Posts by Planezero

    I was thankful for your honest review .. and even happier with their commitment to updating the unit.
    Agreed I dont see another option than midi .. going through midi means buying another usb to midi interface and probably sending the DSP module to the States (from Europe for me) initially to update the software for the new updation method ..
    The updates will have to be killer for me to go to all that trouble ... We'll see ..

    I did ask ISP about the Theta Pro's updateability yesterday and got the following reply :
    "Hi Berry, We are working on an upgrade now that will allow future software updates via the internet but until this is ready the only way to update the software is by either sending ISP the entire unit or the internal DSP card."

    So work in progress, until then I'll enjoy what it has to offer without the updates..
    and I'll mod my own on/off switch onto it ^^

    Maybe some good news for some about the chorus ...

    I too was really impressed by the Theta Pro's chorus effect, but as a Kemper owner am really only interested in just the chorus rather than the whole unit.
    I emailed ISP asking if their current chorus offering, the "Impression" pedal happened to have exactly the same chorus effect as there are literally 0 good demos of the chorus in the Impression unit on the web.

    Got the following reply from ISP:
    "The Impression pedal is based on a 16 bit Texas Instruments DSP and the THETA PRO DSP is using a 32 bit floating point SHARC processor so the actual code is completely different. The chorus in the Impression is a 2 voice chorus and is not the same as the 4 voice chorus in the THETA PRO DSP. We continue to get raves about the sound of the effects in the THETA PRO DSP, especially the chorus. As a result, we are looking at offering a new effects processor based on the effects and DSP in the THETA PRO DSP but this won't be available for a number of months."

    As for me , I couldnt wait and sniped the only used Theta Pro unit off of E-bay 8)
    I mean come on, that chorus is mouthwatering ..

    I'm not an expert on this, but my understanding is that using s/pdif will not give you a 100% digital representation because of clock issues inherent with the way digital information is transmitted over s/pdif unless you have very expensive gear. Transferring data over USB will not have this issue and should give you a 100% digital reproduction.
    And again, if the Line6 POD can do it, why on earth can't Kemper ?
    Can't be that difficult - ASIO is pretty much standard..


    Currently the #1 most requested feature (now that the looper is already available):…-be-added-next/

    Sad that Kemper won't make it happen.

    Thanks for pointing me to that poll !
    Guess what my vote was :whistling:

    Now wired my Kemper into the return loop of my POD and connected to the DAW with POD's USB .. far from ideal, but at least I can now record stuff without breaking the bank ..


    I very recently bought my Kemper as a replacement for a POD-HD500X.
    My POD could plug in straight into my PC/laptop using USB for recording into my DAW (Presonus Studio).
    Hoping to use the Kemper in the same way - searching on this forum I could find a thread here suggesting to use S/PDIF or the analogue outputs..

    Using S/PDIF requires the purchase of another interface, so does using the analogue outputs unnecessarily introducing two extra conversions (D/A & A/D).

    Forgive me if this has been requested/answered before, but will the Kemper ever support recording through USB into a DAW ?
    Surely if my POD can do this - the Kemper should be able to !! ;(
