Posts by lookitsrich

    I hear much more reverb/delay, on their clip. Like @paults mentioned, try turning them up a bit?

    Are you in position 5 on the Strat, that will undoubtedly brighten it up. Looks like he's using that bridge pup.

    Sounds pretty good though Rich. ;)

    Yep running in what I call position 1 (bridge). I could turn up the effects a bit to compensate for being unaccompanied as that would definitely add some depth and help to gloss over the crappy playing.. I do realize that I'll never be able to match it 100% given all the variables, the videos that they have on their site that talk about the definition control was an epiphany for me and would apply here because I hear some of the glassy character that's missing that would be helped by it.. I really appreciate just having other ears listening and providing me with a sounding board. Hopefully what I'll find is that it's largely "just me" and my ears in this room listening and that others when listening to the same thing here something very similar as to what's on the video. Part of my problem too is that the whole volume thing I can't figure out which means that I hear much much more "acoustic electric" than electric because i can't get the volume loud. I appreciate what you and @paults have helped me with thus far.

    Your clip sounds like it has a little more low end and gain (which could be a difference in guitars or pickup height and type) and perhaps like you are hitting the strings a little bit harder. If you turn your guitar down a bit more, does it sweeten up, and sound more like the clip?

    If his rig contains the same effects as in the demo clip, try turning them up a little bit more - that may be the other thing you are missing. If you like them, copy them to priests, and you can use them with other rigs :)

    Here ya go :) Two new clips with the guitar at different volume levels (7 and 8 respectively). I also more widely varied my attack in several places and snapped the strings a couple of times as well just to get different nuances.

    Volume at 8

    Volume at 7

    If you use a Kemper Factory Rig (or something from a Kemper Rig Pack), it will be a rig that everyone will have to compare to your clip.

    I've uploaded a clip that is a poor rendition of what he does at about 6:38. I'm using the exact same profile, no modifications, into Logic 10.4, new project no modifications, directly bounced to a 320 kbps VBR mp3. I'm using my John Mayer Signature as it looks like he's using the new PRS JM Signature.

    Here's the clip: Super Dark Majik J4 Plus Tone Compare

    He uses the internal FX in the KPA very well in his demos and profiles. That could be what you are missing with other profiles.

    He also uses the volume knob on the guitar - it is not always turned up all the way. You may do this, too - but, I’m mentioning this, in case you don’t.

    What guitars are you using?

    I'm going straight profile to equivalent profile so that should take that out of the "mix" so to speak. I agree that the volume knob, as well as what pickup is being used, has a lot to do with the overall tone. I noticed that on several of the "clips" when he's on a strat he's using position 4 to get that "quack" with a thicker bottom end or position 5.

    As for guitars: 60th anniversary strat, John Mayer signature strat, 52 reissue kona tele, 68 335 with wizz pups, setzer signature 6120, starplayer tv, ronin badmoon, etc. For this particular comparison I'm using one of the two aforementioned strats or the tele. I don't have a jazzmaster, suhr or otherwise. On to making a clip!

    I wish I could claim the title of best guitarist but that's never going to happen haha.

    I don't want to be "that" guy, but... a lot of the tone is in your fingers. Also the guitar you're using vs what they are using in the clip. Sorry, I honestly don't want to sound insulting or condescending, you very well might be the best player on the forum.

    Could you post a clip of what is happening to compare to the TJ clip?

    I have some of those profiles and thought they sounded great. I'm considering buying the whole pack.

    I totally agree that one component of tone is in the fingers. It's also in the plectrum (or lack thereof), the wood, the pups, the cable has an impact (think coiled vs straight), the attack strength, martians (no offense to any martians). You aren't coming across as insulting or condescending, just making sure I'm covering all bases and it's appreciated :).

    I don't know that a clip is going to resolve it although I could certainly do one. Might help point some things out. I'll work on something quick and get it up here.

    Hi All!

    Reasonably long Kemper user here and ardent supporter of the brand as I believe that it does nearly exactly what it says it does; profile an existing amp signal chain and deliver that to you in a repeatable, reliable, and tweakable package. That being said I'm at a complete loss on 1 aspect of the experience...the one sitting in front of my computer while practicing or creating. I hear the youtube videos of profiles that sound great. Great tones that reasonably faithfully reproduce the original...and that's where the problem starts.

    Take this for example:

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    In this video from Tone Junkies they state within the comment section that "Cesar Romero Hey Caesar! None, the audio you are hearing is from the guitar plugged directly into a Kemper running into the Universal Audio Apollo you can see on the desk and into logic. No post eqs or effects are used ever. If you have any of these guitars or similar these are the same tones you can get if almost no effort." I try and try and try and even though I have nearly the exact same gear (e.g. nearly identical guitar and pups -> kemper -> apollo -> logic I NEVER can get the tone that they achieve. Everything, on every profile, comes through my CMS 65s, sounding flat and thin. I play the Youtube clip through those same speakers and wow it sounds great. I play my actual guitar through the above signal chain and it sounds like a cheap facsimile of the profile. That's why the comment gets me. How is it possible if there is nothing being done to the profile on their or anyone else's end (no eq'ing, no added effects, no added compression, no mastering) that the clips sound great and the same profile played through nearly identical gear sounds...sad in person. I've tried mucking around with the definition, the clean and distortion sens, the output values, pure cab, etc all to no avail. Further, and I understand that this is most likely a case of mastering, the youtube videos and sound clips are ALWAYS louder than I can dream of getting the Kemper to be. I need to turn my Apollo up to >75% of max volume to get close to the same level of volume from a simple youtube video.

    I realize that these problems are because of my own errors somewhere, I just have no idea where. I'm not expecting the "amp in the room sound" whatsoever because I know that a) that's not what you're hearing on any record and b) it's not what the kemper does but I am expecting to be able to readily replicate the tone that I hear from a youtube video. I have a reasonably extensive collection of guitars to match nearly anything anyone puts out there. I also understand that picking dynamics contribute to the tone but that doesn't account for the "flat and thinness" of the profiles living on my system.

    Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated. My tone is good now...I just want it to be great and I know the Kemper is capable of delivering it. I just need the help on my end to make it happen.

    Thanks so much for reading this missive and I look forward to any and all suggestions, and yes flames for being a moron.

    P.S. - I'm not calling out Tone Junkies whatsoever. I'm sure they're doing exactly what they say they are doing and I love their profiles. I just want to be able to sound reasonably close to what I hear when I buy the profile.

    Aren't these just studio monitor speakers? And I think you can see a toaster at the lower left side of the left table.
    But there is an acoustic guitar so I think new acoustic profiles are a good guess

    Perhaps something like the Fishman Aura Spectrum for electric acoustic?

    If the tones produced are anything like the professionalism and responsiveness that you just demonstrated (by sending me the .zip file ~10 minutes after I paid for it on PP) some of these profiles are going to become staples live and in studio. Thank you for your dedication and if time would pass just a bit quicker so work would end and I could get to what I really enjoy!

    I like trying to be clever...and I fail most of the time.

    Mine is my first name - Rich preceded by either an exclamation of excitement or dismay as in Look! It's Rich! or Look, It's Rich :S:/

    Avatar is of my one and only guitar made specifically for me, a Ronin Badmoon. And yes, the stories of Ronin's amazing tone and playability are not fake news :)

    Just piling on at this point but I've noticed it consistently on all rigs that have a tempo based delay. It doesn't bother me because I never use my kemper as an indicator of tapped or preset tempo but I can see where it would bother people who need/use it. If someone needs a video of it, I'd be more than happy to create one.

    $1,900 for a foot controller. It had better also do things that are not legal in most countries that can't be discussed here.....Really, that much?

    Unfortunately yes. I did a ton of research and looked at as many out there (liquid, voodoo, etc) as I could find. Boutique, home-made, one-offs, mass produced (like the FCB and FC 100-300) and couldn't find anything that could really compete, at least with my criteria. I looked at it like this: I've spent thousands on pedals and power supplies and boards. With this I can do what I need to do much like I did with my pedal boards and spend a fraction (a sizable fraction, but a fraction) of the price of my main current analog board and no matter where I travel it's far easier to haul. Large gig, small gig, recording...1 board to rule them all.

    But still...even with all of that...I still look at myself in the mirror and say you paid what for that??!?!?! Seriously?!?!?