Posts by Trasher

    Hi guys,

    I just tried to update to the new Kemper Profiler OS 7.4.1 2 after inserting the usb stick in my kemper unpowered head I got the error message "Nanoboot; burn from USB'.

    This error message appears each time I switch on the kemper, resetting the system settings did not help either.

    I already contacted support, but maybe someone has an idea or suggestion?

    I don't think it has anything to do with your emg's or an imput volume issue. I had this problem with emg, blackouts & black
    winter's. In the end turning off the spiff didn't solve the issue completely for me. The loud bang's didn't occur anymore, but they were replaced by glitches and a couple of weeks later the unit would stop producing sound. When this first happened I could restart the unit and it would work as normal again. But in the end it would stop producing sound after a couple of minutes playing and I was spending more time restarting the unit over and over again then playing.
    I had to send unit back to the kemper repair centre and it took something like a month before I got it back, after this I had no more problems.

    Hi Guys,

    Looking for new cans to upgrade from my Sony MDR 7506.
    Is the kemper able to drive a 600 ohm headphone or will I be better of with 250 ohm?
    Don't want to buy an additional headphone amp if I decide to go with 600 ohm headphones.

    I'm currently looking at the Beyerdynamics DT880; are these always semi-closed back, since I can't seem to find closed backs?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    So I logged a service ticket as Eltzejupp suggested, thanks for your patience with me Eltzejupp ;-).
    KPA helpdesk gave me some suggestions which I verified as soon as I came home from work.

    They suggested that I had to check if my SPDIF OUT was active, since this creates problems if your interface is not on 44.1 kHz at 24 bit. Of course it was active, and the sound card of my computer was set to 48 kHz at 24 bit :whistling:
    Switched the SPDIF OUT to inactive and to be on the safe side also changed the setting of my sound card to 44.1 kHz at 24 bit.
    Tested all weekend long and did not have anymore loud pops!

    Pretty dumb mistake.....I know, the basic manual also mentions it, I even remember reading it....but since I never ever record something, I read it and forgot it.
    So even if you don't record and don't have any interface like reaper or something installed....remember to also adjust the setting of your sound card, if you don't want to blow the cones out of your speakers!

    Hi Guys,Is it still possible to do a Flash memory erase/update?
    I searched the forum and I only seem to be able to find threads from 2013 and earlier concerning this.
    On Wikpa I found the following info;


    Flash memory erase\updateIf the Profiler’s memory has been messed up by a defective profile\maxed out and the unit doesn’t boot properly any longer, try this ([burkhard]. NOTE: all the rigs will be erased during this procedure):push and hold soft button 1 (top left above display) while switching on the unit into Tuner Mode;keep pushing the button until the Booting Maintenance Mode message appears;in Maintenance mode push Maintenance, Memory, Init Flash, Yes, Ok, and shut down;start Profiler normally, enter your owner name at the end of the welcome sequence, then enter System Menu and push the Factory Rigs button. This will restore the factory rigs.The initialization of the flash memory was only necessary after a bug in 1.0.5 where a memory corruption bug could also mess up the flash memory organization. We've all heard about flash memory failures resulting from too many writes, but the Profiler’s flash can be definitely updated several hundred times. In those cases when a flash memory reset is advisable, and the operation doesn’t bring the expected results, you can try and update it more than once: the firmware flash has several partitions and the update process will try them one after another. Before you do that, turn off the unit by leaving it on and pulling the power cord. Then wait 1 minute. After that, connect the stick, press and hold the Page buttons and turn the unit on.timo

    I would like to try this since I have a loud popping sound when playing random profiles, clean as well as distorted, the pops got louder and louder as time went on, currently the kemper loses my guitar signal after these pops. I have to turn on and of a couple of times before the kemper produces sound again.
    The problem is that I don't understand which soft button that's located top left above the display I should press?Can someone give me a name for this button or screen shot if possible?I tried several buttons, but only seemed to reset the system by doing this, and not erasing the flash memory. Since I accidentally downloaded more than 1000 rigs somewhere last week, and the pops got worse after this, even though I went back to 999 profiles now. I would like to erase the flash memory and delete all rigs and have a fresh start.


    DamianGreda10 hours ago

    Two questions?
    1- Do you connect your output always to the same interface? Did you try to play with headphones output of the KPA) ?
    2- When the Pop occurs do you notice that the output diode is flashing red?

    Thanks for the suggestions Damian!

    1a) I don't connect the unit to an interface, only to rig manager. The studio speakers are connected to the unit with XLR cables.
    1b) Hmmm, that's an interesting idea, I'm a bit hesitant though, since these pops are already very loud on my studio speakers, if they have a comparable volume on my headphones, I think it might damage my ears.
    2) I tent to look at my fretting hand when I play, I will also check this tonight, that is if I will get it running with sound again.

    Could it be possible that this issue has something the do with the fact that I use XLR cables? I play in my "man cave", afterwards I always disconnect the cables and take the kemper back inside the house.
    The fact that I re-connect and dis-connect these XLR cables daily could not damage the unit?


    Eltzejupp5 minutes ago

    At the end i think its not normal. Open a service ticket and make backup file. Maybe the guys from kpa can analyse it with the backup file.

    Thanks for the advice, would that mean opening a thread in "Profiler related issues and trouble shooting help"?


    Back already, unfortunately.

    Just fired up the kemper, reached over to grab my guitar, while doing that the unit already made the loud popping sound again. Please note that at this point my guitar wasn't even connected to the kemper.

    I'm no expert, but I guess this pretty much rules out the possibility that it has anything to do with my guitar whatsoever?
    Nevertheless I connected my guitar to the unit, but it doesn't produces any sound anymore. Checked the tuner, and there's no signal from my guitar when strumming the strings.

    Does anyone have a solution for this problem, or should I return the unit

    Since this is the second time I had this issue with a kemper, I feel a bit uncomfortable to send it back again. They already send me the current kemper I have as a replacement for my previous kemper with which I had the same issue, amongst other issues. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this has anything to do with the unit!

    At this point I'm almost starting to think it might have something to do with myself, but I can;t think of anything that I do that would do harm to the unit?
    I never connected it to a power amp, nor to the loop of an amp, so no chance I might have accidentally screwed up something there? I'm also not the type of guy who starts to flip switches and pushing buttons all over the place on an unit, been there, done that, learnt the lesson the hard way ;)

    Last night I turned on the unit in order to try the suggestions that were made to solve this popping sound issue.
    Guess what, no sound......aaaargh!

    I turned the unit off, waited for 15 min and turned it on again, still nothing, I did notice that the tuner received a signal.
    Everything looked normal, the lights were on (but nobodies home ;-)), I could change settings, change rigs, add eq, stomp boxes etc, but no sound.
    Tried the alternative input on the back and changed guitar cables & switched guitars, but still nothing.

    At this point I started to get visions of myself in the attic looking for my UX2.

    After repeating this process of turning the unit on & off 4 times, It started producing sound again.
    The sound however wasn't as good as usual and also seemed lower in volume, I always have my master volume on 0.1 and rig volume on 50%, amp & cabinet volume both on 0. With these settings the unit did not produce any sound, I had to increase the master volume to 0.4 in order to got some sound out of it, all other settings stayed the same. With the master volume set on 0.4 it still had a lower volume than it had before on 0.1?
    I decided to repeat the process of turning the unit off and on again, but after doing this 3 times, sound quality nor volume improved.

    I decided to do a factory reset, after doing this, the sound quality & volume was back to normal level.
    I lowered the clean sense to minus 5, checked the cab & amp volume which both were on zero and played my Angel of Death/Reign in blood/Dead skin mask medley for a couple of minutes to check if I would have these loud pops again and to get rid of some build up frustration/aggression...
    I didn't have any loud pops, but I only played for about 10 minutes since it was already late & I had to get up early to go to work the next day.
    So it might be a bit early to say the problem is solved, after the weekend I will report back again.

    Thanks for all the replies and suggestions, I really appreciate it.


    There is some Pop when switching on or off (from analog outs) but this is nothing unusual.Good practice in the studio is to turn everything on before you switch your studio monitors , and switch the monitors off before any other equipment.

    Last night I decided to first turn the studio monitors on, and then the kemper. This indeed also creates a popping sound but that's very mild and doesn't sound like it would do any harm to my speakers., The pop I get when I leave the studio monitors on and switch the Kemper of, is signifiatly louder, doesn't sound healthy for my speakers.
    But the popping sound that occurs while playing is the loudest of all.


    I have this popping while i am playing too (only with clean sounds). It realy knocks you out! Solved this problem with different settings:Try to use another cab sim, sometimes it helps. Or, go down with the clean sense. Or, go down with the cab volume. Or, go down with the rig volume. For me its a reaction of to much input level. Albso when i ise a comp in front (sometimes).Or try to use a combination of these tips


    Eltzejupp; sounds like we have the same problem....this popping is so loud and unexpected that it makes your spine shiver. Tonight I am going to try the things you suggested. I would be supprised if it had anything to do with Cab/Rig volume, since these are on modest settings and my master volume is always below 0.3, but I will try it anyway.
    I hope you are right and it's a matter of to much input level, my clean sense is at default and since I use blackouts they might be a little too hot.
    I never messed with the clean sense after read it only was to balance to volume between the clean and high gain rigs, but I will turn it down and see if it helps.


    Popping while playing doesn't sound right at all. I've never experienced that. My initial guess would've been some kind of power spike issue, but I'm not sure if that would affect the Kemper the same way that it would a tube amp, and it seems that @Eltzejupp has also experienced it and has a fix.

    Those were my innitial thoughts to, but I never had these loud popping sounds when I played my analog gear in the excact same room?

    Thanks for the swift reply Damian, I will try a different cable and the alternate input on the backside and report back with my findings.
    I will also try to make a recording of the popping sound that I get when I switch the kemper of while the studio monitors are still on.
    From your reply I can conclude that you don't have any loud popping or strange other sound when switching the kemper of while the monitors or FRFR speakers are still on?

    Hi Guys,

    Second post, fist one was to introduce myself, this one concerns an issue I have with the Kemper and on which I could use some advice from all the smart guys that seem to visit this forum.
    Don't burn me if this issue was already raised by someone else, I did a search, but could only find threats with "popping sound issues" when changing rigs.

    My first question is, when switching the unit off while the studio monitors are still on, I get a pretty loud kind of popping sound, is this normal?In order to avoid it, I always switch the studio monitors of first.

    Secondly, I sometimes also have this more or less same popping sound while playing, happens on both clean(fischers 100) and distorted(Sinmix free jcmKK, Daniel Waldmanns slayer clone tones) profiles. It's really loud and it scares the hell out of me when it happens, it really makes you jump out of your chair, since it happens pretty randomly. It doesn't occur when I chance a profile, just when I'm playing.
    Last night it was so loud, that I lost my signal in the kemper. After the pop occurred and I wanted the continue playing, the unit did not produce any sound anymore. When I switched to the tuner, I noticed there was no signal from the guitar anymore when I strummed the strings?
    When I restarted the unit everything worked again, but still, I want to prevent this from happening again.
    Initially I thought it was caused by the washing machine in the room next door, so I forbid my girlfriend to use it while I played guitar, but this didn't solve the problem. I've also switched guitars, but the problem still occurs, I play blackouts AHB1 on both guitars.
    I would like to find out what causes these loud pops, in order to prevent it from happening since I'm afraid one day my unit will not restart with sound again. Since this is my second Kemper and I already returned one because it didn't produce any sound anymore, it's really freaking me out that I can't seem to find the issue that causes these pops to occur?

    Any help and ideas will be more than welcome!



    Hi All,

    Finally got myself a kemper couple of weeks ago.
    This is my second one, the first one died on me after a couple of days, it did not produce any sound anymore.
    Volume dropped gradually when playing until there was no volume left.
    Fortunately this happened within the warranty period, so the unit was replaced.
    Let's hope I'll have more luck with this one!

    So far I really like the unit, great sounds.
    Frankly I only played Daniel Waldmanns Slayer clone tones at the start, which are great.
    Only thing that was a bit disappointing was the green screamer used as a clean boost in front of a high gain amp, but this has already been discussed extensively so let's not get into that.

