Posts by YusD

    Anyone got a solution ETA?

    played a show this past weekend, found that I had an issue got through it. But got 2 back to back shows this weekend where I cant afford for these functions to not work.

    Is there a way to rollback to an earlier version?


    Im looking to see if there is a way to keep my digitech whammy in my rack, kept on the 2 octaves up setting (no need to change this right now) and use the FCB1010 to control it including the expression parameters. This is because I prefer the digitech sound but dont want to have another pedal and power supply running the the front of the stage.

    Any advice on this would be great, a step by step guide on setting this up would be better :)

    Cheers in advance \m/

    Hey KPA world,

    So here is my very first forum post.

    This request my have already been asked for so I apologise in advance if it has been.
    From time to time I like to have a bit of a clear out of the profiles loaded onto my profiler, not because of running out of space or anything like that, but because I have a bit of an OCD issue with keeping everything organised and labelled / named to my preferences, plus I dont see the point in keeping profiles I never intend to use.

    Anyway, I would like the Rig Manager to be able to delete multiple profiles at a single time, and edit any of the names to something that I prefer. Seems like a pretty simple fix :)


    Yus D