effect that is given by entering the FX loop return of a tube amp is usually small enough to maintain most of the character of the KPA simulated amp or would this completely ruin the fun of "this is the sound of real amps"? I mean, independently from the fact that the final result can be very good, would the sound be affected 90% by KPA and 10% by tube amp or 10% by KPA and by 90% tube amp?

    Thanks to all!