Posts by 3DogNate

    I press two buttons all the time... I have my X setup as a Volume boost... and is located beside my delay button. I frequently press those two simultaneously to engage both delay and volume boost, No problems at all.

    Good luck with getting it taken care of. Hope it happens soon!!

    Yeah me too... My friend Mark just checked his KPA Rack and his doesn't behave like mine either. His cables stay in just fine. and other than plugging in a CAT5 cable to test fit my patch panel nothing else has been plugged in there... and that connection behaves the same... I just didn't realize that I had a problem until I had the remote on hand yesterday and saw that connectivity would fail.

    Ok, so just for some troubleshooting:
    Does the connector grip another CAT5 cable correctly?
    If not, I'd contact support.
    If yes, try to bend the plastic lid on the original cable GENTLY outward.
    Sometime these lids are bent inward just a tad too much to keep the grip.

    In general, I feel that on the Profiler itself they should have used the same connector as on the Remote in the first place to avoid problems like these.

    No, i tried several other CAT5 cables and they all behave the same... cheaper cables just get pushed out under the pressure of the wire contact in the jack immediately... The kemper supplied cable does the same thing albeit a little slower due to the firmer fit. It's not that the tab isn't bent enough... in the video you can certainly hear it click into place... its that there is nothing in the jack to grip the wide part of the tab.

    I did indeed open a support ticket.

    Well that's a first for me. Same here as far as background doing networking and I have never seen a jack that didn't hold a cable properly. You should just contact support, it's probably a defect in the jack if no cables work in it.

    Definitely the Jack.. the Remote cable and all my other cables click and stay in place in other devices (Router, Laptop, NIC Cards,MAC Mini, etc...)

    It's a real bummer to wait since April to get a Remote and now can't reliably use it... (I would have to tape it in place for a gig, it's that unreliable...) I'll have to use my FCB1010 at a gig if Kemper doesn't sort it out before my next show.

    So I received my remote today. However this being the first time I've used the "Network" jack on the back of my KPA Rack that the Remote cable doesn't want to stay connected well. When inserted it clicks into place and (I used to pull cable/cut-strip-crimp and wire network closets in industrial environements... I'm oh so intimate with how an RJ45 Cable functions... so don't go too basic on me right off... ;) ) But the Cable clicks into place and the retaining tab won't keep the connector from sliding out almost half-way out and breaks connection....

    it is not a solid connection and with me using a tilting stand the cable will break connection under its own weight. All Cat5 cables I have on hand I've tried and none engage properly in the KPA Network jack like they do in my other devices.

    Here's a photo and a link to a video clip to demonstrate the issue
    [Blocked Image:]
    [Blocked Image:…zpsyinqlsqn.jpg]

    ...that the most active thread in the entire forum is about a Line 6 product ...isn't it?


    Why is it a shame? I'm sure that Cliff at fractal and Chad Kemper are even impressed at how bold of a product move it was on L6's behalf, The feature set is just ridiculous and for sure there are things in there they wish they had thought of... No need to be all weird about it, If it sounds as good as it's presentation and feature sets are designed then Good on Line 6... If it doesn't then that's okay too... The proof will be in the tones. Regardless there's tons to learn from it.... from product design, to marketing, to product rollout (ahem)...

    The shop clearly states 105 business days / Werktage .. so that's 5 months in fact.

    That's a LOOOOONG time to wait...

    That puts my April 22nd remote order out into Sept. (September!! I tell you!) That might be pushing my patience a bit... L6 Helix will be available for "Actual" purchase... Fractal AX8 will be rearing it's head... If those are available for purchase before I can get a Foot controller... That's a problem a that's on Kemper.

    Is Chad K. happy with the way the Remote rollout is going? I can't imagine that he is... is the project manager in weekly alert meetings for status and explanations? Where I work this would NEVER fly without heads rolling. We would have planned to meet initial and on-going demands out the door... even if it meant delayed announcements and initial rollout. But putting something on the street without being able to meet demand... execs would have the project team in a war room solving the problem near 24/7 until a solution was worked out.

    So... What's the latest? Production still moving along? Are we below 105 days eta? Just trying to gauge where my April 22nd based order might be I the scheme of things.... As I approach at least crossed the mid way point...

    People buying bundles with remotes and enjoying them while I continue to wait is less than fun. (As a lot of you already know)

    yours impatiently