Posts by Bear

    Sorry about all those edits guys..ha, computer is acting up something fierce..there was letters and # and symbols between almost every word..weird..i just couldn't get 'em out of there..anyways.....

    God Bless..Barry...

    Made in Germany..need I say more..They've always made the best product in the world....from way back to now..Germany is very good at what they it be Cars, Guns, Knives, Musical equipment..the list goes on and on..if it says Made in Germany, you don't even have to look just get it.cause you know it's good..real good..and No, I don't own a Kemper yet, but what I just said stands true..and we know this..I cant wait to own one I cant wait..

    Thanks Kemper for all you've done for the World of Music..and for giving us all those great Tube Amps that we don't own or will never be able own. and to have them All at arms reach....God Bless you all.....Barry.

    and thanks to All Those who contribute Their Tube amps for us to enjoy too..Thats just incredible..!!.You Guys/Gals are great..A mark has been made that I never thought possible..Thanks Kemper..Thank you Kemper users..I'll be joining you soon enough..Barry.., I like's got a certain ring to it..thanks im gonna have to tell everyone what my Australian name is..ha,ha..

    Sorry to hear about the injury to your hands and what the cold does to them....that's a really sorry to hear that brother...You take care of yourself ok..and ya, I meant what I said, I appreciate you taking the time to fill me in..and see, your in pain doing it, but you did it thanks a lot man..

    Now, for this record breaking day and this month you guys are it winter time over there right now..or is it just dark out in Australia.., when we're light out here in the US...?..

    Thanks Monkey_Man......Bazza..ha,ha..

    Hey Monkey_Man..That was the best, detailed answers i ever heard..You my friend are a good guy..thanks a lot...NOT many people take the time and fill somebody in like you just did..thank you bud...Now I truly cannot wait..and yes, i wish i had the funds to purchase from Underoath..He seems like a good guy too..that was very cool of him to offer that to me..maybe The Good Lord will Bless me sooner than later..but Patience is the key here..I will own my own Kemper soon enough..thanks buddy..I appriciate this...

    ps...Please dont get upset with me..but i need to ask one other thing.thats more...ha,ha...would you recommend the Desk top version or the Rack version..I see the rack has a few things they couldnt jam inside or on the front panel...but anyway, Is this a big deal..can i live without them..? only a bedroom player for the time being..I do have my old band i could jam with..but i just started getting everything back..but anyways..thank you for your time and sorry to bug ya...take care and GB....Barry..

    I had a TSL100 and a JCM 800 lead series cab loaded with 65' God did this thing Rock n was one loud beast.and sounded phanominal .but, I sold it..a couple yrs later I bought a TSL60 hoping id get the same response but to no still sounds good but a 2x12 cab is not a 4x12 with 65's of coarse..but anyways, just thought id throw that in there..maybe the Kemper will surpass all ...and im sure it will..Cant Wait Kemper Brothers..Barry..

    hey UNDEROATH...Barry, that's sounds like a killer deal..but it's most likely not gonna happen for a few months and I know you cant wait around for that as much as I'd like to say heck so sorry but maybe you'll still have it in the near future..for my sake that is..for yours I hope it sells today..ha,ha..but hey man, thanks for concidering me.and asking,,thats too cool of you ..God Bless ya buddy..Barry.

    Thanks Monkey_Man..very very cool of seem like a great guy and I appreciate you making feel welcome..thanks a lot.and im loving forum pages where it says to Post pics of your Rigs..and videos too...thats a great place to see what everyone is using..i was curious about the powered Kemper and using my Marshall cab instead of monitors ect..seems like it will work..but will it work as good as say, a Marshall head sitting a top of a Cab..will it sound the same or not?..i hear the Kemper has more of a Mic'd/PA sound to their amp this true or will it sound just like a Marshall plugged into a Cab.?.

    another thing I was wondering do the effects sound..are they created from pedals like BOSS pedal or others.or are they their own sounds..?.and are they very professional sounding effects..or do they sound kinda computer-ish...ha,ha,..I like lots of Gain and some great Delay..for the most part..?.thanks Monkey_Man..thanks a lot..God Bless ya brother..Barry..

    Thanks Monkey-Man..i edited my post much info man..people don't wanna hear that stuff..ha,ha...dont know what possessed me to say all that so I got rid of it...but's getting better everyday..!!......i still haven't looked around here yet..but im gonna right take care bud..see you here...Barry

    ps..looks like I posted my intro in the wrong place..sorry about that..

    Thanks Guys.....Im from Arizona..N.E. part..near the town of Showlow..I play mostly Hard Rock..but I love playing the Blues style has changed a bit since the mid 80's...I was in a band but anymore im just a bedroom player..and the only recording I do "for now", is from a the Boss Micro..ha,ha..I recently picked up a Tascam 246 for 55 new..doesn't even look like it's been used...I know, Vintage as heck, but I would love to get recording with that....
    Anyways, that's about it man..I hope to own The Kemper here pretty soon..don't wanna say when, but I hope to some day soon..thanks again for having me guys and God Bless ya..Barry...

    hi Barry here...Thanks for having me...I don't have the funds to purchase one quite yet, so for now I will be lurking and hopefully making some new friends..and learning all I can about this awesome Profiler..thanks again folks..and God Bless everyone at Kemper and everyone on this Forum...Bear R....