Posts by WarlockStudios

    Well blow me! Shows what I know, cheers for showing me that Tritium :) I also own a 3120 and i haven't got around to profiling that yet so i'm gonna give it a go and see what happens. I've got a few SinMix profiles and they're wicked so hopefully he will be along soon to let us know about that mod hahaha!

    I'm going to have a look around for extra info on the dual terror but the KPA did at one point say that it detected a noisegate when profiling the DT so maybe there's something similar going on there....?

    Edit: didn't take too long haha

    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your input and ideas so far :) much appreciated. I had a quick blast through the thread but first off i'm using a first generation XXX head with no built in noisegate that's on the MK2 and i think also the JSX model so it rules that out. The first amp I tried to profile when I got my Kemper a few months ago was my Orange Dual Terror and I had the same results then! But I took your advice and went straight for my Mesa Dual Rectifier Road King and the results were that I was actually able to take a good profile! 8o

    The signal chain was:

    Guitar into Kemper > Kemp DI out to Mebo > Mebo to Orange 2x12 > Orange 2x12 to e906 > e906 to ASP008 > ASP008 to Kemp return

    Here is the Mic into PT: e906.mp3?dl=0

    Here is the profile from the Kemp's main out: Kemper Profile.mp3?dl=0

    I wasn't too bothered about tone just testing that I got the clean profile but it's not too shabby tbh so i've uploaded it to the Rig Exchange and it can be found as: Warlock-FatKing

    Next I went to try out my Orange Dual Terror and unfortunately got the same results as the XXX. At this stage i'm thinking maybe it is just too hot of a level for the Kemp.... but; I turned the gain on the preamp right down so it was barely tickling and tried setting different return levels on the kemp too. It was slightly better but still not as clean as the Mebo. There's still that squelchy fuzzy low end, turning up the clarity does improve slightly but also compromises the tone I find.

    (Same signal chain different amp)

    Dual Terror 1: Terror 1.mp3?dl=0

    Dual Terror 2: Terror 2.mp3?dl=0

    Dual Terror 3 with clarity knob engaged: Terror 3 clarity.mp3?dl=0

    I find it a bit bizarre that one amp is fine and the others are having these results but I guess that is just the nature of profiling?

    Ok so i've had the Kemper a little while now and for someone who loves real tube amps I think this is the tits! Great sound, very useful for many different things blah blah kemper is awesome :D

    Anyway i've just had my second attempt at trying to profile one of my heads and i got the same result as the first time i tried.... it sounds like arse! No really it sounds like the gain has been maxed out and it was recorded with the neck pickups and the tone pot on when it wasn't. I've followed the instruction manual, i've watched numerous tutorials online and i've tried some of my own ideas but still rubbish.

    So here is what I did and there are audio clips below for your scrutiny:

    - Set up my Peavey XXX into my Orange 2x12 and got the tone.
    - Then mic'ed it up with an SM57 and an e906 and got the mic sounds and preamp levels in Pro Tools sounds wicked.
    - Then I hooked up the Kemper as per the very simple instructions and completed the profiling process.
    - When comparing to the reference amp my tones sound like arse.
    - I did this with the following two signal chains but got the same results:

    1) Guitar into Kemper Input > Kemper DI Out into XXX > XXX into Cab > SM57 into Audient ASP008 > ASP008 output into Kemper Return > Kemper Main Out into PT via ASP008

    2) Guitar into Kemper Input > Kemper DI Out into XXX > XXX into Cab > SM57 into Kemper Return > Kemper Main Out into PT via ASP008

    Here are the results:
    Guitar directly into XXX > SM57 > ASP008 > PT Amp SM57.mp3?dl=0

    Guitar into Kemper > Kemper profile of amp into Mesa 2x12 > SM57 > ASP008 > PT Kemper Miced cab SM57.mp3?dl=0

    Guitar into Kemper > Kemper profile of amp > Kemper Main Out > PT Kemper Profile.mp3?dl=0

    I've tried this both at High Amp volumes and low amp volumes and get the same results, but all other profiles that i've downloaded sound wicked so i'm confused as to where i'm going wrong. ?(8|

    Any advice or ideas welcome, hopefully i've just missed something simple. Cheers!