Posts by voidar

    No. The reason why we favour one before the other is because the human ear/brain loves non-linearities (distortions). I.E. This is why people love vinyl above CD's or streaming.

    If the two signals null (OP would have to level- and time-match) to any significant degree, then the outputs are identical in any practical way.

    We observe and measure states because we can not trust our own sensory abilities and to reach an objective consensus about the world we share. This is not magic. The science works.

    I believe the Kemper can do either PRE or POST amplification well, just not both. I could be wrong though.

    Surely it is possible to turn of the AMP + EQ in the STACK while leaving the CAB on.

    Perhaps a LINEAR profile will do the trick, that way one could tweak the AMP parameters (sagging, bias etc.).

    Doing one of those shouldn't be too hard.

    Has anyone done a power amplifier only profile? Power amp tone, absolutely no pre amp tone. Preferably DI.

    I can not seem to find any. The idea is to run the Kemper as a PA + cab simulator for use with external preamps, pedals etc, in the studio. The Kemper will act as the "master volume".

    Examples: Mesa, Marshall or VHT/Fryette. 6L6, EL34, KT88.

    This could surely be done, right? :)

    My first successful attemt at profiling this monster amplifier, and I don't know if my particular rendition of the amp is in need of servicing or is just weird, but I had to use some rather unusual settings to get this to fly with my 7-string in dropped A tuning. So think: "how to get this chain tight without the use of boosts". Expect something different. :)

    I put a Green Scream in there for the extra "forwards", but this is surely tight enough without.

    Uses: Sludge through tech-Death?

    Amp: Mesa Engineering Triple Rectifier Solo Head "Blackface" Revision G (1994 - #003482)
    Cab: Bogner Uberkab 412 (pre 2009) - Celestion V30
    Mic: Audio Technica ATM250DE through Rascal Audio Two-V (500-series)

    Rig name: TRBF-3482 MERGED


    Profile is merged, so it contains discreet direct and cabinet programs.


    Zappledan: He is running the Kemper with an amp and a guitar cabinet and should thus turn off the cab section, as he did.

    eifelpate: Surely a profile should play back identical on every KPA, but commercial rigs are a bit hit or miss; they are after all dialed in to the "profileurs" ears and tastes, on THEIR equipment. They might be highly skilled and profesional live and/or studio-musicians/engineers, but all this under different conditionas than Yours.
    I.e. my tastes I experience are very different to what I find in most available profiles, be it free or commercial. Great for the studio, but maybe not so great for my own enjoyment. Which is why I have started profiling my own rigs.. :)

    So, let us break this down. There ar two issues.

    1. When you say you have tried different speakers, are you talking about in the software or did you try hooking up to something else than your Mesa 1x12 V30? Because the cabinet you use is a HUGE part of the equation. Think of it as a resonant, dynamic and immensely complex equalizer.

    2. The Camplifier could be an issue. One of the pictures on their web-site shows the amp-block with a triode, but it does not say whether it is a tube-design or not. Weird. But if it is then you are dealing with a non-linear design which will impact its own color. 9-25W "clean power" vs. 600W class-D is also in a different league, especially if we are dealing with a non-linear amplifier.

    What you can try right now though with one or more KPA Studio EQs. With the mid-bands and high Q, "hunt" for the fizz by boosting and sweeping the band, then cut and tweak Q to your liking. When things get too dull, compensate with mid, treble and presence. The fizz is probably anywhere between 2KHz and 5KHz, not above that.
    Also remember that a guitar cabinet is very directional, and as pointed out by Zappledan, a V30 drops off at around 5KHz.

    Personally I do not regret buying a powered toaster for myself as I wanted my KPA to be able to act like a normal amp, also I don't have to deal with weird ad hoc connectivities these 3rd-party amps force you to.

    I think I have experienced this. Probably because you should be able to test the profiler rig with effects. And I would not worry about it as the Kemper does the profiling ("UFO-noises"), not your guitar.

    The only part where you could argue the guitar is involved is during the refining process, but this process only analyzes the complexity of the amps' circuit, intermodulation etc. Kemper denies that the guitar imparts any significant signature in this process, and I would worry more about the human element (chords etc.) when refining.

    What I would find usefull though is an UNDO/REDO/STACK-function for the refining process. This way if you are unhappy with the turn-out you can decide not to do it, redo it or do it with multiple guitars or instuments, without having to redo the profiling.

    So, keep your peace of mind :).

    A Weber Power-Mass may do the trick, because it's a speaker`s voice-coil without a Membrane and behaves similar to a real speaker.

    I did this actually, with an older Weber MASS, tapping the slave output of my Triple Rectifier. It does work, but I got different results using my Uberkab as a load. Better, worse? Just different. The profiling process is learning by doing anyway.

    Definitely refine your profile, but make sure you have ample headroom going into the Kemper return.

    I had some problems similar to this which went away one day. I remember attenuating the signal going into the Kemper.

    Kemper will interrupt the profiling if it clips internally during the process, but I don't think it will account for shoddy gain staging.

    Try it :).